Podcast: Come And Reason with Tim Jennings, MD 2022

Podcast:  Come And Reason with Tim Jennings, MD 2022

This is a weekly, 15-minute talk-show in which Dr. Jennings answers questions on topics regarding mental health and interpersonal relationships.

Quick Link to our prior years and other podcasts.

Executive Producer – Come And Reason Ministries. Producer, host, and editor – Charles Mills.

2022 Podcasts:    iTunes  Spotify  Amazon|Audible  Direct Subscribe
Air Date Show Title / Description Download MP3
January 4
Episode 1: Healing a Broken Heart Part 1
Emotional pain and suffering are part of life on this earth. Dr. Jennings insists that, as much as we may want to sometimes, we shouldn’t run from pain. We should stand our ground and face it.
January 11
Episode 2: Healing a Broken Heart Part 2
Be truthful, enlarge our perspective, and then move on. These are more of the mental tools we can use to face the emotional pain in our lives. Dr. Jennings explain how and when to do it.
January 18
Episode 3: Healing a Broken Heart Part 3
Hope when feeling hopeless, forgive when feeling revenge or anger, and putting God first. Dr. Jennings describes the final steps we need to take to mend a heart that’s broken.
January 25
Episode 4: The Power of Love Part 1 – In The Beginning
How did humanity get the way it is? What devil brought us here? And is there hope, even in the face of overwhelming obstacles to peace and love? “The Power of Love” seminar begins now!
February 1
Episode 5: The Power of Love Part 2 – Masks We Wear
The results of Satan’s fall from grace was devastating to both him and our newly created world. Dr. Jennings highlights the fear, shame, and false identities humankind quickly developed.
February 8
Episode 6: The Power of Love Part 3 – Law Of Liberty
We all know that God pleads with us to “love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34). But, how does God love? And can we even hope to emulate that?
February 15
Episode 7: The Power of Love Part 4 – Law of Worship
In what ways did sin damage our world? The answer depends on which “law lens” we’re using to look at God, this world, ourselves, and what constitutes divine love.
February 22
Episode 8: The Power of Love Part 5 – Two Law Lenses
Dr. Jennings focuses on the two types of laws in operation on this earth—two laws that aren’t always compatible with each other. More often than not, they are at odds with each other.
March 1
Episode 9: The Power of Love Part 6 – Old Testament Through Design Law
The story of the woman taken in adultery reveals a simple truth about God. He looks at us differently from how the world looks at us. Christ’s words reflect who God is and how God acts.
March 8
Episode 10: The Power of Love Part 7 – At The Cross 1
“You will surely die.” This was the warning that the Creator God delivered to Adam and Eve concerning the consequences of sin. Which begs the question: who is the source of that death?
March 15
Episode 11: The Power of Love Part 8 – At The Cross 2
Many still cling to Satan’s distortions concerning God that swept Adam and Even into sin. Even Christ faced those distortions. His responses can provide a template for our own battles with evil.
March 22
Episode 12: The Power of Love Part 9 -Moral Decision-Making
How can we make the right decisions as we push through life? Dr. Jennings offers seven levels of moral decision making that can save us a lot of pain and misunderstanding.
March 29
Episode 13: The Power of Love Part 10 – Atonement
The decisions we make with God in our hearts are unique and strange to this world. That’s because our choices aren’t just about us. They’re about others. Christ showed us the way.
April 5
Episode 14: The Power of Love Part 11 – Mass Fraud
How does the Biblical principle of “Atonement” really work? Dr. Jennings looks at several theories; some true, some false. He says we really need to learn the difference.
April 12
Episode 15: The Power of Love Part 12 – Who is Trustworthy?
How do we determine if someone is trustworthy? That would be a good thing to know, wouldn’t it? Dr. Jennings offers some powerful guidelines to help us do just that.
April 19
Episode 16: The Power of Love Part 13 – Life Defined
