Que Signifie Être Coupable D’Infraction À Toutes Les Lois De Dieu ?

Que Signifie Être Coupable D’Infraction À Toutes Les Lois De Dieu ?

La Bible nous dit :

En effet, celui qui désobéit à un seul commandement de la Loi, même s’il obéit à tous les autres, se rend coupable à l’égard de toute la Loi. (Jacques 2:10 BDS).

J’ai entendu divers arguments à propos de ce passage qui se concentrent sur notre comportement, une approche axée sur les règles, identifiant diverses “lois” de Dieu et alléguant que ne pas observer une règle signifie que nous sommes coupables d’enfreindre toutes les lois. Mais la seule façon pour que la description de Jacques soit vraie est de comprendre que la loi de Dieu est une loi conçue et de rejeter l’idée selon laquelle la loi de Dieu fonctionne comme la loi humaine, imposant des règles qui nécessitent une surveillance juridique et l’imposition d’une punition.

Si nous pensons que la loi de Dieu est constituée de règles imposées, alors ce que Jacques a écrit n’est pas vrai. Il n’est pas vrai qu’une personne qui triche avec ses impôts est également coupable de pédophilie. Il n’est pas vrai que lorsqu’une personne commet un adultère, elle est également coupable de meurtre ou de vente de drogue à des enfants.

Accepteriez-vous comme vraie la déclaration selon laquelle, parce que vous vous êtes mis en colère et avez maudit votre voisin, vous êtes coupable de viol ? Non! Vous diriez : “Je ne le suis pas !”

Au lieu de cela, la déclaration de Jacques selon laquelle enfreindre un point de la loi rend coupable d’enfreindre toutes les lois n’est vraie que lorsque nous réalisons que la loi de Dieu est une loi conçue, la loi de l’amour intégrée dans la réalité. Peu importe la façon dont nous sommes égoïstes ; toute forme d’anti-amour, d’anti-vérité, d’anti-justice enfreint la loi.

  • Si nous portons un faux témoignage contre notre prochain, nous ne parvenons pas à aimer.
  • Si nous déshonorons nos parents, nous ne parvenons pas à aimer.
  • Si nous commettons l’adultère, nous ne parvenons pas à aimer.
  • Si nous tuons, nous ne parvenons pas à aimer.
  • Si nous volons, nous ne parvenons pas à aimer.
  • Si nous convoitons, nous ne parvenons pas à aimer.
  • Si nous avons d’autres dieux, nous ne parvenons pas à aimer.
  • Si nous prenons le nom de Dieu, nous qualifiant de chrétiens, mais le déformons en enseignant qu’il est un dictateur impérial et une source de mort, nous ne parvenons pas à aimer.
  • Si nous trouvons de fausses images de Dieu dignes de notre affection, nous ne parvenons pas à aimer.
  • Si nous ne nous souvenons pas du sabbat et, par conséquent, n’embrassons pas et n’appliquons pas la vérité qu’il nous révèle, nous ne parvenons pas à aimer.

Ne pas aimer est la transgression de la loi de Dieu ; les Dix Commandements ont été ajoutés pour répondre aux besoins de l’humanité déchue, afin d’aider à exposer à notre esprit que nos cœurs et nos esprits naturels ne parviennent pas à aimer. C’est pourquoi nous devons renaître avec un cœur nouveau et un esprit juste qui aime Dieu et les autres, ce qui est exactement ce que Jacques décrivait :

Si, au contraire, vous vous conformez à la loi du royaume de Dieu, telle qu’on la trouve dans l’Écriture : Tu aimeras ton prochain comme toi-même, alors vous agissez bien. … En effet, celui qui désobéit à un seul commandement de la Loi, même s’il obéit à tous les autres, se rend coupable à l’égard de toute la Loi. (Jacques 2:8, 10 BDS).

Je vous invite à rejeter les mensonges imposés par les lois sur Dieu et son gouvernement et à recommencer à l’adorer en tant que notre Créateur, celui qui a construit la réalité, qui est l’amour et dont les lois sont les protocoles d’amour sur lesquels le tissu du cosmos opère.

