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Keeping the Faith in the Last Days
In these last days, do you long to be counted among the end-time saints described as “those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus?”
God Made Manifest in Christ
In this blog, we will do an in-depth analysis of an insightful article written by E.G. White, entitled “God Made Manifest in Christ,”
Merry CHRISTmas
It seems that every holiday season, some Christian brother or sister objects to celebrating Christmas, raising concerns over its pagan origins. Does the Bible offer us any wisdom regarding how we are to deal with pagan intrusions into our lives?
The Most Holy Place: A Metaphor for Our Minds
The sanctuary reveals lessons about our individual spirit temples, the restoration of God’s image within us, and the healing of our minds. Let’s take a closer look at this idea.
Signs of the Times: The USA Speaking Like a Dragon
Is it possible the United States will participate in religious persecution, joining the beastly power of Revelation that takes away our liberties? If so, then the protections of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights will have to be removed. Could this really happen?
We must not allow those struggling with gender identity to define human sexuality or gender for us.
It is Thanksgiving, and this year, with all that has been happening in the world, I have been reflecting on my life, how I ended up where I am today.
Building on the Rock
I remember, as a child, singing “The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock.” What is the reality the parable is teaching, the true application of this parable to our lives?
Adventists are for Health—Not the Herd
The following blog is by Dr. Keith Colburn, a physician and expert in his field, who has submitted this paper to various outlets only to be rebuffed. We publish it with his permission, not merely for the science, but for the process of inquiry, and to stimulate reasoning, investigation, and the advancement of the principles of God’s kingdom. —Timothy R. Jennings
Walking With God
We live in a sinful world. We are surrounded by evil, corruption, conflict, threats on all sides. We experience opposition, sorrow, pain and illness. But do we walk with God?
Free Will or Predestination—What Is the Truth?
Do you believe in free will, that your choices matter, that you determine the eternal outcome of your life? Or do you believe in predestination, that you really don’t have freedom, that God has predetermined what will happen to you and for you, and that it is God’s choices alone that determine your eternal destiny?
A Kitten, a Scorpion, or a Dragon: How Do You See Your Government?
If we expect the nations of this world to act with Christlike grace, kindness, love, and justice… then we will get stung over and over again.
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