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The New Jerusalem—the Bride of Christ
When you think of the New Jerusalem, do you think of high walls with pearly gates on each side, streets of gold, and beautiful mansions? The Bible gives us more insight into this profound mystery of Christ being united with His bride.
“Safe to Save,” Judgment, and Angels in Heaven
Have you ever heard the term “safe to save” referring to the idea that the angels in heaven need to know which of us sinners are “safe” to bring to heaven? Is it what Scripture teaches?
Israel and the Promised Land Today
It is a common Christian belief that today’s nation-state of Israel, which exists on a small strip of land in the Middle East, constitutes the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham. But is that truly what the Bible teaches?
Despising and Rejecting Jesus Today
The prophet Isaiah predicted that Jesus would be “despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not” (53:3 NIV84).
The Ten Commandments of Religious Liberty: COVID and the Church’s Responsibility
In this blog, I will outline “The Ten Commandments of Religious Liberty”—which I believe helps summarize the church’s responsibility in protecting and advancing religious freedom.
Is a “Just War” Possible?
In discussing the “just war” theory in this blog, we are speaking only of warfare—not police action, such as using power to restrain individuals from committing crimes against others, but of a military engagement upon or between people groups, tribes, nations, and kingdoms.
Prepare! The King of the North Is Coming
Joining with the King of the North or South means to accept, embrace, and practice the methods and principles of those systems: imposed law with governmental enforcement and coercion.
God Foreknows and Predestines—What Does It Mean?
Dr. Jennings explains Romans 8:29, 30, which many Calvinists use to support the idea that God predetermines and, thereby, decides in advance who is saved and who is lost.
Following Blind Guides in the World Today
Some 2,600 years ago, God warned His people of the dangers of following leaders who are blind—not physically blind, but blind to reality.
God’s Wisdom and Man’s Foolishness in the World Today
Today I ask what the apostle Paul did two thousand years ago: Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? (1 Corinthians 1:20 NIV84)
Response to a Zealous Pastor’s Defense of COVID “Vaccine” Mandates
In this blog, I present cited evidence to refute a zealous pastor’s sermon that I reviewed advocating in favor of “vaccine” mandates and for his parishioners to obey them, because it is their biblical duty.
How Jesus Destroys the Carnal Nature
I received an email from a kind Christian gentleman who values the penal/legal model of salvation and questions the healing model that Come and Reason presents. I thought it might be helpful to share a portion of his email that expresses his concerns and my response.
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