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Polski (Polish)

  • Dlaczego prawo wymaga życia grzesznika?

    Dlaczego prawo wymaga życia grzesznika?


    Jak rozszyfrować tego rodzaju cytaty? Jak można to wyrazić innymi słowami? „W Dniu Pojednania najwyższy kapłan … wchodził do miejsca najświętszego z krwią i kropił ubłagalnię, nad tablicami prawa Bożego. W ten sposób wymogi prawa, które żądało życia grzesznika, były zaspokojone.” (E.G. White, Patriarchowie i prorocy, r.30 {PP 260.4})




    Czy kiedykolwiek zastanawialiście się, jak Bóg miłości mógłby spalić Jego dzieci w męczącym ogniu? Jak rozumiemy Bożą miłość i wieczny ogień?

  • Dlaczego Jezus Musiał Umrzeć, By Bóg Mógł Mnie Uleczyć?

    Dlaczego Jezus Musiał Umrzeć, By Bóg Mógł Mnie Uleczyć?


    Jeśli grzech jest stanem, który wytrąca rasę ludzką z harmonii z Bożym prawem miłości, to nie rozumiem, dlaczego Jezus musiał umrzeć, abym ja mógł mieć życie wieczne. Czy po przyjęciu […]

  • Ludzka Natura Chrystusa

    Ludzka Natura Chrystusa


    Nigdy nie potrafiłam wytłumaczyć, dlaczego Chrystus musiał umrzeć. Różne podawane przyczyny wydawały mi się bezsensowne: zapłata za grzech, zastępstwo, czy jakiekolwiek inne powody nigdy nie zadowalały mojego intelektu.

  • Przebaczenie: jak je rozumieć?

    Przebaczenie: jak je rozumieć?


    Mam kwestię, która sprawia mi wiele problemów. Czym dokładnie jest ‚przebaczenie’? Czytałem wiele o tym, czym ono nie jest. Mam Pana książkę, DVD i płyty CD. Przeczytałem, obejrzałem oraz wysłuchałem ich wiele razy i wciąż mam kłopot z tym pojęciem.

  • Kto niszczy duszę?

    Kto niszczy duszę?


    Proszę o komentarz na temat wersetu w Ewangelii Mateusza 10:28. Niektóre tłumaczenia Biblii faktycznie mówią, że należy bać się Boga który może zniszczyć duszę i ciało w piekle. Czy Bóg jest tym, którego […]

  • Czy chrześcijanie ‘nadal grzeszą’?

    Czy chrześcijanie ‘nadal grzeszą’?


    Moje pytanie dotyczy „grzeszenia”. Jan mówi: „Każdy … kto w nim trwa, nie grzeszy (czasownik aktywny). Każdy, kto grzeszy (czasownik aktywny), nie widział go ani go nie poznał.”. Czy to oznacza, […]

  • Pewność zbawienia

    Pewność zbawienia


    Moje pytanie dotyczy pewności zbawienia. Opierając się na Waszym modelu zbawienia –  w przeciwieństwie do powszechnego lub tradycyjnego poglądu na zbawienie będącego aktem prawnym – KIEDY można otrzymać pewność zbawienia?

  • Gniew Ojca, Zastępca i pojednanie

    Gniew Ojca, Zastępca i pojednanie


    Nie wiem, jak zrozumieć następującą wypowiedź: „Majestat nieba, z miłości i litości nad upadłym człowiekiem zaoferował, że stanie się jego zastępcą i poręczycielem; poniesie winę człowieka; weźmie na siebie gniew Ojca, który w innym przypadku spadłby na człowieka z powodu jego nieposłuszeństwa.

  • Chrystus – nasz Zastępca

    Chrystus – nasz Zastępca


    Czy mógłbym otrzymać obszerniejszą odpowiedź na pytanie: „W jaki sposób Jezus stał się naszym ‘zastępcą’?”

