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A Remedy for Loneliness
Have you ever struggled with loneliness? Have you ever been in a room full of people but felt isolated, disconnected, alone? Have you been tormented by an uneasiness within, a feeling that something isn’t right, a restless longing to fill some emptiness deep inside? And have you tried to fill this void
David and the Showbread vs. Uzzah and the Ark
Have you ever wondered why David was able to take and eat the showbread in the holy sanctuary and nothing happened to him, but when Uzzah touched the Ark of the Covenant, he died? Have you ever had a pastor use the story of Uzzah to promote the idea that if you disobey God, He will punish you and strike you dead? It can all seem a bit arbitrary.
Why Did God Tell Abraham to Kill Isaac?
Have you ever wondered why God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac? People who believe that God’s law functions no differently than human law—imposed rules that require the government to punish rule breakers—often suggest that this story proves that God requires a legal payment of human blood to pay for our sins.
Jerusalem, Christians, and End-Time Methods
Last week, the Trump administration officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The world is divided on the wisdom of this decision. For instance, many Christians in America are ardent supporters of this step, while leaders from many nations have voiced concerns or outright condemnation.
Suicide and the Myth of Lost Salvation
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 13 out of every 100,000 people will die by suicide. Most people have been impacted by this tragedy in one way or another, including me. Several years ago, after the death of his wife of fifty years, my great uncle ended his own life; he was simply unable to cope with the heartache, pain, and loneliness.
What Is Biblical Justice?
Have you ever longed for justice? Perhaps a burglar broke out your car window and stole the newly installed radio from your car. Or maybe somebody cruelly harmed your loved one. Whatever happened, you hoped that the perp would be found so that he could “face the courts of justice.”
Free to Disagree: The Protests, the Anthem, and Free Speech
By now, everyone has heard the news reports about NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem, the president tweeting that such behavior is offensive, and that the kneeling players should […]
Is God Punishing the World with Natural Disasters?
Over the past several weeks, the news has been dominated by natural disaster after natural disaster—the horrifying Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria; the devastating earthquake in Mexico; the unrelenting fires in the Northwest. Naturally, people are asking questions—What is happening?
Should Christians Observe the OT Feast Days?
It is the holiday season and I just received this email about Bible holy-days (holidays): I recently watched the “God and your brain” seminar DVD. It was very informative and I want to thank you for putting together such insightful information. During the seminar the topic of God’s Law came up, and I’m wondering if you could clarify your thoughts on whether Christians should observe the 7th day Sabbath, and the Feasts (Passover, ULB, shavuot, tabernacles, etc.). Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts.
Why Did God Use Law?
A theologian recently posed the following question to me: What was the purpose of the “ceremonial law”? Why is it “changeable” (or “fulfill-able; what was “fulfilled)? When White says “The Holy Spirit saw good not to impose the ceremonial law on the Gentile converts, and the mind of the apostles regarding this matter was as the mind of the Spirit of God,” (AA194),
The Tree of Knowledge – Poison or Protection?
I have been thinking a lot about how God is a God of love and not a cruel God. I have gotten to a point that i cant think past, What was the point of God putting the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil in the garden. I just don’t see the point in it. the only thing that could come out of that tree was death but still God put it there.
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