Addictions – Does Conversion Heal the Brain?

Addictions – Does Conversion Heal the Brain?

If there are pathways in our nervous system laid down with addiction, are they destroyed at conversion. or as we walk on a daily basis with CHRIST, or are they always there? In other word once an addict always an addict?

Very interesting question and fascinating new brain research gives ever increasing insight into how our faith relationship with God does change us, including our brains, even to the DNA level.

The human brain is in a constant state of flux. Not only will life experience change the circuitry of the brain, but new research reveals that life experience alters the brain’s genetic expression. And such change in gene expression can be passed along to our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

If you consider your DNA as a great library of information, the epigenetic coding (epi means above and genetic means DNA so epigenetic means above the DNA) instructs the library which “books” (gene sequences) to open and which to keep closed. If you consider that each “book” contains a recipe it is the epigenetic instructions that determines which “recipes” are “baked,” that is, what each cell becomes and how it functions.

When neural circuits are active the activity in the circuit causes epigenetic changes that producie proteins which cause the circuit to grow stronger, branch out new connections, recruit new neurons to the circuit, and even make new neurons for the circuit. But when a neural circuit is idle different epigenetic instructions are given and the growth inducing protein is no longer available and instead a protein that kills neural circuits is produced so that over time an idle circuit is slowly pruned back.

Understanding this we get insight into how habits are formed and broken. Constant engagement in certain patterns of behavior activate the same circuits which cause DNA changes that produce proteins, which strengthen the particular circuit which corresponds with the behavior. Conversely, by stopping the behavior and leaving the circuit idle the DNA expression actually changes and over time the circuit will be pruned back.

Now let’s consider addictions and finally what conversion can do.

What constitutes an addiction? The definition I have found to be most accurate in describing an addiction is:

The compulsive engagement in behaviors that bring short term reward but long term destruction.

Consider this definition and various addictions – alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gambling, overeating, porn or sex addiction, shopping etc. All have as a root process short term reward, but over time slow destruction.

On a neurological level our reward circuit is part of our “primitive” brain (limbic system) and is called the Nucleus Accumbens (NA). It is here we experience pleasure, whether from healthy or unhealthy activities.

God designed the brain for pleasure, but always through the higher cortex and pathways that heal, ennoble and promote greater development. Healthy activation of our NA occurs after a 5 mile run (runner’s high), when we finally grasp the solution to an intellectual problem, when we apply ourselves to a task or challenge and after hard work and discipline succeed, when we experience a healthy love relationship or the birth of our child. Whenever we are in harmony with God’s law of love we are designed to experience pleasure or joy, which simultaneously results in ever more mature and Christlike character.

Addictions (and sin) activate reward pathways directly, without first activating the higher cortex and therefore result in damage to the higher cortex with subsequent increased impulsivity, loss of self-control, greater self-centeredness and destruction of character.

Further, when a person is involved in addictive behaviors, not only are the primitive neural circuits strengthened and the higher cortex weakened, epigenetic gene expression is changed. Such gene expression can occur as quickly as the first use of a chemical substance.

Brain science has demonstrated that even the first “hit” of cocaine or methamphetamine changes a particular gene in the neurons of the brain, which was previously dormant.  It becomes active and begins producing a protein called cocaine-amphetamine-reactive-transcript (CART). This protein, once produced, causes increased cravings for more cocaine and amphetamines.[1] If one stops using the illegal substance the gene will eventually turn back off and CART will stop being produced. But, if one uses the substance again the gene turns back on and produces significant amounts of CART, causing future abstinence to be more difficult to achieve.

We have known for years that addictions run in families. Or, said another way, the more ancestors one has with addictions the greater the risk of having addiction problems. Why? Because genetic expression changes are passed along to subsequent generations. This is how God designed us to function. We were created with the ability to adapt and change based on our choices and experiences. When we choose unhealthy actions we experience changes to our epigenetic instructions and pass these changes on to our children. God warned that those who hate Him will experience the negative consequences passed down through three and four generations of their family, but those who love Him will experience mercy and love.

“You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandment.  Ex 20:4-6 (NIV)

When we hate God and engage in sinful behaviors, including addictions, we pass those changes along to our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Why? Because those who hate God will not allow Him into their lives to heal what their sin has done. But for those who love Him and open their hearts and minds to His Spirit the Bible promises healing of not only character but brain circuits (body) as well. This would include changes in gene expression.

And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you. Romans  8:11 (NIV)

The Spirit was to be given as a regenerating agent, and without this the sacrifice of Christ would have been of no avail. The power of evil had been strengthening for centuries, and the submission of men to this satanic captivity was amazing. Sin could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the Third Person of the Godhead, who would come with no modified energy, but in the fullness of divine power. It is the Spirit that makes effectual what has been wrought out by the world’s Redeemer. It is by the Spirit that the heart is made pure. Through the Spirit the believer becomes a partaker of the divine nature. Christ has given His Spirit as a divine power to overcome all hereditary and cultivated tendencies to evil, and to impress His own character upon His church.  — Desire of Ages, pg. 671

The promise of God is contingent on having no other gods – meaning we must come back to the truth about God. Brain science has shown that when we worship a God of love that our higher cortex grows stronger and the limbic system calms. But all false god concepts activate the limbic system and fail to heal the higher cortex.

