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COVID and the Manipulation of Your Mind – Part 2
Healthy Versus Unhealthy Decision-Makingexamines the differences between healthy and unhealthy decision-making and what undermines healthy decision-making
COVID and the Manipulation of Your Mind – Part 1
Healthy Versus Unhealthy MindsAccording to Scripture, we are in a war for hearts and minds—whom will we choose to love and trust, what will we believe, what methods will we practice, and whose kingdom (laws) will we embrace?
Why Will Heaven Be Safe?
I know that the Earth made new will be safe, but not because of God enforcing a list of rules. Instead, it will be safe because the only people who live there are like Jesus, and would give their life so that others may live.
How Satan Attacks the Character of God
There are many ways Satan attacks the character of God; here are a few:
Transfiguration: A Conversation Between Jesus, Elijah, and Moses
Have you ever wondered what Elijah and Moses said to Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration?
Restoring the Image of God in Humanity
Have you ever heard anyone pray something like this: “Father, You take control. I surrender my mind to You?” If God were to grant this request, what would happen to the person? What would happen to the image of God in them?
Do You Celebrate or Grieve When Your Enemies Suffer?
Do we teach theologies in which we look forward to the day when God will use His power to punish our enemies?
Only God Is Infallible
It is dangerous to trust people, pastors, teachers, relatives, doctors, and politicians. People, even those led and inspired of God, can make mistakes. People, even when working for God, can make mistakes.
Reaping the Whirlwind—Sowing the Seeds for the Rise of the Beast
Recently, I was reading in the book of Hosea and was struck by how the prophet’s words to Israel are so applicable to us and our nation today.
Salvation Is Not About Denomination—It Is About Jesus!
When you don’t know the choice, look to Jesus When you don’t have a voice, look to Jesus When life has no joys, look to Jesus For Jesus always cares
Look to Jesus
When you don’t know the choice, look to Jesus When you don’t have a voice, look to Jesus When life has no joys, look to Jesus For Jesus always cares
Joseph: A Foreshadow of Christ
There is more written about Joseph in the book of Genesis than any other Bible patriarch. This is because Joseph’s life, in a very real way, foreshadows Jesus and provides powerful lessons about the plan of salvation.
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