What does it mean to be alive? What does it mean to be a sentient human being? Dr. Jennings tackles this sometimes controversial topic with evidence straight from God’s world.
April 26
Episode 17: The Power of Love Part 14 – Christ’s Second Coming
What are the meanings of the many feasts that God introduced as part of the sanctuary service for the Children of Israel as recorded in the Old Testament. What was their purpose?
May 3
Episode 18: The Power of Love Part 15 – Symbolic Feasts
Lies can be destructive. Just ask Adam and Eve. But, Dr. Jennings suggests an equally destructive power. Accusation. It can destroy , too, in some very subtle ways.
May 10
Episode 19: The Power of Love Part 16 – What’s In a Name
The sanctuary service was set up in the desert for the Children of Israel. It was to be a visual representation of spiritual issues. Dr. Jennings explains what God had in mind.
May 17
Episode 20: The Power of Love Part 17 – Cleansing and Fire
According to Scripture, Jesus is hard at work in the Heavenly Sanctuary. His labors there will have eternal consequences for each one of us. Dr. Jennings explains in what ways.
May 24
Episode 21: The Power of Love Part 18 – Fire of Truth
The fires of hell and God’s judgments; two topics where confusion reigns between religious denominations in the world today. But what does God’s Word say about them?
May 31
Episode 22: The Power of Love Part 19 – God’s Judgment
“The Hour of God’s Judgment has come.” This proclamation has been spoken from many a church pulpit over the years. But, do we really understand what “God’s Judgment” is?
June 7
Episode 23: The Power of love Part 20 – Sabbath as a Sign
The Sabbath. What exactly are we supposed to do with this one day a week that God blessed? What is its purpose? Dr. Jennings provides biblical suggestions.
June 14
Episode 24: The Power of Love Part 21 – War of Truth
The Bible identifies a war that’s raging and puts us—God’s people—right in the middle of it. But we’re not to wage war as the world does. There are major differences. Dr. Jennings explains.
June 21
Episode 25: The Power of Love Part 22 – Faith and Evidence
Faith and evidence. What roles should they play in our relationship with our Creator? Dr. Jennings suggests that they are related, if we understand God’s character properly.
June 28
Episode 26: The Power of Love Part 23 – Questions and Answers
At a Tim Jennings seminar, there’s always time for a question and answer session. Lingering doubts and misunderstandings can be addressed and hearts can be warmed by God’s truth.
July 5
Episode 27: Why Christ Died
One of the most treasured and meaningful events for the Christian took place a couple thousand years ago on a hilltop just outside the walls of Jerusalem. Why did it have to happen?”
July 12
Episode 28: Church and State
It’s a pressing issue these days. People want to know the difference between church and state and whether we Christians can accomplish the gospel commission through human governments.
July 19
Episode 29: Is a Just War Possible?
Is a “just” war possible? Can a war that’s biblically defendable or divinely excusable be fought on this sinful world? Dr. Jennings provides some insights and answers.
July 26
Episode 30: Predestination
Predestination means “the divine foreordaining of all that will happen, especially with regard to the salvation of some and not others.” Is there any hope for those of us not on the “save” list?
August 2
Episode 31: Healthy Decision Making
Decisions. We face them everyday—from what to do, what to say, or even what to believe. It would benefit us to know how to make decisions that would actually help instead of hinder us.
August 9
Episode 32: Beware the Methods of the Crucifiers
“Crucifiers” are people who come at you with all guns blazing, trying to shoot down your idea, confidence, and even faith. Dr. Jennings says they can be identified by their methods.
August 16
Episode 33: What Good is Religion
Recent Gallup polls are revealing a decline in the number of people in this country who identify with any type of religion. Dr. Jennings helps determine if religion is a good thing, or not.
August 23
Episode 34: Why I Believe God Exists
Does God exist? This is an age-old question. Dr. Jennings recently wrote a blog entitled, “Why I Believe God Exists” and shares what he discovered on his personal journey of understanding.