Additionally, as we come to know and trust God to be as Jesus revealed – a God of genuine love, we experience the presence of His Spirit, which brings a supernatural power to bear in our healing. The converted man begins exercising self-governance and restraint and avoidance of previous destructive behaviors. This results in greater activation of the higher cortex and less activation of the primitive brain. Through this daily experience gene expression will change and over time brain structure will change. If we continue in such a healthy path we can pass along benefits to our children and through a trust relationship with God break the cascade of heritable consequences passed along by our ancestors.

As a rule every intemperate man who rears children transmits his inclinations and evil tendencies to his offspring ; he gives them disease from his own inflamed and corrupted blood. Licentiousness, disease, and imbecility are transmitted as an inheritance of woe from father to son, and from generation to generation, and this brings anguish and suffering into the world. — Healthful Living, pg. 57

Such is the description of those who hate God and don’t allow His healing presence or follow His methods in their lives. But for those who come to trust God another outcome is told:

A genuine conversion changes hereditary and cultivated tendencies to wrong. The religion of God is a firm fabric, composed of innumerable threads, and woven together with tact and skill. Only the wisdom which comes from God can make this fabric complete. — Maranatha, pg. 237

For those who, despite a family history of addictions, come to know God they can experience victory over their own heredity, and perhaps pass along a better possibility to their offspring:

The nobler the aims, the higher the mental and spiritual endowments, and the better developed the physical powers of the parents, the better will be the life equipment they give their children. In cultivating that which is best in themselves, parents are exerting an influence to mold society and to uplift future generations. — Ministry of Healing, pg. 371

What an amazing God we serve!

[1]Kelz, Max B., et al. “Expression of the transcription factor FosB in the brain controls sensitivity to cocaine.” Nature 401, 272 – 276 (16 Sep. 1999) DOI: 10.1038/45790.

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Testimonial Post Slider

Testimony 60

Just watched watched lesson 10 in the 1st quarter 2021 bible study classs on Isaiah. I want to thank you for your intellectual spirituality; it’s not an oxymoron! From the point of view of a teacher I also enjoy seeing how much personal pleasure you clearly take in not just tasting, but feasting on God’s word – it reminds me of Jeremiah not being able to hold it in! It makes me smile that your cup is so full and overflowing that you make it to Tuesday’s lesson (on a good day). It just goes to show the richness of God’s Word.

God bless the Come and Reason Team from our church here in Great Britain.

Andrew H., Great Britain


Testimony 69

After reading your book, ‘Could It Be This Simple,’ someone was explaining Christianity in a way that made sense to me for the first time in my life. One morning, I simply prayed “I’m sorry and I love you.” As soon as I silently said that, I could literally feel God’s presence and light flood down on me from above and fill me up with love and joy. I sat there crying my eyes out, because I was so overpowered with this feeling of love and joy. It was just so incredible. I hope that more people can read this book and get a blessing from it. It’s really amazing.

Rachael H.

Testimony 36

Thank you and may God continue to bless you as you share with others the intricacies of how we are all “fearfully and wonderfully made”. I must share that you have opened a whole new world to me, and I have found tremendous healing through what you have shared in two of your books, “Could It Be This Simple?” and “The God Shaped Brain.” I praise God for what you shared, what I have learned, and how I have grown and healed! My prayer is that My Precious Jesus will be seen by others in the way I live, act, talk, etc. and they may be encouraged to know He is truly a GREAT God of LOVE, desiring that no one should perish! God Bless you in your continued endeavors to present Him as He really is!

Joleen H. GA, USA


Testimony 31

It was very touching to hear the testimony of your class share how viewing God’s true character has changed their lives. My feelings are the same – there is so much freedom in knowing that God LOVES me – regardless of my… just, REGARDLESS! I’m still blown away by the true gospel, the fact that God is not ready to strike us when we fail. He is not arbitrary. He simply loves us and warns of the natural consequences because He can’t stand to see us suffer. I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS GOD!!!

Ceil V.,  UT, USA


Testimony 4

I’m a youth leader in South Africa. We as a youth group are currently using a lot of the material on the Come and Reason site. Since we’ve started using the material, our youth group has grown.

R. V. N., South Africa


Testimony 66

I am incredibly grateful for the transformative impact you’ve had on my life, and words cannot fully express my appreciation. Over the years, I have been an avid listener and follower of C&R and extend my heartfelt thanks for creating the C&R mobile app. It has allowed me to immerse myself in your lessons repeatedly, enabling me to grasp the profound significance about the Character of God, Design Law, the protocols for life, the reasons behind the current chaos, and Christ’s mission to restore everything. They have deeply touched me. Having studied with various churches, I came away with the perception that God is no different from the deities of ancient Greek or Roman mythology—demanding sacrifices and taking pleasure in bloodshed. Thanks to your transformative teachings, I have experienced a profound awakening to the true nature of God and the immense power of His love. It is truly a remarkable and liberating sensation to finally grasp the truth and embrace the empowering nature of God’s laws. My self-perception has become brighter and more infused with love. My journey of growth continues on a daily basis.

