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    Много пъти са ме питали дали искреността е достатъчна, дали наистина е без значение в какво вярва човек, стига да е искрен в убежденията си.




    Едно от най-честите твърдения, които безбожниците правят, за да развият своя разказ, е, че нарастващият CO2 в атмосферата от използването на изкопаеми горива от човека води до промяна на климата по такъв начин, че да унищожи обитаеми земи, да доведе до издигане на океаните и направи планетата пустош. Но всъщност е точно обратното.




    Божието обещание е, че нашият климат и сезони ще продължат стабилно до второто пришествие на Христос, но лъжата на Сатана, фалшивият разказ на този покварен свят, е тази за „промяната на климата“, климатичното бедствие, края на човешкия живот чрез унищожаване на климата.

  • Élisha Et Le Fils De La Shunammite : Une Leçon De Objet Sur Le Christ

    Élisha Et Le Fils De La Shunammite : Une Leçon De Objet Sur Le Christ


    Même si je crois que le récit de 2 Rois 4 concernant Élisée, la femme Sunamite et son fils a réellement eu lieu, je crois également que ces événements ont été enregistrés dans les Écritures pour nous enseigner des vérités plus profondes.




    Кое прави времето подходящо за въплъщението на Исус? Защо според вас Бог е чакал хиляди години, за да изпълни обещанието си да изпрати нашия Спасител? (Битие 3:15).

  • El Tiempo de Dios al enviar a su hijo

    El Tiempo de Dios al enviar a su hijo


    ¿Qué hizo que fuera el momento adecuado para la encarnación de Jesús? ¿Por qué crees que Dios esperó miles de años para cumplir Su promesa de enviar a nuestro Salvador?

  • Job: Una vista cósmica – y siete verdades para prepararse para el retorno de Jesucristo

    Job: Una vista cósmica – y siete verdades para prepararse para el retorno de Jesucristo


    En este blog hay siete verdades esenciales demostradas en el libro de Job que son fundamentales para comprender la realidad en el universo de Dios, discernir correctamente las Escrituras y comprender adecuadamente los eventos.

  • Tożsamość A Kult Własnej Osoby

    Tożsamość A Kult Własnej Osoby


    Czy poddajemy się Jemu umysłem, ciałem i duchem i powierzamy Mu nasze życie, przyszłość i dobrobyt? A może odrzucamy boską prawdę i rzeczywistość i zastępujemy je naszymi uczuciami, samolubnymi pragnieniami i ostatecznie uwielbieniem siebie?

  • Teologia Ostatniego Pokolenia

    Teologia Ostatniego Pokolenia


    Sam Jezus wyjaśnia, co to znaczy „być doskonałym”: zawsze kochać wszystkich bez wyjątku — podobnie jak słońce i deszcz traktują wszystkich jednakowo. Ale musimy zauważyć, że jest to możliwe jedynie wtedy, gdy najpierw pojednamy się z Bogiem w miłości i zaufaniu.




    Según los defensores de la teología de la última generación, la última generación debe ser perfecta, porque cualquier pecado cometido después de que Jesús deja su papel de mediador, el pecador debe ser considerado legalmente responsable.

  • Théologie De Dernière Génération

    Théologie De Dernière Génération


    Selon les partisans de la théologie de la dernière génération, la dernière génération doit être parfaite, car tout péché commis après que Jésus a quitté son rôle de médiateur, le pécheur doit être tenu légalement responsable.

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Testimonial Post Slider

Testimony 21

I am absolutly on fire with the message at Come and Reason! I can’t get enough! I’ve read your book, blog, and articles. I’ve listened to your Bible study podcasts, your radio show, and your series – all excellent! It wasn’t until the past couple of years that I have I like I’m becoming “healthy,” with more to share with others than just beasts and commandments! I used to be a Bible worker and preached when the pastors were gone until I had had enough. I didnt realize at the time what the problem was, but i know now… the message wasn’t properly focused. Now my flame is rekindled. All of your little examples are so perfect in explaining something “complicated” and making it easily understood! Now I’m trying to shape it into a life changing evangelistic series! Thank you!



Testimony 42

I am just writing to say that I have been so blessed by the teachings of Come And Reason Minitries recently. I watched last week’s bible study lesson on Youtube and am thankful that the error in the printed lesson guide you use was pointed out and this week’s study was of equal benefit, if not more so. My understanding of God’s nature has been very confused of late and I am so grateful for clarity in this matter. I have never really fully understood previously how a good God can cause bad things to happen and now I realise that He doesn’t, it’s a natural consequence of sin. May the almighty Father and His Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, continue to bless your ministry.

Laura P., United Kingdom


Testimony 31

It was very touching to hear the testimony of your class share how viewing God’s true character has changed their lives. My feelings are the same – there is so much freedom in knowing that God LOVES me – regardless of my… just, REGARDLESS! I’m still blown away by the true gospel, the fact that God is not ready to strike us when we fail. He is not arbitrary. He simply loves us and warns of the natural consequences because He can’t stand to see us suffer. I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS GOD!!!

Ceil V.,  UT, USA


Testimony 14

We really appreciate your views on the judgment and they make good sense considering our free choice.



Testimony 19

I truly believe that to know who God really is the first step to understand ourselves in a balanced and kind way, so the healing can take place. Your approach really makes sense – Thank you for your ministry!

