COVID and the Manipulation of Your Mind – Part 3

COVID and the Manipulation of Your Mind – Part 3

Nine-Step Process to Manipulate Minds

This is the third entry in our four-part series based on the program COVID and the Manipulation of Your Mind, which I presented on July 15, 2022, at the United Healthcare Summit. In our first installment, we examined the differences between a healthy and unhealthy mind. In part two, we examined the differences between healthy and unhealthy decision-making and factors that interfere with healthy decision-making. Here in part three, I will list the nine-step process being used to manipulate minds and get people to make decisions they would not otherwise make; I will then unpack the first two steps, providing evidence that demonstrates how each step was used during the COVID lockdowns. We will complete the final seven steps in the last installment of this series.

The nine steps are:

  1. Create or identify some threat. The more nebulous the better.
  2. Purposely misinform (lie) to exaggerate the danger in order to increase the sense of fear.
  3. Present conflicting messaging to increase uncertainty in order to undermine the ability of people to resolve the threat on their own.
  4. Provide a voice of authority to direct toward “safety.”
  5. Present the sense of group acceptance.
  6. Prescribe specific actions that may or may not reduce the threat.
  7. Silence dissent.
  8. Add new threats to increase fear.
  9. Repeat steps 2–8.

The Evidence:

Step 1. Create or identify some threat. The more nebulous the better.

The purpose of identifying a threat is to incite fear. As fear increases, the ability to reason and discern decreases—fear impairs thinking! And a nebulous threat—one you cannot see, smell, touch, hear, or identify with the senses God has given you—means you can never be certain you are safe from the threat, which does more than incite fear and impair thinking; it also makes you eager to listen to someone else to tell you where the threat is and how to be safe from it.

Did SARS-CoV2 (SARS2) come from a wet market or from a virology lab in Wuhan, China? The evidence is overwhelming on this question, and I have my conclusion, but for the purpose of manipulating minds, it doesn’t matter! It is a nebulous threat that incites fear.


SARS2 Is a Tool
The Intention Is Fear
The Goal Is Power and Control!


Step 2. Purposely misinform (lie) to exaggerate the danger in order to increase the sense of fear.

During SARS-CoV2, many lies were told that led the public astray. When I say “lie,” I mean it was known to be false from the beginning. I am not speaking about presenting a conclusion based on current data and then sometime later new data emerges and the conclusion changes. That is not a lie; that is normal progression of unfolding truth. No, I am speaking of knowing the facts say one thing but purposely presenting them in a false light in order to increase fear.

Here are some of the lies:

Lie 1: The virus is virulent, killing up to 3.4% of the general population who contract the infection. [1] [2] It was known from the original Wuhan outbreak that SARS-CoV2 was no more lethal than seasonal influenza (the common flu), where every year 0.1–0.3% of the population dies from the flu virus. COVID-19 was no different. The 3.4% number came not from the percent of people who died in the community at large, but from those who were so sick they had to be hospitalized. It was known from the original outbreak that the 3.4% number did not represent the threat to the community at large, but government officials purposely used the inflated numbers from only the sickest people, projecting that out over the population in order to falsely claim the disease is ten times more lethal than the flu. It worked: The world went into a cycle of fear, and billions stopped thinking.

Lie 2: COVID is highly life-threatening to children. [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] No. While SARS-CoV2 has the same lethality as seasonal flu to the population at large, it is much less dangerous to children than the seasonal flu. In other words, more children will die from seasonal flu than from SARS-CoV2. This was known from the first cases, and it has been confirmed throughout the world—yet they lied.

Lie 3: Community mask wearing can stop the spread. [8] [9] [10] [11] Again, no! It has been documented in every study of viruses before COVID and since COVID that mask wearing has no impact on reducing spread of viral diseases. This was known, yet they lied.

Lie 4: Six feet of separation can stop the spread. This was made up from nothing—no evidence, no studies, no documentation—just another rule to manipulate people.

Lie 5: The experimental mRNA injections are “vaccines” that will prevent infection, provide herd immunity, and stop the spread of the virus. [12] [13] This is a lie told in multiple ways. The first lie is by calling the injections “vaccines.” Words have meaning, and in our society prior to COVID, the word vaccine meant an “agent used to give immunity against various diseases without producing symptoms.” [14] And vaccination meant an “injection of a vaccine in order to produce immunity against a disease.” [15] But from the beginning, they knew this injection would not prevent infection, would not prevent spread, and would not prevent reinfection, yet they called it a vaccine anyway. But they didn’t stop with misnaming; they further lied when they repeated over and over again that we can be safe if we get the injection, we can achieve herd immunity if we get the injection, and we can stop the spread if we get the injection. But the entire time they knew all of this was false. At best, one could argue these were designed to be “injectable therapeutics,” something that might reduce severity of illness, but this is not how they were marketed to the populace.