Consultez ce blog pour en savoir plus sur Les lois de conception de Dieu.

Et pour en savoir plus sur la victoire, consultez notre blog La victoire par l’amour intime.



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Testimonial Post Slider

Testimony 1

Thank you! I love listening to the Come And Reason Ministries Bible study classes and am using some of your notes to get the lessons together that I will be teaching. You always have such good quotes and Bible texts and pull things together to make good sense.

T. C., IN, USA


Testimony 51

I Love This Ministry!!!!!!! I see first hand how this message is desperately needed, how erroneous beliefs about God and His Character negatively affect humanity at every level. I thank God for your ministry, as I was searching on my own and was discovering some of your same beliefs and was blown away when I found your ministry. I know you hear it all the time, but it is truly life changing. May God continue to reveal His Will to you and Bless you!

Eric S., Sanford, FL, USA


Testimony 52

Your unique way in spreading the truth is what we all need today. Most of us don’t recognize the contamination coming from all the lies and selfishness in the world. Because of our fear of death, we forgot how to live. Lies left and right. I was losing hope and faith, because of so many ideas that are always contradicting each other – so many questions answered by other, more complicated, questions – until I found your channel on YouTube.

You did not just give me answers, you also taught me how to answer new questions that arise in my mind. Now I see things differently. I see God’s mercy, grace, and Love everywhere, in spite of all the chaos that we all have done as humans. I don’t fear death anymore. Accepting the Truth and Love about God is truly a genuine Freedom from all the confusions, sufferings, selfishness, pain, and death.

I just wanted to say, thank you, sooooo much for revealing the real Remedy for our infected life. I have a new hope and now see the world in a different perspective!

Wheinny P., University Place, WA, USA


Testimony 40

I was brought up in a different faith and have been petrified my whole life of God. I believed that I would burn in hell for eternity. When I was 12 I started pursuing the things of this world, but for the next 45 years the Spirit was always calling me, as I knew there was a God through nature. I could see the vast sea of stars in the universe and knew there was something bigger out there. Five years ago, through a Revelation seminar, I was blessed to learn about God’s character and government.

Then I found Come and Reason Ministries and have come under some extreme pressure when I speak about the ministry. One time a member sent me an internet article titled “Whats wrong with Tim Jennings?” I asked her what she thought of it and she said “I don’t know, I didn’t read it.”

I have always wanted to find out for myself the truth about God, so I stayed with the Design Law construct and have been liberated to understand the big picture. Once we consider Design Law, all other Bible stories and prophecies seem to fit perfectly. It is truly beautiful to see people grasping how God operates this Universe of Love and the liberation it has provided in their lives. It blows my mind to see how consistent Design law is with what our founders believed. I hear statements like “This makes so much sense.”

Tom W., Mt. Pleasant, MI, USA


Testimony 58

I have been watching your videos in The Power of Love seminar and I must say these have liberated me and have improved my relationship with the Lord. I am no longer terrified of him as I was before following your teachings.

Thando N., South Africa


Testimony 53

I was so blessed by a friend who gave me your book, “The God Shaped Brain,” while I was sitting in church asking God to please help me learn more about Him and help me not to be so confused and scared. That was about 2 years ago. Your books have helped me to love God even more. I’m not confused or scared anymore! I have listened to all of your bible study classes and feel like I know the wonderful people that attend every week. Thank you for all that you’re doing in spreading the true message about God and His law of love. God bless you and your whole class.

Elssy P., Modesto, CA, USA


Testimony 23

I would just like to add my voice to the many people who, I believe, must have contacted you to express their appreciation for the “Healing the Mind” DVDs. I’ve been listening to your Bible study class discussions for many years and I’ve been personally blessed by your research and teaching about the character of God.

