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Why I Believe the God of Love Exists
I believe that the God of love exists because it is scientific; because it gives life meaning, purpose, and hope; and because it is the healthiest way to be.
The Gospel Is the Good News About God
What is the false version of God built upon? The lie that God’s law functions like human law, made-up rules that require power to enforce those rules. Once a person accepts this lie about God’s law, belief in all the other distortions of God’s character eventually follow.
No One Escapes the War Between Good and Evil
We are in a war, but it is not like the wars fought between human nations. It is not fought with the weapons of the world, because it is not a war of physical might and power.
The Warping of Minds
The greater the sense of fear, the less capable of thinking, discerning, and evaluating evidence and the more quickly people will conform to both the voice of authority and the perceived consensus of the group.
Circumcision What Does It Mean?
What does circumcision mean? What does it symbolize? What is the reality to which it points?
Meekness Is Not Weakness
There is no greater example of the contrast between meekness and weakness than Jesus and Pontius Pilate.
The Flag and the Sabbath
The Sabbath is like a flag. Let’s consider object lesson similarities between a national flag and the Sabbath.
Beware the Methods of the Crucifiers
In society today, the father of lies is deceiving millions into embracing and practicing his methods under the guise of pursuing justice. But the Bible tells us to “have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them” (Ephesians 5:11 NIV84).
The New Jerusalem—the Bride of Christ
When you think of the New Jerusalem, do you think of high walls with pearly gates on each side, streets of gold, and beautiful mansions? The Bible gives us more insight into this profound mystery of Christ being united with His bride.
“Safe to Save,” Judgment, and Angels in Heaven
Have you ever heard the term “safe to save” referring to the idea that the angels in heaven need to know which of us sinners are “safe” to bring to heaven? Is it what Scripture teaches?
Israel and the Promised Land Today
It is a common Christian belief that today’s nation-state of Israel, which exists on a small strip of land in the Middle East, constitutes the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham. But is that truly what the Bible teaches?
Despising and Rejecting Jesus Today
The prophet Isaiah predicted that Jesus would be “despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not” (53:3 NIV84).
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