Chris P., Lake Mary, FL, USA


Testimony 46

Over the past couple of years God has been expanding my view of Himself and His character. Along my approximately 40-year journey, I have often had questions, but was hesitant to voice these and step outside the traditionally accepted thinking, for fear of admitting that I may in fact be eternally lost. In the recesses of my thinking has been the thought – if one blindly accepts (which is widely regarded as “real faith”) and does not question, is this really ‘truth?’ I often find it challenging to grapple with very theological ‘speak,’ but Dr. Jennings has a real gift of explaining spiritual concepts with clear practical examples. The weekly discussions are growing my Christian experience and slowly changing my view of how to live as a child of God in today’s complex world. Finally the whole Old Testament sanctuary teaching moved in my mind from fantasy to reality!

Beverly S., South Africa


Testimony 39

[This ministry is the] biggest blessing I have ever received! Your DVDs and lessons could not have come at a better time in my life. I have experienced in the past year many difficulties that, if it wasn’t for this wonderful view of God that I have discovered through this ministry, I would not have been able to respond in love and forgiveness. My heart is being transformed everyday by the Calvary-looking God you teach. Hallelujah!! I have tears in my eyes as I write, because my life has taken a complete turn from where I was heading.

I am from Central America. Most of my family is scattered in different parts of the world and all have the same view of God that I had growing up; a distant, exacting, and ready-to-punish-us-with-tragedy type of God. So, I have been translating lessons for my family and, to my surprise, they have also been sharing them with others! I can already see the difference. My brother has often said, “Thank you for sharing, I have never heard it this way!” My other family members are taking an amazing turn from a message of “repent or burn” towards a loving God, pleading to us that we won’t reject him because he loves us eternally.

Bless you for all you do.

Sofia S., Ashfield, MA, USA


Testimony 64

I’ve been reading the bible and walking with Jesus since I was around 16. I’m 42 now. I’ve mostly been alone in my walk although I went to several churches in different denominations. For the past 3 years God has been showing me His character of agape. It’s been a blessing and changed how I view God and my walk with Jesus. About a year ago I came across the power of love and the principles of design law. These teachings changed how I read scripture and have been such a beautiful blessing. I’m very excited and grateful for these truths. We share these truths of agape, design law and the reality of the principles of the two trees in the garden of Eden with people on Facebook and YouTube. People all over are learning to trust God and His agape design law which makes life possible. Thank you for everything you shared with me. May God continue to bless your ministry and lives.

Bradley M., Hinsdale, NY, USA


Testimony 8

Thank you for the ministry you are sharing with us, it is a real blessing to us and especially to my husband and myself! You are encouraging us to think for ourselves and not just to except everything, without thinking it through, with God’s word!



Testimony 27

Your teachings about our heavenly Father have changed my life. Thank you sooooooo very very much! I know He’s doing some serious healing in my heart and life and I look forward to each new day to learn something new about Him and to just hear you speak about Him. Thank you, forever.

Nancy S.


Testimony 70

I have been watching you for many years and have learned to love God with all my heart. I was raised by a loving Christian mother that had been lied to about who God really was, so our religious upbringing was hell fire and damnation. As soon as I was old enough and moved out, I not only left the church, I ran as fast as I could to get away from it. Sad to say, it wasn’t until the past couple of years that I learned and understand who my Father really is and how much He loves me. I understand God’s Design Laws (which make sense) and when I’m teaching my church Bible study class, I’m able to really put to use the things I’ve been learning and Holy Spirit is leading. Thank you for introducing me to my Father of true, pure love. Everyday with Him is new and exciting. One thing that breaks my heart is that I didn’t know Him sooner. God Bless you and your ministry!

Judy Phelps, Reno, NV, USA

Testimony 50

After coming into contact with Come And Reason Ministries, I can finally say that many of my unanswered questions have fallen into place. I discovered that my view of God’s Law was “imposed laws and rules” with “imposed punishments” and that this was the major culprit of my many unanswered questions. Thanks be to God for using you and those around you to help us who have struggled with this “infection” of thought. I have now rejected the “imposed law” concept to fully embrace “Design Law”… to look thru “Design Law,” instead of “imposed law,” is a relief.

Viliami L., Australia


Testimony 6

I got the book “Could It Be This Simple?” a few months ago and the reading was wonderful and I was fascinated. I lent the book to a friend at work. She is having a difficult time and the book is helping her to find Jesus and I found this very exciting. She has asked me questions and I can see her life changing.

H. S., Australia


Testimony 47

I can’t even begin to thank you and your ministry enough for introducing me to the Truth about a loving and merciful God! I have my daughter and her in-laws to thank for sharing with me “The God-Shaped Brain” as well as your website. I listen to the Bible study class lessons on my daily walk. May God continue to bless your thirst-quenching ministry!

Liz H., Port Angeles, WA, USA