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Should Christians Observe the OT Feast Days?
It is the holiday season and I just received this email about Bible holy-days (holidays): I recently watched the “God and your brain” seminar DVD. It was very informative and I want to thank you for putting together such insightful information. During the seminar the topic of God’s Law came up, and I’m wondering if you could clarify your thoughts on whether Christians should observe the 7th day Sabbath, and the Feasts (Passover, ULB, shavuot, tabernacles, etc.). Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts.
Why Did God Use Law?
A theologian recently posed the following question to me: What was the purpose of the “ceremonial law”? Why is it “changeable” (or “fulfill-able; what was “fulfilled)? When White says “The Holy Spirit saw good not to impose the ceremonial law on the Gentile converts, and the mind of the apostles regarding this matter was as the mind of the Spirit of God,” (AA194),
The Tree of Knowledge – Poison or Protection?
I have been thinking a lot about how God is a God of love and not a cruel God. I have gotten to a point that i cant think past, What was the point of God putting the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil in the garden. I just don’t see the point in it. the only thing that could come out of that tree was death but still God put it there.
False Allegations about Substitution and Christ’s Mission
Recently, I have noted, from online forums and emails, a resurgence in the number of people who misunderstand what our ministry teaches. It appears these misunderstandings arise out of false assumptions. For instance, if we say we don’t believe in “penal substitution,” then some individuals allege we don’t believe in the substitutionary nature of Christ’s death, which of course is not true.
Bible Genocide & A God of Love
Can you please explain the genocide that occurs in the Old Testament. For example God orders the Israelites to go and wipe out certain nations. The reason held is because if they don’t, then the influence on the Israelites will lead them away from God. How do you reconcile this order with the picture of a loving God?
Appeasing an Offended God, What It Really Means!
This week, an online viewer to my weekly Bible Study Class asked how I understand this quotation from an article in Signs of the Times Dec 23, 1886: The altar and the promise stand side by side, and one casts clear beams of light upon the other, showing that the justice of an offended God could be appeased only by the death of his beloved Son.
What Does the Veil Represent? – Satan or Jesus?
Thanks for your SS lessons which I watch without fail as they become available. Loved lesson 4’s typology. However, there is so much symbolism in Jesus being the 2nd veil, which I have summarized below:
Jesus Paying Our Debt To God
I just saw this quote and wanted what your understanding of it is: The servant who had defrauded his master had nothing with which to make restitution. The sinner who has robbed God of years of service has no means of canceling the debt. Jesus interposes between the sinner and God, saying, I will pay the debt. Let the sinner be spared; I will suffer in his stead. {Review & Herald, December 14, 1911 par. 16}
Forgiveness in the Non-Penal View
In this non-penal picture of God, when I ask Him to forgive me, what am I asking Him to do? And then, following that vein, when I ask a person to forgive me, what am I asking them to do?
The God-Shaped Brain Changing Lives
The God-Shaped Brain: How Changing Your View of God Transforms Your Life was released by Intervarsity Press in late April 2013. Since its release it has been extremely well received […]
Biblical Keywords: Comparing Definitions
Many times, on theological topics like justice, judgment, atonement, satisfaction, etc., we encounter conflicts with those who oppose or do not appreciate what we are saying. Comparing how these and […]
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