Come and Reason Makes Big Impact at AACC 2017

The Come and Reason team just got back from the American Association of Christian Counselors World Conference in Nashville—where seven thousand Christian counselors, pastors, chaplains, psychologists, and others were in attendance.

People from all over the world came up to our booth to tell us how they are using our materials in their church small groups and in Sunday School classes, and with patients individually, in therapy groups, and classes. Students in universities even told us their professors have them watch or read our materials.

In one of Dr. Jennings’ presentations, during the Q&A, two separate people spoke up and told the group how using Come and Reason materials have significantly improved the outcomes of their marriage therapy. We had people with tears in their eyes thanking us for the free materials because it has helped someone in their family or church. There were numerous people who came up and told us how much they like The Remedy, and they shared their favorite verses with us. Literally, hundreds of stories like this over the week—lives impacted, hearts healing.

We also had many others meeting us and hearing our message for the first time, and they took the time to get our materials and talk about our view of God. We took two thousand copies of Could It Be This Simple?, and all of them were given away; thousands of DVDs were also given away. People kept saying, “We just can’t believe you are giving this away!â€

All this was possible only because of you—our friends who faithfully keep us in your prayers, encourage us with your comments, and support us with your love and generous donations. Thank you all!