L. G., Oakland, MI, USA


Testimony 29

Thank you for all of your work to correct misconceptions about God’s character. So many people that my husband and I have talked to seem to be against the natural law construct and view it as “errant” and “dangerous.” Having learned more about it through your blogs and lessons, I don’t really understand why they view it that way, except that it means they have to relearn theology they have known for their entire lives. But I’m so excited to relearn this. For the past few years I have been questioning how I could trust a God who punishes arbitrarily and is full of wrath for those who don’t obey His commands. That view made me afraid to “mess up” or “not be good enough,” even within my relationship with God. I really appreciated the point you bring out about God not wanting us to serve Him because we are afraid, but because we love Him.

Melissa H., IN, USA


Testimony 15

I have been sharing Come And Reason Ministries Bible study lessons with several folk. You have such a beautiful view of the plan of salvation. If we had this message preached when I was young, my generation would still all be in church.

H. R., New Zealand

Testimony 67

I was introduced to Come And Reason by a friend of my mother-in-law, who gave me several CD’s of Dr. Jennings. The clarity of the message and recognition that God’s is a God of love was so clear, advancing beyond Dr. Maxwell’s message. However, grappled with Maxwell saying God used emergency measures for the fallen world. Now after several years of being a regular listener of the Come And Reasoning bible study class and attending Jennings’ meetings in Dallas/Fort Worth, TX, things are becoming clearer for me. Design law versus imposed law has added so much to my personal understanding of theology. This message has really impacted my work in counseling so many people miserable because they are searching for and trusting human governments to create order and peace or believing in a God who says love Me or I will kill you. I am grateful that I have an alternative view to offer my clients that makes sense. I teach a bible study class on a semi-regular basis and I value the materials that Come And Reason so freely offers to aid me in presenting this vital message. Thank you for continuing to provide advancement in our very limited understanding of a Infinite God that is rational and believable.

Dr. Roger D, Arlington, TX, USA


Testimony 9

I really enjoy with you the view of a gracious God. Thank you for sharing the work you are allowing the Lord to do in you.

L., Queensland, Australia


Testimony 20

I just wanted to personally thank you for your teachings and insight into scripture. I came across your website via my cousin who suggested I look into “Healing the Mind” information. My youngest daughter has been struggling over the last couple of years and it all came to a head this spring. When I started listening to the “Healing the Mind” lectures my own life began to be transformed. I began sharing with all my daughters the concepts you laid out so clearly. I ordered your book and soaked it up. I just want to say “Thank You!” My walk with the Lord has been refreshed and renewed. Your obedience to the Lord is a blessing to so many.

R. K., Anderson, SC, USA


Testimony 49

I came into the church at 21, but that is as far as it went. I was so confused about what love is. I couldn’t find it in the bible, because I am not a person that can read between the lines. I have no logic. I have read many, many books; trying to figure out the crux of the matter. They were helpful, but something was still missing. I have become very frustrated to the point of crying out to God, “Where can I go?”  I needed some basics.

I found two books, written by Timothy Jennings, MD, to be very helpful. God showed me that I had lived my whole life in fear. I didn’t even see it. Now, I do. God is so good.  I discovered the “The Remedy”  Dr. Jennings new book, “The God-Shaped Heart!” Oh, I was so excited, I purchased them right away.

I can get rid of most of my books, because “The Remedy” brings the Love of God out so clearly, even I can’t miss it. Now, I want to sit and read my Bible. Wow, what a revelation! It is just simply Awesome! I am so grateful to Jehovah Almighty for hearing my prayer for more understanding! I am so encouraged!

Jackie S.


Testimony 68

Your message of design law vs imperial law is so uplifting and makes so much sense- it is a game changer for me. The fact that Jesus’s death is not a big payment by an angry God is , quite frankly, a relief.

Laura G., London, Ontario, Canada


Testimony 25

I just want to say thank you so much for your conversations via YouTube. I regularly tune in to your lectures, “Let’s Talk” sessions, and many others. Through these I’ve found greater depth and meaning to God’s word. Thanks for all that you do and please continue. I’m currently working in the middle of Silicon Valley at Stanford University. I feel like God really has me in the right place right now and I’m sensing that your teachings might be part of it.

B. F., Silicon Valley, CA, USA