August 30
Episode 35: Texas Q&A
At a recent seminar held in Texas, Dr. Jennings collected questions written by audience members, read them aloud, and provided some very insightful answers to each one.
September 6
Episode 36: The Hand of God
There’s a category in the insurance world that labels unexplained phenomenon or a terrible disaster as an “Act of God.” Is that how God acts? Dr. Jennings offers insights and answers.
September 13
Episode 37: Divorce by the Book
Tammy Wynette sang about it. A whole lot of people experience it. D-I-V-O-R-C-E. Dr. Jennings looks at this subject from a decidedly Biblical perspective.
September 20
Episode 38: Safe Trust
How do we know if we can trust someone? There’s a lot of misinformation in the world. Who’s telling the truth and who isn’t? Dr. Jennings shares some guidance to answer those questions.
September 27
Episode 39: Fear, Anxiety, and Worry
There’s nothing like a pandemic generate a lot of fear, anxiety, and worry. So, how are we supposed to live in peace, comfort, and love in the midst of it? Dr. Jennings shares how.
October 4
Episode 40: Supreme Court Decisions
Bye, bye Roe v. Wade, separation of church and state, and democracy. Many are worried about what’s happening in the highest court of our land these days. Should we be?
October 11
Episode 41: Mind Manipulation
“Some days I feel like I’m a puppet going through the motions and someone I don’t even know is pulling the strings.” Ever thought that? Are minds being manipulated? The answer is “YES!”
October 18
Episode 42: Healthy versus Unhealthy Mind
Most of us know what it’s like to be relatively healthy. Did you know that we should be concerned about the well-being of another part of our being? Our minds! Dr. Jennings explains.
October 25
Episode 43: Healthy versus Unhealthy Decision Making
We talk often on this program about keeping our bodies and our minds healthy. But what about our decisions? Dr. Jennings offers insights and guidelines for making healthy decisions.
November 1
Episode 44: How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep
For most of us, nighttime is sleep time. But, for many of us, that memo hasn’t reached our bodies yet. We…can’t…sleep. A good night’s sleep? What’s that? Dr. Jennings offers suggestions.
November 8
Episode 45: Holistic Treatments for Depression
Most of us have experienced short- or even long-term sadness and we didn’t like it one bit. Was it depression? And if it was, are there holistic treatments available? Dr. Jennings weighs in.
November 15
Episode 46: Christ Cleansing His Bride
The Bible contains a lot of symbolism; God’s attempt to teach us something using some very precise and often complex visual aids. Dr. Jennings reveals one such a important symbol.
November 22
Episode 47: Justification by Faith
Today he discusses a topic about which many are confused. Justification by Faith. What is it? Why is it? And how can it help us in our daily walk with God?
November 29
Episode 48: Unmasking the Beast of Revelation 13 – Part 1
The Bible is sometimes a little hard to understand, especially when it involves dreams, statues, monsters, and beasts? Dr. Jennings unmasks one particular creature found in Revelation 13.
December 6
Episode 49: Unmasking the Beast of Revelation 13 – Part 2
What does a beast in Revelation 13:1 have to do with us and our world today? Dr. Jennings suggests that it represents a reality about which we’re all aware, and that reality is frightening.
December 13
Episode 50: Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death
There’s a chapter in the Bible that many misinterpret. It has to do with death and dying. But, when understood correctly, it provides lasting peace in times of fear. Dr. Jennings explains.
December 20
Episode 51: The Purpose of the Bible
Why does the Bible exist? What is God trying to reveal through its many and sometimes confusing chapters. The secret of understanding is to begin reading with one basic truth.
December 27
Episode 52: Liberty and the Government of God
“Give me liberty or give me death.” These words by Colonial politician Patrick Henry seem a little outdated these days. Now it’s more like: “Give me liberty or I’ll kill you.” What changed?