Psalms  ◦   Chapter 62

1My inmost self finds rest only in God;
my healing and restoration come from him.

2He alone defends and heals me;
he is my remedy, so I will not be destroyed.

3How long will all of you verbally attack me?
Will you go beyond words and try to kill me —
to knock me over like a tottering fence or leaning wall?

4Your goal is to tear me down,
to knock me off my place of esteem;
you love to lie.
You speak friendly words to my face
but curse me in your hearts.

5My inmost self finds rest only in God;
my confidence comes from him.

6He alone defends and heals me;
he is my remedy, so I will not be destroyed.

7God recreates and exalts me;
He is my strong foundation, my safe harbor.

8O people, trust God always
and pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our safe haven.

9Children of selfishness are only an expiring breath;
selfish people are untrustworthy liars.
When weighed on the scales of life, they have no health;
they have nothing beneficial to offer.

10Do not seek security in extortion;
do not hope to excel by robbery.
If you do become rich,
do not place your heart’s peace in your wealth.

11One thing God has spoken plainly
(and I have heard it many times),
that all life, health and strength come from God,

12and that God is love.
Every person will receive from God
what they have chosen for themselves.