Seeking What They Sought – What Is An Adventist? Ep 8
What does it mean to be an Adventist? Who decides who’s in and who’s out? Is there room at the table of Adventism to disagree while pursuing the same mission? Hear Tim Jenning’s side of this issue.
Love: A New Command – Part 2
We don’t earn God’s love; we don’t fight for it; we don’t have to prove ourselves, to work for it, to compete for it, or in any other fashion struggle to receive God’s love. Not only are we to abide in His love, to rest in His presence, love, goodness, and grace, but we are to especially “rest” in His love on the Sabbath.
Love: A New Command – Part 1
Despite God having previously taught the people to love Him and each other, the followers of Jesus somehow didn’t know it, didn’t understand it, and were not living in love. What about us today?
Secrets to the Unity of the Seven Ones
In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul describes the unity that believers are to have in seven “ones.” Let’s examine each of them.
The Corrupting of Minds
What we are seeing in the world today is an exponential increase in the assault upon our minds, an attack on individuality, the undermining of rational thinking, a purposeful corrupting of minds. So, how are minds corrupted?
Babylon, Popery, and Your Church—A Call to Come Out
The call to come out of Babylon is not a call to leave a geographic area or to come out of one denomination and join another—it is a call to come out of a way of thinking and acting.
The Cult (Culture) of Godlessness—A Cancer Destroying the World
Over the past several decades, a growing social movement originating out of the godless worldview has been teaching the idea of validating, accepting, and promoting all cultures as equal in value.
How Satan Enslaves People
It is with great sadness that I write this blog. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free” (Galatians 5:1 NIV84), yet what I see happening in the world today is the ever-increasing enslavement of people.
How the Body of Believers Becomes Sick
I want to focus on how Satan tricks the body of Christ into attacking itself, into a spiritual autoimmune disease in which various members work against each other.
Wokeism, Transgenderism, and the Brainwashing of America
As the assault on rational thinking and objective reality continues unabated, the one key practice of the woke mob that I want you to clearly recognize is how they intentionally place people in situations in which they are pressured/forced/coerced to say and do what the woke decide—or face their wrath.
Is Your Christianity Real?
Jesus calls every person, who is on the side of truth, out of the delusional, artificial, make-believe penal/legal systems of this world and into His kingdom of truth, love, and freedom.
The Contrast Between God and Satan
Have you ever sat down and really contemplated the contrasts between the attributes of God and Satan?
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