

Revealing the Truth with Rabbi Walker: The Remedy NT
May 21, 2020 Guest Appearances admin

Rabbi Eric Walker and Dr. Timothy R. Jennings discuss his paraphrase of the New Testament, The Remedy NT. Recorded May 21, 2020.

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Flat-Earthers: A Lesson in How We Deceive Ourselves
May 20, 2020 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

Today, here in 2020, there are people who believe that the earth is flat.

When I first came across this modern movement, I thought it was a joke. Surely, in the modern age of science, technology, satellites, space flights, and telescopes, no one would believe the earth is flat. Sadly, some do.

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Penal Substitution: Modern Baal Worship
May 12, 2020 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

More than 2,500 years ago, the pagan worship of Baal had infected Israel to become the dominant belief system and worship practice amongst the people whom God had called His own. In order to combat this distorted belief system, God raised up the prophet Elijah, who boldly confronted the false system of worship.

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The Secret to Happiness and Joy
May 5, 2020 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

“The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart” (Psalm 19:8 NIV84).

Have you ever struggled to find happiness and joy? Often my patients tell me how desperate they are to find happiness, but many seem to find only more pain and misery. What I have discovered is that most people don’t know the secret to happiness and joy.

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A Scriptural Healing Plan for Overcoming Addiction
April 29, 2020 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

All addictions – whether drug or alcohol related, sexual, or relational – meet the same definition: “the compulsive engagement in behaviors that bring short-term reward but long-term destruction.”

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The Infinite Sacrifice of Christ
April 21, 2020 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

It is beyond human words to describe the infinite sacrifice of Christ for the salvation of humanity. It is beyond human minds to comprehend the loss, the condescension.

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Revealing the Truth with Rabbi Walker: Disease, Health, and God
April 17, 2020 Guest Appearances admin

Rabbi Eric Walker and Dr. Timothy R. Jennings discuss disease, health, and God. Recorded April 17, 2020.

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The Impending End of the Earth
April 15, 2020 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

In my blog last week, Why Hasn’t Jesus Returned?, we discovered that the Lord is waiting for a people to tell the truth about Him. We discovered that Christianity has been infected with the idea that God’s law functions like human law – rules imposed requiring imposed punishments – replacing the truth that God’s laws are the design protocols upon which the Creator built reality to operate (laws of gravity, physics, health and the moral laws).

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Why Hasn’t Jesus Returned?
April 8, 2020 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

Did you grow up in church singing, “Lift up the trumpets and loud let them ring, Jesus is coming again”?

Did you grow up with the expectation that Jesus was actually returning soon?

As you look around the world and see the conflict, disasters, crime, exploitation, population growth, climate threats, diseases, do you wonder, “What is God waiting for? Why hasn’t Christ returned?”

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) and End-Time Lessons
March 31, 2020 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

Over the past several weeks, as the COVID-19 pandemic has swept the world, I have received multiple inquiries regarding how this crisis relates to the end-time events of Revelation.

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Revealing the Truth with Rabbi Walker: Fear, Worry, Anxiety, and the Brain
March 29, 2020 Guest Appearances admin

Rabbi Eric Walker and Dr. Timothy R. Jennings discuss the impact of fear, worry, and anxiety on the brain. Recorded March 20, 2020.

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