Lie 6: The pandemic is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. No. In fact, the pandemic is a pandemic of the “vaccinated.” The safest people in society from spreading COVID are the unvaccinated; the most likely to spread are the “vaccinated.” Why? Because the “vaccinated” develop IgG and IgM antibodies to the spike protein and these antibodies circulate in their blood, but they don’t have any IgA antibodies on the mucous membranes of their sinuses and throat, the places where the virus infects and initially reproduces. When the virus crosses into the body, the IgG and IgM antibodies very well may reduce the severity of illness, so people don’t know they are sick, they don’t stay home—they go out and spread it. Whereas the unvaccinated who have recovered from COVID have IgG and IgM in their circulation but also IgA on their mucous membranes, so when they get re-exposed, their antibodies kill it quickly and they don’t spread it to others. And the unvaccinated who haven’t had it, when they get it, they actually get symptoms and do like humans have done throughout all human history when they are sick: They call grandma and say, “Grandma, I’ve got a fever and feel awful. I’m sick. I don’t want to expose you, so I am going to stay home until I feel better.” And the evidence is available for all to see: President Biden has been vaccinated and boosted multiple times, yet despite this has contracted COVID twice now. The pandemic has been spread by the “vaccinated.” And now the data is emerging that documents that the more boosters one has, the weaker the immune system and the more vulnerable to COVID one becomes. [16]

Lie 7: The “vaccines” are safe. Stop and think. This is a new experimental technology, never before used on the human population; thus, there is absolutely zero evidence of any kind that these are safe. The most accurate thing they could have said was, “We don’t know whether they will prove safe, and we don’t know if any harm will come from them over the long term. We just don’t have the data.” So, this one didn’t even require evidence to realize it was a lie when it was first told. What about now? Is there evidence now that these injections do, in fact, cause harm? Absolutely, but I will not take the time to document that here because it isn’t necessary to the point of the article. They lied about the safety from the beginning.

Lie 8: The PCR test is accurate in diagnosing COVID infections. [17] The PCR test, if done properly, can confirm the presence of bits of genetic material on the sample tested, with a 95% accuracy. If one samples an asymptomatic and uninfected population, 5% will still come back with a positive test. Did we do this? Did we set up testing centers to test people who might have been “exposed” yet they themselves had no symptoms? And the result? Millions of false positive tests. And what did that do? Gave the impression of widespread disease, which increased fear. No, we don’t diagnose disease with a positive PCR test; we diagnose it the way we have always done, via examination of a patient and confirming symptoms of sickness.

Lie 9: The number of COVID deaths reported by the government is accurate. [18] [19] Another lie. According to the CDC’s own reporting, 96% of those who are listed as having died from COVID had, on average, four other causes of death. Only 4% of those listed by the CDC as having died from COVID died exclusively from COVID, which means the numbers are in line with the lethality from a seasonal flu, just as the original Wuhan data documented. But the CDC changed its reporting rules, and the government financially incentivized healthcare systems to list COVID. They allowed COVID to be listed even if PCR testing was negative if the doctor “suspected” it might have been COVID. This lie was told to make it appear that COVID is far more dangerous than it really is.

Lie 10: Lockdowns are effective at stopping spread and reducing deaths. In fact, the lockdowns were the cause of increased deaths that will be cascading down through multiple generations. It is truly incalculable the pain, suffering, and deaths that the mandates have caused. Here is a summary, with references, of the increased mortality because of the government lockdowns and mandates:

  • Increased cancer deaths due to over 10 million missed cancer screenings and treatments. [20] [21]
  • Increased deaths from heart attacks and strokes. [22]
  • Increased deaths from teen suicides. [23]
  • Increased overdose deaths. [24]
  • Increased all causes of death from social isolation due to worsening physical and mental health, increased stress and inflammation, and impairments in viral fighting immunity. [25] [26] [27]
  • Increased domestic and child abuse, which causes epigenetic changes, increasing downstream rates of mental-health problems, addictions, suicides, obesity, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, heart attacks, strokes, and early deaths—changes that cascade down three to four generations. [28] [29] [30]
  • Globally 100 million driven into poverty, which also causes negative epigenetic changes, increasing rates of mental health problems, addictions, suicides, obesity, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, heart attacks, strokes, and early deaths. These changes cascade down three to four generations. [31]

