Mental Health and Healing

Mental Health and Healing

How to Find a Mental Health Provider
January 16, 2018 Blogs, Mental Health and Healing Tim Jennings, M.D.

This week, I received an email with this question: “How can I find a counselor in my area that reasons and believes as I do?”

I am often asked to recommend a counselor, therapist, or psychiatrist for people living in various locations throughout the country. I have made it a policy not to recommend a specific provider unless I know him or her personally. However, the following are some guidelines you can use to find a mental health provider in your area best suited to your needs.

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A Remedy for Loneliness
January 7, 2018 Blogs, Family and Relationship Health, Mental Health and Healing Tim Jennings, M.D.

Have you ever struggled with loneliness? Have you ever been in a room full of people but felt isolated, disconnected, alone? Have you been tormented by an uneasiness within, a feeling that something isn’t right, a restless longing to fill some emptiness deep inside? And have you tried to fill this void

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Suicide and the Myth of Lost Salvation
December 3, 2017 Bible Answers That Make Sense, Blogs, Life's Tough Questions, Mental Health and Healing Tim Jennings, M.D.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 13 out of every 100,000 people will die by suicide. Most people have been impacted by this tragedy in one way or another, including me. Several years ago, after the death of his wife of fifty years, my great uncle ended his own life; he was simply unable to cope with the heartache, pain, and loneliness.

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Forgiving Self – Why Is It So Hard?
December 2, 2012 Blogs, Mental Health and Healing Tim Jennings, M.D.

Hello, I am from Malawi but live in the UK. I have been following your class for about a year now. I must say I am impressed with how your ministry has grown… you have taught me how to forgive myself. This has set me free indeed… [but my] question is “Why is it so hard to forgive ourselves?”

Can you please help me shed light on this?

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Confessing Faults and Sins
February 26, 2011 Bible Answers That Make Sense, Blogs, Family and Relationship Health, Mental Health and Healing Tim Jennings, M.D.

You presented a really moving and challenging set of seminars at Midport SDA. I had a couple of questions that arose out of your first presentation on Guilt. Unfortunately, we ran out of time and you could not take any more questions. I would really appreciate it if you could respond here.

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Guilt – How to Resolve It
February 11, 2011 Blogs, Mental Health and Healing Tim Jennings, M.D.

After the death of her sister, my colleague was consumed with guilt and remorse at how she treated her sister.  She has been unable to forgive herself and is depressed and distraught because she will never be able to appologise to her sister and seek her forgiveness.  The remarkable thing is that her sister died ten years ago and my colleague is still struggling with feelings of guilt. How would you suggest she resolve these feelings of guilt?

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Victorious Living – Now or Then?
January 8, 2010 Blogs, Character Development, Mental Health and Healing Tim Jennings, M.D.

I am in tune with the trust and healing model of atonement and posted this on-line:

“Those who believe on Christ and obey His commandments are not under bondage to God’s law; for to those who believe and obey, His law is not a law of bondage, but of liberty.

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Selflessness and Bible Psychology
October 16, 2009 Blogs, Mental Health and Healing Tim Jennings, M.D.

Regarding your belief that God is love and love is selfless and that the core of Christianity is that human hearts are selfish instead of selfless and other-centred how do you reconcile that with the belief that some women/mothers are selfless and self-sacrifing?

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June 26, 2009 Blogs, Brain and Body Health, Mental Health and Healing Tim Jennings, M.D.

Please discuss Attention Deficit Disorder and Tourettes Syndrome and what causes it. 

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Biblical Approach to Addictions
May 29, 2009 Blogs, Brain and Body Health, Mental Health and Healing Tim Jennings, M.D.

Your thoughts on how to Biblically approach addiction would be helpful to me.  I heard a definition of addiction that included the idea that addiction is believing that there is life outside of Jesus Christ.  With this definition any area of life could easily be classified as addiction.

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