The Temptations of Jesus: A Lesson for Us
According to Scripture, Jesus was tempted “in every way just as we are yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15 NIV84). As we praise God for the victory of His Son, we can simultaneously examine how the devil approached our Savior and discover the evil tactics that he uses against us.
Healing The Mind Chattanooga 1 – The Mind: God’s Design and What Went Wrong? (Jennings)
The human mind was designed with separate and distinct faculties to operate in a beautiful harmony. Something has damaged that balance and caused pain, suffering and illness. Discover God’s design for the mind, what went wrong and how to restore balance to your mind.
Healing The Mind Chattanooga 2 – The Developing Brain (Jennings)
Experience changes brain structure and function. Beginning before conception, continuing in utero and through life, explore how environment, experience and choice alter human DNA and impact brain structure and function. The human brain is pliable and changeable and our experience causes our brain to change.
Healing The Mind Chattanooga 3 – Social Media and Your Kids (McPherson)
Learn easy and practical ways to mitigate the impact of screen time on the developing brain, and social media and its’ hidden nuances and dynamics as it relates to self-esteem, friendship, and social/emotional wellness of your child’s and family’s daily life.
Healing The Mind Chattanooga 4 – Recovering From Sexual Abuse (Jennings)
1 in 3 women will be sexually exploited before the age of 20, resulting in alterations to normal brain development, genetic expression, sexual intimacy and relationships. Discover how sexual trauma impacts the entire person and interventions to bring healing.
Healing The Mind Chattanooga 5 – Sledding With A Serial Killer (Bost)
How to develop your character in today’s competitive world.
Healing The Mind Chattanooga 6 – Healthy Love vs. Love Addiction (Jennings)
What is love? Can you tell the difference between genuine love and love’s counterfeits? Would you like to experience greater depths of healthy love in your life and relationships?
Healing The Mind Chattanooga 7 – The Role of Love In Creating Change (Bost)
Love is like electricity and needs to be exchanged to have power. In other words, we must learn to receive love AND give love for transformation to happen. Love requires two. So many of us struggle to either give love or to receive it, if not both. The power of love is unleashed when we plug into the source and connect to each other.
Healing The Mind Chattanooga 8 – Panel Disscusion
Russell Atkins moderates this panel discussion between Dr. Jennings, Katey McPherson, and Ben Bost.
The Law of Liberty and Society Today
My first book, Could It Be This Simple? A Biblical Model for Healing the Mind, was published in 2007. In it, I described for the first time the law of liberty, the principle of freedom upon which God created reality to operate. I described how this law is, like gravity, a constant that works whether one believes in it or not and that just like gravity, it is testable – there are reproducible and unavoidable consequences when we violate liberty.
Love, Don’t Hate, the Liars
This morning, I read about Jesus’ trial and crucifixion from the gospel of John and was struck at the poignant lessons that apply to us today. The religious and political leaders conspired for months to mislead the people about Jesus and prepare the nation for the moment they would strike. They had their “media pundits” spread misinformation about the Messiah. They misrepresented His actions as being of the devil (Matthew 12:24).
The Christian and Post-Election Blues
It is Friday, October 30, 2020; in four days, the United States will elect its next president, and I, like the rest of the nation, don’t know who is going to win.
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