Remisja grzechu

Remisja grzechu

Według Prawa wszystko oczyszcza się krwią, a bez przelania krwi nie ma odpuszczenia [remisji / wyzwolenia / uwolnienia / wolności]. (Hebrajczyków 9:22)

W 2006 roku magazyn “People” [Ludzie] opublikował specjalne wydanie „Amazing Stories of Survival” [niesamowite historie przetrwania], w którym była mowa o rodzinie Ayala.

Mary i Abe Ayala stanęli w obliczu rozdzierającego serce kryzysu i dylematu, gdy u ich 16-letniej córki Anissy zdiagnozowano śmiertelną białaczkę. Bez przeszczepu szpiku kostnego Anissa nie miała szans na przeżycie.

Natychmiast sprawdzono rejestr szpiku kostnego oraz szpik Mary, Abe i Anissy brata, ale niestety – nie znaleziono dopasowań. W desperackich próbach ocalenia córki, Mary i Abe postanowili mieć jeszcze jedno dziecko żywiąc się nadzieją, że szpik kostny nowego dziecka będzie mógł uratować Anissę.

Szczęśliwym zbiegiem okoliczności, Mary szybko zaszła w ciążę i gdy dziecko podrosło na tyle, by można było pobrać próbkę, otrzymali radosną nowinę, że szpik młodszej siostrzyczki Anissy, Marissy-Eve, nadawał się do przeszczepu. Czternaście miesięcy po urodzeniu dziecka dokonano przeszczepu szpiku kostnego i Anissa została uratowana.

Dlaczego Maria i Abe wydali to dziecko na świat? Dlaczego niewinne niemowlę musiało przelać krew? Ponieważ było to potrzebne, aby uleczyć i uratować ich chorą córkę.

Co to jest białaczka? Choroba raka następuje wówczas, kiedy komórki tracą ‘samokontrolę’ i przestają działać w harmonii ze swoim oprogramowaniem i z prawami zdrowia, a w końcu następuje śmierć, chyba że zostanie podjęta jakaś interwencja (wstawiennictwo), by doprowadzić raka do remisji – jakaś zmiana, która doprowadzi komórki rakowe z powrotem do ich stanu przedrakowego. Bez przelewu krwi nie może nastąpić remisja.

Bez przelania krwi Chrystusa nie ma remisji / uwolnienia / wyzwolenia od grzechu. Bez przelewu krwi Chrystusa nie moglibyśmy wrócić z powrotem do swojego pierwotnego, przed-grzesznego, przed-egoistycznego, miłującego, nieskalanego stanu, w jakim Bóg stworzył ludzkość w osobie Adama.

Nikt nie wie, dlaczego Anissa zachorowała na białaczkę, ale załóżmy, że w wieku pięciu lat wypiła trochę zakazanych przez ojca pestycydów, i ta właśnie toksyna spowodowała białaczkę. Jeśli choroba byłaby bezpośrednim skutkiem nieposłuszeństwa, to czy sprawiedliwość wymagałaby, by ojciec pozwolił jej umrzeć? Albo, co gorsza, czy sprawiedliwość wymagałaby od ojca ukarania jej śmiercią za nieposłuszeństwo?

Czego w tym przypadku wymagałaby od jej ojca sprawiedliwość, jeśli opiera się ona na prawie miłości? Ratowania córki!

Być może ojciec powiedział jej: „W dniu, w którym będziesz nieposłuszna i wypijesz pestycyd, na pewno umrzesz”. Jeżeli wypowiedział te właśnie słowa, czy musiałby pozwolić jej umrzeć, aby dochować sprawiedliwości? Jeśli ojciec ostrzegł córkę: „W dniu, w którym wypijesz, na pewno umrzesz” – czy powiedział to jako groźbę, czy aby ją ustrzec przed nieszczęściem?

Kiedy córka znalazła się w śmiertelnym stanie, co musi nastąpić? Czego wymagają ‘prawa’ zdrowia? Co musi nastąpić, by sprawiedliwości stało się zadość – by ‘prawa’ zdrowia zostały nienaruszone? Rak musi przejść do remisji: niezdrowe, zdeformowane komórki muszą się remitować, a jedynym sposobem na to jest zapewnienie lekarstwa i kuracji.

