Reasonable Recipes

Reasonable Recipes

Leslie Cecere, of  Port St. Lucie, Florida, presents you with her amazing culinary art in the realm of vegan food preparation. She shared one of her exquisite and delicious recipes (we’re not kidding or exaggerating) each week for over a year, starting in Jan. 2011. She also provides advice and tips on healthful living.

Creamy Tahini Dip
June 27, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

I make a batch of this as a dressing almost every week.  Raw cashews give it dairy free creaminess. When making as a dip, note that it will thicken after refrigeration. The dip also makes a great sandwich spread.

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Scrambled Tofu
June 20, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

When I tasted this dish at a brunch last year, I knew I wanted the recipe.  I got it, tucked it away and never made it.  Recently, Mom mentioned that she was craving eggs.  Wanting to satisfy her craving with a plant-based alternative, I made the scrambled tofu.  It was even better than I remembered,

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Red Lentil Curry
June 13, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

Lentils are a great source of protein. They need no pre-soaking and cook much more quickly than other dried legumes.  Red lentils are one of the most common types of lentil. They are a lovely salmon pink color, but turn golden when cooked. If you are unable to find red lentils, you can substitute yellow

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Flourless Carob Cake
June 6, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

I was at a raw food class sponsored by our local health food store, the first time I tasted this cake.  I could not believe my taste buds!  It was like eating a warm frosted brownie, fresh out of the oven!

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Almost Tuna
May 30, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

Alfalfa sprouts contain every essential amino acid.  They provide a good source of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, carotenes, chlorophyll, folic acid, and phytoestrogens.  They’re easily digested and they alkalize and detoxify the body. All very good reasons to eat more sprouts! Add them to salads, stir-fry with veggies, blend them into smoothies, stir into soups

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Golden Mushroom Soup
May 23, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

As a child, my introduction to cream of mushroom soup was the Campbell’s condensed variety. I would eat it over brown rice for a quick meal. Yum!  Older and wiser now, and seeking to avoid the high sodium, high fat and MSG found in my favorite canned soup, I was delighted to find this delicious,

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Coconut Green Beans
May 16, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

Coconut was never my favorite.  If a recipe called for coconut, I would just leave it out. Then I met my Handsome Husband.  He loves coconut! In my heart’s desire to please him, I started adding a little coconut, then a little more.  Now I’ve grown to love it!  It’s especially tasty in this simple

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Heidi’s Portabello Mushrooms
May 9, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

In the summer of 2008, I went “Raw” for 65 days, eating nothing but uncooked, unheated vegan food.  During this exciting adventure, my dear friend Heidi shared this recipe with me.  I’ve made it often and even those who dislike mushrooms enjoy it.  The original recipe didn’t include any measurements so, after some experimenting, I

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Triple Grain Salad
May 2, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

A refreshing way to add more whole grains to your diet this summer. If you’re gluten sensitive, eliminate the bulgur and increase the millet and quinoa by 1/4 cup each.

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Blueberry Pie
April 25, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

Finally! Blueberry season is here! (May through October) Whenever I’m asked to bring dessert, I take special pleasure in preparing and sharing this one.  Everyone loves it, wants to know how to make it and they’re amazed when I tell them there are only 4 ingredients! (I never add in the honey, it’s sweet enough

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April 18, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

Cereal is America’s most popular breakfast food.  Unfortunately, most boxed cereals are made from refined flour and sugar and have little nutritional value.  The nuts, seeds and dried fruit in this granola make it incredibly flavorful.  I serve this with homemade almond milk, but you may substitute rice milk or soy milk.

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Mashed Potatoes with Cabbage
April 11, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

For this classic Irish dish, tender, cooked cabbage is stirred into creamy mashed potatoes. A simple and delicious vegan side dish.

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