Reasonable Recipes

Reasonable Recipes

Leslie Cecere, of  Port St. Lucie, Florida, presents you with her amazing culinary art in the realm of vegan food preparation. She shared one of her exquisite and delicious recipes (we’re not kidding or exaggerating) each week for over a year, starting in Jan. 2011. She also provides advice and tips on healthful living.

Minestrone Soup
April 4, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

This famous vegetable and pasta soup from Italy can be made in many different ways.  I’ve made this simple but delicious recipe for years. I never get tired of it!  Feel free to switch out any of the vegetables for whatever you may have on hand.  I love to include zucchini or cabbage or green

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Kale Salad
March 28, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

When I first made this salad, eating raw kale didn’t sound very appealing to me.  But, Wow! It was so delicious and surprisingly satisfying. I especially love to serve it to those who tell me “I don’t like kale!”  They love it every time.  Even our friend’s daughter (8 years old) asks for more and

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Curry Chick Peas w/Spinach
March 21, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

Many people I know feel comfortable experimenting with Mexican, Italian, or Chinese food, but not so when it comes to Indian food. If you have yet to explore Indian cuisine, I hope this creamy, flavorful and filling recipe inspires you to do so. The curry and sambar will add a little heat along with their

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Live Fries
March 14, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

I tasted JICAMA (Hee-kuh-muh) for the first time while enjoying a big salad at Sweet Tomatoes, a soup and salad buffet.  The crunchy, slightly sweet texture is like a cross between a potato and a super crispy apple. It can be cut into cubes, sticks, rounds or shredded and it doesn’t discolor when exposed to

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Raspberry Scottish Shortbread
March 7, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

I’ve always loved baking, but my favorite recipes called for lots of white flour, butter, eggs, and sugar.  These oat bars are a tasty treat on the healthier side.  They’re called shortbread but the texture is more like a soft granola bar. Easy to make and yummy!

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Zucchini Pasta with Marinara Sauce
February 28, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

If you love pasta but are looking for ways to cut back on refined carbohydrates, give this recipe a try. The “noodles” are made by thinly slicing raw zucchini into long strips. The easiest way to make raw zucchini noodles is to use a spiral slicer, sometimes called a “spiralizer,” but a vegetable peeler will

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Split Pea Soup
February 21, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

Split Pea Soup is part of the cuisine of many cultures.  It is most often prepared with ham hocks, sausage or bacon.  This extraordinary vegetarian version contains no added fat, no cholesterol and the flavor is fantastic!  It’s easy to make on the stove or in a slow cooker.

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Huevoless Rancheros
February 14, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

When people go vegetarian or vegan, they’re bound to discover tofu. My first attempts at cooking with tofu were not exactly successful. It always came out bland and squishy or kind of rubbery. Needless to say, I wasn’t a very big fan.  But, I kept experimenting and my persistence paid off.  This is one of

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Quinoa Porridge
January 31, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

Are you familiar with Quinoa (keen-wa)?  This tiny little seed is packed with nutrition.  It provides all eight of the essential amino acids, making it an unusually complete protein source among plant foods.  It is gluten-free and easy to digest.  Quinoa has a mild nutty flavor and a fluffy texture.  Cook it like rice and

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Carob Shake
January 24, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

My love for (or should I say ‘my addiction to’) chocolate began in the womb!  Mom was beyond nauseous during her entire pregnancy with me. Dairy Queen chocolate milkshakes brought her great relief. So…. she (or should I say ‘we’) consumed one daily!  Oh, what creamy comfort! When I made the decision to cut out

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Living Caesar Dressing
January 17, 2011 Reasonable Recipes admin

While planning an Italian themed, vegan potluck, I was on the hunt for an authentic tasting recipe for Caesar Salad Dressing.  I discovered this one in Dreena Burton’s “Eat, Drink & Be Vegan: Everyday Vegan Recipes Worth Celebrating.”  It is amazing! This recipe makes enough dressing for one large head of romaine.

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