Reasonable Recipes

Reasonable Recipes

Leslie Cecere, of  Port St. Lucie, Florida, presents you with her amazing culinary art in the realm of vegan food preparation. She shared one of her exquisite and delicious recipes (we’re not kidding or exaggerating) each week for over a year, starting in Jan. 2011. She also provides advice and tips on healthful living.

Perfect Pancakes
December 26, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

The vegan pancakes I’ve tried in the past have been too dense for my taste.  Sometimes even rubbery, but these pancakes turn out light and fluffy every time.  Serve them with the traditional pure maple syrup or top with raspberry jam and walnuts.

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Sweet Potato Casserole
December 19, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

Sweet potatoes are loaded with vitamin A, a great source of manganese, vitamin B-6, potassium, iron and copper. They have more fiber and protein than a white potato and they have a very low glycemic index. Try them in this no-bake version of a traditional holiday favorite. It’s sure to make your taste buds sing.

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Tofu Tacos
December 12, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

Firm tofu makes a quick and delicious taco filling.  I also love to spoon it over heated corn chips or you can create your own taco salad. Don’t forget to pile on the fresh toppings!

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Living Lasagna
December 5, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

This is what I call a “Special Occasion” recipe.  It’s made up of 5 simple recipes that are layered with zucchini “noodles” to create an amazing adventure for your taste buds!  Soak the nuts and sun-dried tomatoes and prepare the Spinach layer first.  These will be ready in 1 hour, then you’ll be ready to

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Cucumber Dressing
November 28, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

A mild and creamy dressing, equally delightful on greens or fruit salads.  Feel free to play with the sweet/sour balance by adjusting the amount of lemon or honey.  I prefer it lemony.  This will freeze well for up to 3 months.  Try pouring batches into small Ziploc bags.  They will defrost quickly in a bowl

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Festive Cranberry Sauce
November 21, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

Try this simple, fresh recipe and you’ll never eat cranberry sauce out of a can again!  Happy Thanksgiving!

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Apple Crumb Cake
November 14, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

The first time I ate this moist and scrumptious no-bake cake, I loved it so much I made it for Thanksgiving dinner that year.  You can prepare the Crumble Topping in advance to save time. Although, it really whips up fairly quickly.  I dried apples in my dehydrator but you can also purchase them at

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Mock Salmon Pate
November 7, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

Please don’t let the name mock salmon discourage you from trying this recipe!  The only resemblance it has to salmon is the pretty pink color.  This pate is simple to prepare and very filling.  It’s so good served on top of a salad but my very favorite way to eat it is with raw crunchy

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Cauliflower Salad
October 31, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

Cauliflower is low in fat and carbs.  It’s an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, folate and fiber. A very good source of vitamin B5, vitamin B6, omega-3 fatty acids, and manganese and other really good stuff!  To cut cauliflower, first remove the outer leaves and then slice the florets at the base where

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Corn Chowder
October 24, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

I love soup!  It’s my favorite comfort food.  This makes a satisfying fall soup you can enjoy with hearty whole grain bread, a sandwich, or a big green salad.

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October 17, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

Samfaina (sam-FINE-nah)is a mixture of onions, garlic, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes and zucchini.  It makes a filling vegetarian meal all by itself, but the versatile samfaina, can be added to a tortilla, served as a side dish or enjoyed over grilled bread.  A delicious, healthy, easy to prepare meal.

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Sprout Drink
October 10, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

A scrumptious way to enjoy life-generating, cell renewing sprouts!

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