Lie 11: Healthcare organizations can provide safer care if they mandate their employees get the COVID “vaccine” and fire those who do not. As discussed above, it is the unvaccinated recovered who are the safest and least likely to contract and spread COVID to others, while the “vaccinated” are the most likely to be asymptomatic carriers and spreaders. [32] [33] [34]

Lie 12: The military is better able to carry out its mission by mandating COVID “vaccines” and discharging all who refuse. While it is true that in active combat environments, when a real threat of a highly lethal biological weapon being deployed exists, that the troops within that combat environment can be mandated to receive an experimental agent designed to immunize the soldiers from the potential threat (think anthrax during the Iraq war), COVID and the COVID “vaccine” did not meet this standard. U.S. military personnel were not in any active war zone. SARS-CoV2 is not a highly lethal agent; in fact, the young military troops have less threat from it than seasonal influenza. The course of infection in the deployable military population is mild and self-limiting with very little mortality. Moreover, the “vaccines” have no proven benefit and add significant risk to young healthy males (e.g., myocarditis). And discharging special operators and pilots and other specialized personnel does not retain the fighting force but weakens it.

Lie 13: Children will have better health via masks mandates, school closures, and the COVID “vaccine.The data is so overwhelming that children have been harmed by the various mandates that I won’t even provide any documentation because even the censors can’t censor all the evidence of the harm to children from the draconian and unscientific mandates to an illness that has a statistical risk of zero deaths to children.

Lie 14: Following CDC recommendations is following science. Following CDC recommendations is following opinion, not science. Science is knowledge gained through observation, measurement, and experimentation and is reproducible and testable. CDC recommendations are interpretations of science, not science. Many CDC recommendations have been proven to be harmful.

Lie 15: The CDC protocols to treat COVID reduce deaths. This is a good example of the unscientific recommendations of the CDC. The CDC recommended for those diagnosed with COVID to be sent home without any treatment. [35] If they deteriorate to the point they could not be managed at home, they were to be admitted to the hospital and started on an antiviral, Remdesivir, which failed its trials because it was demonstrated to increase deaths. [36]

Lie 16: FDA approval means that a product is safe and effective. No, FDA approval means a drug can be legally marketed for a condition that the manufacturer demonstrated their product outperformed a placebo for a cherry-picked study group that does not represent the general population. Once a drug comes to market and is used in wider populations, often times the drug proves to be either ineffective or to cause much more harm than was seen in the study and, subsequently, it loses its approval.

Lie 17: Ivermectin is ineffective and unsafe in treating COVID. Multiple studies demonstrate ivermectin to be one of the safest medications in human history and, when used early and in conjunction with other early treatment protocols, can reduce hospitalization and deaths from COVID by up to 85%. [37] [38]

Lie 18: Hydroxychloroquine is ineffective and unsafe in treating COVID. Like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine has proven to be one of the safest medications in human history—safe in children, pregnant women, and elderly—and is even over-the-counter in many countries. It has also had many studies documenting that when used in conjunction with other early treatments, it reduces hospitalizations and deaths from COVID. [39] The CDC did not recommend either ivermectin nor hydroxychloroquine despite the overwhelming evidence of safety and efficacy, but instead recommended no early treatment, resulting in multiple times more deaths than would have occurred had early treatment been carried out. [40] [41] [42]

Lie 19: Physician testimony of ICU patients dying from diagnosed COVID is an accurate barometer of the lethality of COVID. This is a difficult falsehood to uncover because the doctors giving their testimony are not lying about their experience; they saw people dying horribly, and their accounts are tragic and moving. However, they are not an accurate barometer of the lethality of COVID but of the lethality of the flawed CDC treatment protocols. Had the early treatment protocols been used that the CDC rejected, the number of deaths from COVID would have been reduced by approximately 85%.

Our minds have been purposely and intentionally manipulated; these are only some of the lies that have been told—there are more!

In part 4, we will conclude this series by completing our exploration of the nine steps used to manipulate minds and get people to make choices they would not otherwise make.

[1] Atlas, Scott, A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America (Bombardier Books, November 23, 2021).












[13] NY Study 12% effective children 5-11

[14] Phillip, G., The American Desktop Encyclopedia (New York: The Oxford University Press, 1998.) p. 837.

[15] Ibid.










[25] Public Health; 152 (Nov 2017): 157–171.