  • Czy Grzech Zanieczyszcza Świątynię? (Część 2)

    Czy Grzech Zanieczyszcza Świątynię? (Część 2)


    W tym blogu kontynuować będziemy temat dyskutowany w poprzednim tygodniu i spróbujemy wyjaśnić pozostałe pytania z poniższego listu. Doktorze Jennings, Zacząłem czytać Pana artykuł Kwestia śmierci Chrystusa (część 2), który bardzo mnie zainteresował, […]

  • Czy Grzech Zanieczyszcza Świątynię? (Część 1)

    Czy Grzech Zanieczyszcza Świątynię? (Część 1)


    Kiedy ktoś przynosił baranka do świątyni i wyznawał swoje grzechy na głowę zwierzęcia, czy te grzechy nie były przenoszone bezpośrednio do świątyni? I czy Jan Chrzciciel nie powiedział, „oto Baranek Boży, który gładzi grzechy świata”?

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Testimonial Post Slider

Testimony 19

I truly believe that to know who God really is the first step to understand ourselves in a balanced and kind way, so the healing can take place. Your approach really makes sense – Thank you for your ministry!

A.M., Pittsburg, PA, USA

Testimony 59

I’m a native Ghanan, but am currently in France for my master’s degree. Prior to this, during my final years at undergraduate studies in Ghana, I was introduced to your ministry and I’ve been immensely blessed by what you share, especially about the Design and Imposed Laws. God richly bless you for that.

One of the first things I did when I arrived in France was to buy all four of your books. They not only helped me, but those I shared them with. I shared the message with an atheist student and I marveled at how God worked mightily in his life. Today this person shares the Love of God with others and debunks theories of who God is not. I want to share what you present in your “Heavenly Sanctuary and Investigative Judgment” pamphlet, because the message brought rest to my soul and I live today as a healthy person.

God bless you so much and your ministry.

Michael A., Ghana


Testimony 8

Thank you for the ministry you are sharing with us, it is a real blessing to us and especially to my husband and myself! You are encouraging us to think for ourselves and not just to except everything, without thinking it through, with God’s word!



Testimony 27

Your teachings about our heavenly Father have changed my life. Thank you sooooooo very very much! I know He’s doing some serious healing in my heart and life and I look forward to each new day to learn something new about Him and to just hear you speak about Him. Thank you, forever.

Nancy S.


Testimony 53

I was so blessed by a friend who gave me your book, “The God Shaped Brain,” while I was sitting in church asking God to please help me learn more about Him and help me not to be so confused and scared. That was about 2 years ago. Your books have helped me to love God even more. I’m not confused or scared anymore! I have listened to all of your bible study classes and feel like I know the wonderful people that attend every week. Thank you for all that you’re doing in spreading the true message about God and His law of love. God bless you and your whole class.

Elssy P., Modesto, CA, USA


Testimony 22

I have found your Bible study class lectures to be very inspiring and useful as I prepare to teach class every other week. I subscribe to the podcast and download your notes on the weeks I teach. The audio and notes are such a great help in preparing. My own understanding of God’s character has grown as I teach the class. Commendations on the thought-provoking and well-prepared material Come and Reason provides. Personally, I get excited by the tie you make between the spiritual and mental/physical domains.

A.A. Corrales, NM, USA


Testimony 10

I personally download and listen to each of Come And Reason Ministries Bible study class lessons and PDF study notes to use when teaching my class. Really appreciate the class especially when Dr. Jennings is teaching. Thank God there are persons like him doing His work and traveling to share His beliefs.

B. L.M., North Plains, OR, USA


Testimony 62

I would like to express my thanks to the C&R team for creating a platform from which people can learn to trust in God and grow. My life is a witness to the effectiveness of this ministry. Without believing the truth about God as you have shown, I don’t know what my life would be like. I had given up on God helping me with certain sins – it was all useless. Given that the scripture is clear and God is so good, how could I have betrayed him so many times? I was a yo-yo christian; spinning up and down. My faith and enthusiasm was driven by discoveries/threats that prophecy is about to be fulfilled. But when I watched your “Healing the Mind” seminar, it was like a light finally went on. I could see God had no plan to hurt me, the danger came from sin, and that He is working to protect me and strengthen me. Thank you for allowing God to use you. The message God gave C&R saved my life!