A.M., Pittsburg, PA, USA

Testimony 33

I was invited over a friend’s house to see the “God and Your Brain” seminar today. I became [a christian] 36 years ago at the age of 19, but have struggled with the concept of God taking His ‘pound of flesh’ out on His Son to be appeased. Wow. Your seminar has been an incredible revelation and breath of reason and fresh air! I have your book, “The God Shaped Brain,” and it is SO eye opening. Finally, after 36 years enlightenment has come! Praise the Good Lord! What can I say, but that the Real Gospel is truly “Good News!” Thank you for your efforts in giving the Gospel a clear sound!

Paul C.,  Springfield, MA, USA


Testimony 1

Thank you! I love listening to the Come And Reason Ministries Bible study classes and am using some of your notes to get the lessons together that I will be teaching. You always have such good quotes and Bible texts and pull things together to make good sense.

T. C., IN, USA


Testimony 53

I was so blessed by a friend who gave me your book, “The God Shaped Brain,” while I was sitting in church asking God to please help me learn more about Him and help me not to be so confused and scared. That was about 2 years ago. Your books have helped me to love God even more. I’m not confused or scared anymore! I have listened to all of your bible study classes and feel like I know the wonderful people that attend every week. Thank you for all that you’re doing in spreading the true message about God and His law of love. God bless you and your whole class.

Elssy P., Modesto, CA, USA


Testimony 45

I have been confused for years about what [christianity] calls [its] most disgusting teaching. It has never made much sense to me and for that reason has been evermore empty. I have listened to your class off and on and have struggled determining what is truth, because of the resistance design law encounters in the church. So, I thank God for your ministry. What you teach makes sense. It’s logical and backed up by the power of love. I have never seen that in Christ until now. I am astounded by the insight that is found when we look at God’s ministry through design law. All strength to this message, as I believe it to be the power of God.

Brendon S.


Testimony 66

I am incredibly grateful for the transformative impact you’ve had on my life, and words cannot fully express my appreciation. Over the years, I have been an avid listener and follower of C&R and extend my heartfelt thanks for creating the C&R mobile app. It has allowed me to immerse myself in your lessons repeatedly, enabling me to grasp the profound significance about the Character of God, Design Law, the protocols for life, the reasons behind the current chaos, and Christ’s mission to restore everything. They have deeply touched me. Having studied with various churches, I came away with the perception that God is no different from the deities of ancient Greek or Roman mythology—demanding sacrifices and taking pleasure in bloodshed. Thanks to your transformative teachings, I have experienced a profound awakening to the true nature of God and the immense power of His love. It is truly a remarkable and liberating sensation to finally grasp the truth and embrace the empowering nature of God’s laws. My self-perception has become brighter and more infused with love. My journey of growth continues on a daily basis.

Chris P., Lake Mary, FL, USA


Testimony 10

I personally download and listen to each of Come And Reason Ministries Bible study class lessons and PDF study notes to use when teaching my class. Really appreciate the class especially when Dr. Jennings is teaching. Thank God there are persons like him doing His work and traveling to share His beliefs.

B. L.M., North Plains, OR, USA


Testimony 7

Ok, so last night I listened to “The Law of Liberty” and “How to Achieve Victory: Freedom, Truth and Spirtual Warfare.” These are both MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITES so far! The logic is just soooooo beautiful. I had to re-listen to them a couple of times. I just want to EXPLODE! (<< we assume with joy and happiness)

N. B., Canada


Testimony 50

After coming into contact with Come And Reason Ministries, I can finally say that many of my unanswered questions have fallen into place. I discovered that my view of God’s Law was “imposed laws and rules” with “imposed punishments” and that this was the major culprit of my many unanswered questions. Thanks be to God for using you and those around you to help us who have struggled with this “infection” of thought. I have now rejected the “imposed law” concept to fully embrace “Design Law”… to look thru “Design Law,” instead of “imposed law,” is a relief.

Viliami L., Australia


Testimony 49

I came into the church at 21, but that is as far as it went. I was so confused about what love is. I couldn’t find it in the bible, because I am not a person that can read between the lines. I have no logic. I have read many, many books; trying to figure out the crux of the matter. They were helpful, but something was still missing. I have become very frustrated to the point of crying out to God, “Where can I go?”  I needed some basics.

I found two books, written by Timothy Jennings, MD, to be very helpful. God showed me that I had lived my whole life in fear. I didn’t even see it. Now, I do. God is so good.  I discovered the “The Remedy”  Dr. Jennings new book, “The God-Shaped Heart!” Oh, I was so excited, I purchased them right away.

I can get rid of most of my books, because “The Remedy” brings the Love of God out so clearly, even I can’t miss it. Now, I want to sit and read my Bible. Wow, what a revelation! It is just simply Awesome! I am so grateful to Jehovah Almighty for hearing my prayer for more understanding! I am so encouraged!

Jackie S.


Testimony 22

I have found your Bible study class lectures to be very inspiring and useful as I prepare to teach class every other week. I subscribe to the podcast and download your notes on the weeks I teach. The audio and notes are such a great help in preparing. My own understanding of God’s character has grown as I teach the class. Commendations on the thought-provoking and well-prepared material Come and Reason provides. Personally, I get excited by the tie you make between the spiritual and mental/physical domains.

A.A. Corrales, NM, USA