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Transgender People and Our Community – A Rational Understanding and Approach
Over the last several years, there has been much in the press about transgender individuals, transgender rights, and legislators battling over various issues (public bathrooms, etc.). In my practice, I have had a number of patients who are transgender, and even more family members of transgender individuals struggling with some aspect of this issue.
Alzheimer’s, Cholesterol, and Genetics – How to Reduce Your Risk for Dementia
It has been known for more than two decades that elevated cholesterol was associated with increased risk for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).[1] It is also known that the ApoE gene produces a protein that transports fats, including cholesterol, into brain cells.
Does God Make People Deaf and Blind?
This is Anisha, and I’m thirteen. I loved reading your book, The God-Shaped Brain, but I still have some doubts that needed clarification. Dr. Tim, in chapter 8, pages 116 to 118, you explained that God does not create all the health disorders that the human race suffers today, so how are we to fit the following verse in?
Priests and Child Abuse — A Predictable Result
Most of us read with great sadness the distressing headlines of the Pennsylvania grand jury findings that over 300 Roman Catholic priests had molested more than 1000 children over 70 years — followed by a massive coverup by the organized church authorities.
Does God Create Evil?
I received an email asking how we understand Isaiah 45:7: I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” And wondered if God creates evil. KJV (emphasis mine)
Penal Substitution versus Design Law – What’s the Difference?
An online listener wrote: What is the difference between penal substitution and design law? How do we explain the difference and reason with someone who believes in penal substitution?
Did God Create Adam and Eve with a Defective Void?
I received the following question from an online listener: Was mankind created (before the fall) with a void inside? Is that how Satan appealed to Adam and Eve, as far as the temptation in the Garden of Eden? Did Satan appeal to that hole or void inside mankind?
7 Steps to Keep Your Brain Healthy and Mind Sharp
Keep your brain healthy and your mind sharp! Americans are living longer than ever before, but with longer life comes concerns about maintaining vitality, and retaining one’s mental fitness. The good news is that we can make choices to slow the decline in vitality and keep our brains healthy and minds sharp.
Being a Priest of God
“You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 2:5 NIV84) Do you know the difference between a priest of God and a pastor, minister or clergy?
Who Are The 144,000?
I received the following question from an online listener: I have always wondered if the specific number, 144,00, refers to individuals or people groups, and if individuals, then is this quoted number telling us that, at the close of earth’s history, only this number of believers will be left alive, and that all other believers will have died and will be resurrected after Jesus descends from heaven? Or is this number representing select people from across ALL of history whose experience with Jesus is of a quality that no one else has?
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