[26] Sepúlveda-Loyola, W., et al. “Impact of Social Isolation Due to COVID-19 on Health in Older People: Mental and Physical Effects and Recommendations.” Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging (2020).

[27] Cole, S., et al., “Social regulation of gene expression in human leukocytes”; Genome Biology, 2007, 8:R189.
















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Testimonial Post Slider

Testimony 49

I came into the church at 21, but that is as far as it went. I was so confused about what love is. I couldn’t find it in the bible, because I am not a person that can read between the lines. I have no logic. I have read many, many books; trying to figure out the crux of the matter. They were helpful, but something was still missing. I have become very frustrated to the point of crying out to God, “Where can I go?”  I needed some basics.

I found two books, written by Timothy Jennings, MD, to be very helpful. God showed me that I had lived my whole life in fear. I didn’t even see it. Now, I do. God is so good.  I discovered the “The Remedy”  Dr. Jennings new book, “The God-Shaped Heart!” Oh, I was so excited, I purchased them right away.

I can get rid of most of my books, because “The Remedy” brings the Love of God out so clearly, even I can’t miss it. Now, I want to sit and read my Bible. Wow, what a revelation! It is just simply Awesome! I am so grateful to Jehovah Almighty for hearing my prayer for more understanding! I am so encouraged!

Jackie S.


Testimony 37

Hearing Dr. Jennings’ presentations in person came at a pivotal moment in my spiritual journey that began about nine months ago, when the fault lines inherent in my belief system began to crack under questions that most reasonable people end up asking about God and His nature. These were questions I couldn’t find answers to, and they shook my faith. I was unable let it go any longer and be satisfied. My Christian experience became distant. I was afraid; the fear in me rose like thorns, pushing me away from Jesus. And then someone heard my questions and introduced me to this ministry, and my life has totally changed.

I can tell you that this new, “present truth” message is far grander and life-changing than when I shifted from being an agnostic and then a nominal Christian. It has radically altered my worldview, because it reveals a God that makes sense. It is a revolution. I believe that Dr. Jennings’ message is the final message that must go to the world. If any message could be called “righteousness by faith,” as abused as that term is by the right and the left, this is that message, because Jennings’ biblical message identifies a God who is different, whose character isn’t an impossible contradiction.

I walk this path now without fear. I see people differently, and the Holy Spirit burns in my heart. Many call Dr. Jennings’ message false and compromising, but it isn’t false, because I’ve seen the fruits within my mind and body. It is not compromising, because in this message is the only road to holiness that makes any sense. No longer do I behold a pagan god who is always angry and suspicious. Instead, I behold a God who is freeing and loving, always working for our good, and giving me every reason to love my enemy even to my own death, just as Jesus pleads with us. God is good.

Anthony L., CA, USA


Testimony 63

I’ve been very blessed by “The God Shaped Brain” and this ministry, through video and podcast, over the last few years. It’s truly opened up my eyes more to the truth about God and the importance of that truth in the present world. The message is so inviting, freeing and enlightening and MORE people need to know about it. I believe it is the last message that can truly, not only prepare a people for salvation and translation, but vindicate the character of God.

Michael V., Yonkers, NY, USA


Testimony 61

I grew up in a prominent protestant church and had what I like to call religious anxiety. I’ve always had questions about God and Salvation that no one could seem to answer.  I didn’t know how to find resolution. During 2020, at the height of my anxiety, I fell to my knees and begged God to show me truth and light and to give me the hope that I’ve been longing for. Days later, I stumbled upon your online videos and it was like a veil was lifted and EVERYTHING made sense! For the first time in my almost 39 years of life, my religious/spiritual anxiety has lessened. I feel a sense of freedom and peace I’ve NEVER had before… and it’s all because my view of God has changed. Thank you!

Ashleighn C.


Testimony 7

Ok, so last night I listened to “The Law of Liberty” and “How to Achieve Victory: Freedom, Truth and Spirtual Warfare.” These are both MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITES so far! The logic is just soooooo beautiful. I had to re-listen to them a couple of times. I just want to EXPLODE! (<< we assume with joy and happiness)

N. B., Canada


Testimony 38

Since November 2015, when I started studying Gods word from this God Is Love point of view, my life has been transformed. My troubled marriage of 15 years has been healed and my husband and I are truly happy for the first time in 15 years. Now When I read the word of God I understand it so much better and I can’t help but see Gods love radiating through the pages to humanity. Gods word is living and active and I am blessed beyond measure to be having this amazing experience. God has given me a beautiful understanding of Jn 3:16 that amazes me more and more each day. Thank you again for your ministry.

