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The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: Poison or Protection?
Back in 2014, I wrote a blog responding to the email below, but as truth is unfolding and I continue to learn, I have discovered new insights that have expanded my understanding of this question about the Tree of Knowledge, and I want to share those new insights with you here.
Godly vs Ungodly Methods of Pursuing Social Justice
My blogs during 2020 have sought to make evermore clear the difference between God’s kingdom and the kingdoms of this world, the difference between God’s design laws and human imposed laws. I have sought to expose how imposed rules (human governments and methods) always seek power over others to coerce and force its way, while God’s kingdom always seeks to heal hearts and minds while leaving people free to choose for themselves.
Jesus – Healing Light or Ruling Judge?
The more and more we look to Jesus, the clearer our understanding of reality becomes. Jesus is the light of the world; He illuminates God’s kingdom, God’s reality, and exposes the falsity of sin and the ways of this sinful world.
When Praising Jesus Hinders His Work
We all know that people who reject Christ, who refuse the working of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, will be opposed to God and His kingdom of love. We understand, and even expect, that those who reject truth, reject love, reject righteousness will work against God and His kingdom of love.
Ephesians 4: Bible Wisdom for Today’s Problems
People are often told that in our modern world, the Bible is no longer relevant – that it is merely an ancient text for the primitive mind. But the Bible is God’s Word, and it is packed with wisdom for humanity applicable throughout all history. In today’s blog, we will examine Ephesians 4:17–32 (NIV84) and demonstrate how God’s truths remain vital to us today.
Meeting in Person During the Pandemic
On September 7, 2020, Come and Reason Ministries posted to our Facebook page announcing that our Healing the Mind in a Broken World Seminar would be held October 3, 2020, at the Chattanooga Convention Center. Several people posted comments expressing their concerns that we would hold such an event during the China virus pandemic (a.k.a. COVID-19). Below is my response and an exchange with an online follower.
Science Proves Weird Bible Story True
Have you ever read the story of Jacob stripping bark off tree limbs in order to get his sheep to give birth to streaked, speckled, or spotted offspring? You can find it in Genesis chapter 30.
Christianity and Slavery
In response to my blog last week, The U.S. Constitution: A Light About to be Extinguished, an online follower posted the following on our Facebook page:
The U.S. Constitution: A Light About to be Extinguished
God’s kingdom is the kingdom of love, and love exists only in the atmosphere of freedom. Without freedom, love is destroyed and rebellion is instilled. If freedom is not reclaimed, individuality is eroded.
Parables of Jesus – The Overarching Theme
The parables of Jesus teach many beautiful truths about God’s kingdom, but what many haven’t realized is that there is one overarching theme about God’s kingdom that is revealed through all of His parables. It is the truth about His government – and about how reality in His kingdom works – and that truth is that God’s law is design law.
When Apologizing Is Wrong
One of the more difficult things in human relationships is knowing when to apologize, when to ask forgiveness, and when not to. It is absolutely righteous and healing to apologize and make amends to the individuals who have been harmed – when actual wrong has been committed.
King of the North versus South and Today’s End-Time Events
The book of Daniel contains both true historical events and prophecies pertinent to today. In this blog, we focus on the book’s prophecies and, specifically, the prophecy of the kings of the North and the South as recorded in chapter 11.
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