Psalms  ◦   Chapter 42

1As the deer longs for the refreshing streams,
so my heart longs for you, O God.

2My entire being thirsts for God — the life-giving God.
When will I be restored to live in his presence?

3Day and night
I cry so hard I cannot eat;
all the while my enemies taunt me,
"Where is your God?"

4These are things I remember
as my life drains away:
on account of the multitude,
I went to the house of God
with rejoicing and thanksgiving
and the sound of great celebration.

5Then why is my heart breaking?
Why is the pain so overwhelming?
But I will put my hope in God,
and I will yet praise him —
my deliverer and my God.

6Yet, my heart is breaking with overwhelming grief;
so I will remember your goodness and trustworthiness
while suffering — in the region of the Jordan,
in the region of Mount Hermon, and from the small hill.

7Deep waves of grief call forth deeper waves of sorrow
washing over me in a crushing roar;
surging waves of heartache and drowning tides of despair
sweep over me.

8The Lord constantly loves me,
and his song is within my heart —
an ode to the Creator God — the source of life.

9I say to God, my foundation for life,
"How long will you hold back?
How long will the darkness last —
the oppression of the enemy?"

10The rejection and taunts of my enemies
pierce me to the bone.
They constantly mock me, saying,
"Where is your God?"

11Why is my heart breaking?
Why is the pain so overwhelming?
I will put my hope in God,
and I will yet praise him —
my deliverer and my God.