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Pre- or Post-Tribulation Rapture?
I’m an ex-Catholic. I came to the saving knowledge of truth when I started studying Bible prophecy… I came across your channel only recently and started watching your videos, and the way you explain design law really makes sense and helped me understand this God of love and helped bridge the gap between OT and NT. That is why it’s all the more confusing to understand this post-tribulation rapture doctrine
Racism and the Trap of the Social Justice Movement
The topic of racism has persistently percolated beneath the collective conscience of American culture, but today it seems to have boiled over again and is threatening to worsen societal divisions that will not be easily healed — especially if Christ’s people on earth get caught up in the firestorm.
Becoming Like Little Children
Two weeks ago, I had the privilege of speaking at GentleBrook in Hartville, Ohio. This wonderful not-for-profit organization provides home health care, senior memory care, and residential and vocational care for the developmentally disabled.
God Is In Control – of What?
Recently, a person in an online forum asked me: Would you personally mention — after all of the conflict, discord, crime, [church] focus on eschatology paranoia — that “God is in control” to any audience?
The Design Laws of God
When you look up the word “law” in a dictionary, you’ll typically find more than 20 different definitions, but they do break down into two main categories: 1) made-up rules that require enforcement (e.g., tax laws), and 2) principles or protocols upon which reality is constructed to operate (e.g., laws of physics).
Solutions for Sick Societies
Last week, I blogged about how the loss of love in a society always brings a subsequent rise in fear and selfishness, resulting in all kinds of destructive behaviors, including violence.
Mass Shootings — The Real Cause
In the aftermath of the recent mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, President Trump and other leaders have expressed concerns that these acts are linked to mental illness. Some mental health professionals have been quick to point out that the data does not support such an assertion as more than 75 percent of mass shootings are committed by people without a history of mental illness.
Traumatic Brain Injury and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment
In 2015, the Will Smith film Concussion, which depicts Dr. Bennet Omalu’s struggle to uncover the truth about brain damage to football players, brought international attention to Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and its long-term complications.
Work or Handouts: How to Help Those in Need
In my 2018 blog, The Benefits of Work, I described how work benefits people in multiple ways. Today, I want to explore a different aspect of work — and the lack thereof.
Suicide: Risk and Prevention
For the past decade, the suicide rate among teens has been increasing. Among teen boys, suicide completion has increased 33 percent over the last 10 years, according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Where Is Your Citizenship?
Do you identify yourself as an American, Canadian, Australian, South African, or as some other nationality? I was raised to be a proud American—to wave the flag, to celebrate Independence Day, and to revel in the storied history of my nation.
Critical Thinking and a Confused Society
Every day, I am amazed at how often contradictory and conflated ideas are presented that go unchallenged in our society. For instance, how a clear truth can be twisted into a lie
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