Antony N. – Hobart, Australia


Testimony 69

After reading your book, ‘Could It Be This Simple,’ someone was explaining Christianity in a way that made sense to me for the first time in my life. One morning, I simply prayed “I’m sorry and I love you.” As soon as I silently said that, I could literally feel God’s presence and light flood down on me from above and fill me up with love and joy. I sat there crying my eyes out, because I was so overpowered with this feeling of love and joy. It was just so incredible. I hope that more people can read this book and get a blessing from it. It’s really amazing.

Rachael H.

Testimony 72

I am blown away by the truth that you present. God’s Design Law makes so much sense! You have validated my impression that, if God is love, He would not kill those who don’t want to know him. If God gives us choice, then how can He destroy us if our choice is not to follow him. Thank you for opening my eyes and heart to the pure love of God seen through Jesus. The love I now have for Jesus is deeper and free from condemnation. My heart has been opened to love others as Jesus loves me. May God continue to bless your God-given insight into His word and your ministry. The truth has set me free!

H. Miller, Centereach, NY

Testimony 65

I have been tuning into your weekly study classes for a while now and wanted express my appreciation for the teachings that ha been a huge blessing in opening up the true message of the word. Viewing scripture under an imposed law theory always, without fail, raised more questions, concerns, and conflicting scripture interpretations that were discouraging at the very least. Looking at scripture through the design law lens has brought more truth to light for me personally and an understanding of our Heavenly Father that places Him “above all others,” where I am now more than thrilled to witness and serve Him.  I “stumbled” across this ministry a year or so ago and would only watch a few minutes at a time. But the more I listened and the longer I paid attention, the more my spiritual eyes were opened to the ever present truths of scripture. The comprehension of the great controversy and it’s origin by the lies perpetrated and perpetuated throughout the Bible on the attack of God’s character and government is truly priceless. Keep up the Good Work! Your servanthood is desperately needed in such a time as this!

Jeff D., Reading, MA, USA


Testimony 4

I’m a youth leader in South Africa. We as a youth group are currently using a lot of the material on the Come and Reason site. Since we’ve started using the material, our youth group has grown.

R. V. N., South Africa


Testimony 25

I just want to say thank you so much for your conversations via YouTube. I regularly tune in to your lectures, “Let’s Talk” sessions, and many others. Through these I’ve found greater depth and meaning to God’s word. Thanks for all that you do and please continue. I’m currently working in the middle of Silicon Valley at Stanford University. I feel like God really has me in the right place right now and I’m sensing that your teachings might be part of it.

B. F., Silicon Valley, CA, USA


Testimony 7

Ok, so last night I listened to “The Law of Liberty” and “How to Achieve Victory: Freedom, Truth and Spirtual Warfare.” These are both MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITES so far! The logic is just soooooo beautiful. I had to re-listen to them a couple of times. I just want to EXPLODE! (<< we assume with joy and happiness)

N. B., Canada


Testimony 70

I have been watching you for many years and have learned to love God with all my heart. I was raised by a loving Christian mother that had been lied to about who God really was, so our religious upbringing was hell fire and damnation. As soon as I was old enough and moved out, I not only left the church, I ran as fast as I could to get away from it. Sad to say, it wasn’t until the past couple of years that I learned and understand who my Father really is and how much He loves me. I understand God’s Design Laws (which make sense) and when I’m teaching my church Bible study class, I’m able to really put to use the things I’ve been learning and Holy Spirit is leading. Thank you for introducing me to my Father of true, pure love. Everyday with Him is new and exciting. One thing that breaks my heart is that I didn’t know Him sooner. God Bless you and your ministry!

Judy Phelps, Reno, NV, USA