Helen D., London, England


Testimony 2

I continue to enjoy your lessons every week. The more that I research your conclusions, the more I am convinced that the Holy Spirit has lead you to distill out the essence of human redemption. Thank you for your courageous stand for the truth.

S. G., TX, USA


Testimony 45

I have been confused for years about what [christianity] calls [its] most disgusting teaching. It has never made much sense to me and for that reason has been evermore empty. I have listened to your class off and on and have struggled determining what is truth, because of the resistance design law encounters in the church. So, I thank God for your ministry. What you teach makes sense. It’s logical and backed up by the power of love. I have never seen that in Christ until now. I am astounded by the insight that is found when we look at God’s ministry through design law. All strength to this message, as I believe it to be the power of God.

Brendon S.


Testimony 19

I truly believe that to know who God really is the first step to understand ourselves in a balanced and kind way, so the healing can take place. Your approach really makes sense – Thank you for your ministry!

A.M., Pittsburg, PA, USA

Testimony 29

Thank you for all of your work to correct misconceptions about God’s character. So many people that my husband and I have talked to seem to be against the natural law construct and view it as “errant” and “dangerous.” Having learned more about it through your blogs and lessons, I don’t really understand why they view it that way, except that it means they have to relearn theology they have known for their entire lives. But I’m so excited to relearn this. For the past few years I have been questioning how I could trust a God who punishes arbitrarily and is full of wrath for those who don’t obey His commands. That view made me afraid to “mess up” or “not be good enough,” even within my relationship with God. I really appreciated the point you bring out about God not wanting us to serve Him because we are afraid, but because we love Him.

Melissa H., IN, USA


Testimony 5

We listen to your bible studies lessons in our class in Montana. You actually were the main reason I decided to get a laptop, so I can go to your site and listen, read, learn, and print the class notes. I am so grateful to learn the correct view of God and his character. Now, to just have others have an interest in knowing, so I can share it with them. Good thoughts your way.

R. N., MT, USA


Testimony 43

Two years ago I stumbled upon your book, “Could It Be This Simple,” and then found “The God-Shaped Brain” videos on YouTube, your bible study class, and the ‘Come And Reason’ mobile app. I shared your book with a friend and after nine months of showing love, patience, and kindness this person has been changed by the love of God, too. The same love that healed me, I now express to other women in tangible ways, such as to a Baptist woman with high anxiety and childhood trauma. She was extremely happy and relieved when I shared about the so-called “judgment of God” and burning in hell. She had no desire to serve a God that was so harsh. I have repeated the phrase dozens of times to her. “What we believe has power over us, but we have power over what we believe…”

This message that you are sharing has changed my life. I will continue to serve other women and bring this message of God’s healing love to their lives by sharing your books, YouTube videos, and The Remedy Bible app. Keep up the good work. Don’t be discouraged. God is doing a mighty work in and through this ministry!

Jill L., Midwest, USA


Testimony 17

The blessings of clarity and understanding you and your class inspire me to take from the word of God have impressed upon me so greatly the true, loving character of our Creator. I have found amazing freedom and joy through building a stronger, more intentional relationship with Him. What is new is that this is now a relationship built on love, reverence and respect rather than fear and obligation, and as such my eyes have been slammed OPEN as I am continually impressed by the manifestations of God’s true character in His provisions for fallen man.

T.E.H., Salt Lake City, UT, USA


Testimony 32

The message [of Come And Reason Ministries is] for all Christians (and those who may become Christians) and not just Adventists or any other group. It is difficult to imagine why any [anyone] with intellectual and spiritual honesty could find fault with the way you explained the healing substitution concepts and the truth about God’s character, though I know some will reject and criticize. On behalf of those in our group near Tacoma, WA, thank you and your staff for all of the hard work and for sharing the Gospel in this manner. God’s message of healing love will be carried to the whole world and then Jesus will come – He promised it.

Terry U., Tacoma, WA, USA


Testimony 31

It was very touching to hear the testimony of your class share how viewing God’s true character has changed their lives. My feelings are the same – there is so much freedom in knowing that God LOVES me – regardless of my… just, REGARDLESS! I’m still blown away by the true gospel, the fact that God is not ready to strike us when we fail. He is not arbitrary. He simply loves us and warns of the natural consequences because He can’t stand to see us suffer. I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS GOD!!!

Ceil V.,  UT, USA