Dlaczego więc Bóg powiedział do Adama: „Tego dnia, kiedy zjesz z [drzewa poznania dobra i zła], na pewno umrzesz” (ks. Rodzaju 2:17)? Czy dlatego, że Bóg byłby zmuszony go zabić? Czy może raczej dlatego, że ludzkość przestąpiłaby praw miłości – praw życia – a bez interwencji jedyną konsekwencją jest ruina i śmierć?

Kiedy nasi pierwsi rodzice zarazili się tym śmiertelnym stanem, co było potrzebne? Lekarstwo i kuracja! Jezus Chrystus jest naszym lekarstwem / remedium!

„I powiedział im Jezus: Zaprawdę, zaprawdę powiadam wam: Jeśli nie będziecie jeść ciała Syna Człowieczego i pić jego krwi, nie będziecie mieć życia w sobie. Kto je moje ciało i pije moją krew, ma życie wieczne…” (Ew. Jana 6:53,54 UBG).

Przyjmijmy dostępne nam lekarstwo – Jezusa – i doznajmy w życiu Jego uzdrawiającej mocy.

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Testimonial Post Slider

Testimony 26

Your teachings about our heavenly Father have changed my life. Thank you sooooooo very very much! I know He’s doing some serious healing in my heart and life and I look forward to each new day to learn something new about Him and to just hear you speak about Him. Thank you, forever.

Nancy S.


Testimony 68

Your message of design law vs imperial law is so uplifting and makes so much sense- it is a game changer for me. The fact that Jesus’s death is not a big payment by an angry God is , quite frankly, a relief.

Laura G., London, Ontario, Canada


Testimony 3

My husband is a pastor and I listen to your lesson almost every week. Thank you for helping me in my study life and to help me love the “real” God more.

C. F., NC, USA


Testimony 28

I have been following your Bible study class for about a year now. I must say I am impressed with how your ministry has grown. I took it upon myself to listen to all your lesson podcasts from the past and they have both enriched me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I have learnt a lot from this class. I have also noticed how the class has grown in spiritual strength. One of the things that benefited me is that now I am not afraid of God. I use to be, but now it has melted away. The second thing is that you helped me to have a real life relationship with God. Now He is my friend that was always there and I love having him with me all the time. Thirdly, because of this class, it inspired me to take over and lead a class. I have called it “Let Us Reason Together,” adapting your inquisitive style and creating a class of free thinkers.

T. Banda, Malawi, Africa


Testimony 56

I cannot thank you enough for opening my understanding to the beautiful truth of God’s Law of Love and how it applies to everything. I have been a Christian for over forty years, but I feel like I am only now seeing with my eyes open. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

Tammy Cinzio, Australia


Testimony 42

I am just writing to say that I have been so blessed by the teachings of Come And Reason Minitries recently. I watched last week’s bible study lesson on Youtube and am thankful that the error in the printed lesson guide you use was pointed out and this week’s study was of equal benefit, if not more so. My understanding of God’s nature has been very confused of late and I am so grateful for clarity in this matter. I have never really fully understood previously how a good God can cause bad things to happen and now I realise that He doesn’t, it’s a natural consequence of sin. May the almighty Father and His Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, continue to bless your ministry.

Laura P., United Kingdom


Testimony 39

[This ministry is the] biggest blessing I have ever received! Your DVDs and lessons could not have come at a better time in my life. I have experienced in the past year many difficulties that, if it wasn’t for this wonderful view of God that I have discovered through this ministry, I would not have been able to respond in love and forgiveness. My heart is being transformed everyday by the Calvary-looking God you teach. Hallelujah!! I have tears in my eyes as I write, because my life has taken a complete turn from where I was heading.

I am from Central America. Most of my family is scattered in different parts of the world and all have the same view of God that I had growing up; a distant, exacting, and ready-to-punish-us-with-tragedy type of God. So, I have been translating lessons for my family and, to my surprise, they have also been sharing them with others! I can already see the difference. My brother has often said, “Thank you for sharing, I have never heard it this way!” My other family members are taking an amazing turn from a message of “repent or burn” towards a loving God, pleading to us that we won’t reject him because he loves us eternally.

Bless you for all you do.

