Publications You Can Print
Codependency: What It Is – And How to Break Free
If you’ve ever felt trapped in a cycle of seeking approval from others to feel whole, “Codependency: What It Is — And How to Break Free” is your essential guide to understanding and overcoming these destructive patterns.
The Lie that Deceived Angels, Infects Christianity, and Delays the Second Coming of Christ
Have you heard sermons suggesting one reason or another yet been left unsatisfied with the answer? Then we invite you to read our newest magazine, The Lie that Deceived Angels, Infects Christianity, and Delays the Second Coming of Christ.
The Book of Job and the Last Days: A Cosmic Overview
Timothy Jennings, M.D., and Come And Reason Ministries have created a timely, new resource that explores the book of Job in an inspiring new light, revealing why it matters more than ever in these last days—and how it can prepare you for Christ’s return!
Critical Race Theory: Exposing the Lies While Advancing the Gospel
Have you been concerned about the influx of Critical Race Theory (CRT), not only into society at large, but also into Christianity? Then you may find this beautifully illustrated magazine to be a helpful resource.
The Wedding of Christ to His Bride
When you think of marriage, what thoughts come to mind? Love, commitment, endurance, partnership? The Bible says that at the end of time, Christ will marry His bride, signifying the everlasting commitment He makes to His people and they make to Him.
Unmasking The Beasts of Revelation 13 & 17
Has reading the book of Revelation left you with more questions than answers? Have you ever wondered how the last book of the Bible is relevant in this age of world history? Then we have great news for you!
The Final Message of Mercy to the World: The Three Angels
Never have we seen such rapid, seismic changes happening in society! That’s why it is our burden at Come and Reason to share God’s final message of love and mercy to a lost world quickly and effectively—and we believe The Final Message of Mercy to the World will help do just that.
Tract #10: Loneliness – It’s Cause and Cure
Have you ever struggled with deep feelings of loneliness? Such emotion can be so intense, so uncomfortable, that it becomes intolerable, spurring people to take all kinds of actions to make the feelings go away.
Tract #9: Knowing God’s Will
Many of the decisions we make day to day have no specific direction from God’s Word. It seems like the choice is left to us, yet we don’t want to squander God’s blessings; we don’t want to dishonor Him; we want to be good stewards because we love Him.
Tract #8: The Injustice of Human Justice
But how is it possible to feel love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control when you’ve experienced an injustice? Weren’t we made to seek out justice, violently if necessary?
Tract #7: How to Disagree and Remain Friends
In today’s politically charged culture, when saying the wrong thing at the wrong time can get you booted off social media platforms and uninvited to social events, it can be a challenge to maintain friendships and still feel the freedom to express your views.
Tract #6: Babylon, The Mother of Harlots
In the Bible, Babylon, a historical empire ruled by King Nebuchadnezzar, is used as a symbol of Satan’s kingdom today…
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