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Parables of Jesus – The Overarching Theme
The parables of Jesus teach many beautiful truths about God’s kingdom, but what many haven’t realized is that there is one overarching theme about God’s kingdom that is revealed through all of His parables. It is the truth about His government – and about how reality in His kingdom works – and that truth is that God’s law is design law.
When Apologizing Is Wrong
One of the more difficult things in human relationships is knowing when to apologize, when to ask forgiveness, and when not to. It is absolutely righteous and healing to apologize and make amends to the individuals who have been harmed – when actual wrong has been committed.
King of the North versus South and Today’s End-Time Events
The book of Daniel contains both true historical events and prophecies pertinent to today. In this blog, we focus on the book’s prophecies and, specifically, the prophecy of the kings of the North and the South as recorded in chapter 11.
Clothed or Naked – A Strange Bible Story for the End Times
The events surrounding the crucifixion of Christ are the most important in the universe’s history, and all four Gospels record that pivotal weekend in great detail. But amidst Jesus’ struggle in Gethsemane, Peter’s betrayal, the corrupt trial, the back and forth to Pilate’s court, the mob’s bloodthirsty cries, Jesus’ calm and forgiving demeanor, His death and victorious resurrection, there appears one strange detail that is recorded only in the book of Mark.
Beware: The Current Claim of “Institutional Racism” Is Really an Attack on Christianity
Recently, as I have applied biblical truths to current end-time events, seeking to enlighten people of the dangers of straying from God’s methods, some have accused me of becoming political and no longer teaching the core truths of our God of love.
Why King David Could Not Build the Temple
Have you ever wondered why King David, who had such a heart for the Lord, was forbidden from building God’s temple? God told the Israelite king, “You have shed much blood and have fought many wars. You are not to build a house for my Name, because you have shed much blood on the earth in my sight” (1 Chronicles 22:8 NIV84).
Learn to Discern: How to Determine What Is True
We are in a war – a war of ideas, a war of beliefs, a war of perspectives, a war of values, a war of cultures; we are in a war for your mind. Do you recognize it? Do you feel your mind being assaulted by warring factions?
Bible Prophecy: The Overarching Theme
The Bible is filled with prophecies, and thousands of books have been written about Bible prophecy – many of them contradicting each other. As we examine the question of Bible prophecy, we must ask: What is the primary purpose of prophecy? Some believe prophecy is given so that we can glimpse the future, predict events of tomorrow, perhaps drawing a timeline. But Jesus said:
Tapping into God’s Power
God is love, and God loves you. He is the infinite source of all life, with unlimited power, and He longs to provide you with all the resources of heaven to enable you to live victorious over sin. The power of God is free and available to each and every one of us.
Christian Beware the Trap of the Social Justice Movement!
Justice is doing that which is right; that’s why in the Bible, the same Greek word for “justice” is also translated “righteousness.” The just are the righteous ones – those who have right hearts and do what is right.
Dinah: A Lesson in Satan’s Tactics for Today
A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog about the insidiousness of sin that describes how when we are sinned against, a seed of bitterness, resentment, hurt, and anger is planted into our hearts. And how if this seed is not rooted out, then the wrong done to us, or someone we love, can grow in our hearts until we become filled with hate and, ultimately, become like the person who wronged us.
The Undermining of Religious Liberty in the USA
Did you notice that recent events in the United States took another step toward fulfillment of Bible prophecy? On Friday, May 29, 2020, the Supreme Court, in a 5-to-4 landmark ruling, set a new precedent that eroded our First Amendment freedom of religious practice.
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