Sofia S., Ashfield, MA, USA


Testimony 23

I would just like to add my voice to the many people who, I believe, must have contacted you to express their appreciation for the “Healing the Mind” DVDs. I’ve been listening to your Bible study class discussions for many years and I’ve been personally blessed by your research and teaching about the character of God.

L. G., Oakland, MI, USA


Testimony 62

I would like to express my thanks to the C&R team for creating a platform from which people can learn to trust in God and grow. My life is a witness to the effectiveness of this ministry. Without believing the truth about God as you have shown, I don’t know what my life would be like. I had given up on God helping me with certain sins – it was all useless. Given that the scripture is clear and God is so good, how could I have betrayed him so many times? I was a yo-yo christian; spinning up and down. My faith and enthusiasm was driven by discoveries/threats that prophecy is about to be fulfilled. But when I watched your “Healing the Mind” seminar, it was like a light finally went on. I could see God had no plan to hurt me, the danger came from sin, and that He is working to protect me and strengthen me. Thank you for allowing God to use you. The message God gave C&R saved my life!

Antony N. – Hobart, Australia


Testimony 16

Your seminars are still inspiring and changing our lives and we continue to share the principles we have learned from you. Your ministry has changed our lives!



Testimony 55

I was born [into the church], then I left it for many years. 10 years ago, I came back, but I could not take the hypocrisy and the lack of answers to the missing pieces. I struggled, but I did not abandon my commitment to know the truth. God is leading me to the simple understanding of his relevance and I am relearning what the church taught me as a youth… that he loves me, that he has led me to a knowledge of him such as I have never known. He is using Dr. Jennings to connect the dots that are now so apparent and hiding in plain sight!

Dean P., Arlington, TX, USA


Testimony 59

I’m a native Ghanan, but am currently in France for my master’s degree. Prior to this, during my final years at undergraduate studies in Ghana, I was introduced to your ministry and I’ve been immensely blessed by what you share, especially about the Design and Imposed Laws. God richly bless you for that.

One of the first things I did when I arrived in France was to buy all four of your books. They not only helped me, but those I shared them with. I shared the message with an atheist student and I marveled at how God worked mightily in his life. Today this person shares the Love of God with others and debunks theories of who God is not. I want to share what you present in your “Heavenly Sanctuary and Investigative Judgment” pamphlet, because the message brought rest to my soul and I live today as a healthy person.

God bless you so much and your ministry.

Michael A., Ghana


Testimony 67

I was introduced to Come And Reason by a friend of my mother-in-law, who gave me several CD’s of Dr. Jennings. The clarity of the message and recognition that God’s is a God of love was so clear, advancing beyond Dr. Maxwell’s message. However, grappled with Maxwell saying God used emergency measures for the fallen world. Now after several years of being a regular listener of the Come And Reasoning bible study class and attending Jennings’ meetings in Dallas/Fort Worth, TX, things are becoming clearer for me. Design law versus imposed law has added so much to my personal understanding of theology. This message has really impacted my work in counseling so many people miserable because they are searching for and trusting human governments to create order and peace or believing in a God who says love Me or I will kill you. I am grateful that I have an alternative view to offer my clients that makes sense. I teach a bible study class on a semi-regular basis and I value the materials that Come And Reason so freely offers to aid me in presenting this vital message. Thank you for continuing to provide advancement in our very limited understanding of a Infinite God that is rational and believable.

Dr. Roger D, Arlington, TX, USA


Testimony 31

It was very touching to hear the testimony of your class share how viewing God’s true character has changed their lives. My feelings are the same – there is so much freedom in knowing that God LOVES me – regardless of my… just, REGARDLESS! I’m still blown away by the true gospel, the fact that God is not ready to strike us when we fail. He is not arbitrary. He simply loves us and warns of the natural consequences because He can’t stand to see us suffer. I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS GOD!!!

Ceil V.,  UT, USA


Testimony 32

The message [of Come And Reason Ministries is] for all Christians (and those who may become Christians) and not just Adventists or any other group. It is difficult to imagine why any [anyone] with intellectual and spiritual honesty could find fault with the way you explained the healing substitution concepts and the truth about God’s character, though I know some will reject and criticize. On behalf of those in our group near Tacoma, WA, thank you and your staff for all of the hard work and for sharing the Gospel in this manner. God’s message of healing love will be carried to the whole world and then Jesus will come – He promised it.

Terry U., Tacoma, WA, USA