Adventists are for Health—Not the Herd
The following blog is by Dr. Keith Colburn, a physician and expert in his field, who has submitted this paper to various outlets only to be rebuffed. We publish it with his permission, not merely for the science, but for the process of inquiry, and to stimulate reasoning, investigation, and the advancement of the principles of God’s kingdom. —Timothy R. Jennings
Walking With God
We live in a sinful world. We are surrounded by evil, corruption, conflict, threats on all sides. We experience opposition, sorrow, pain and illness. But do we walk with God?
Free Will or Predestination—What Is the Truth?
Do you believe in free will, that your choices matter, that you determine the eternal outcome of your life? Or do you believe in predestination, that you really don’t have freedom, that God has predetermined what will happen to you and for you, and that it is God’s choices alone that determine your eternal destiny?
A Kitten, a Scorpion, or a Dragon: How Do You See Your Government?
If we expect the nations of this world to act with Christlike grace, kindness, love, and justice… then we will get stung over and over again.
COVID Crisis: A Biblical Worldview – 12 Lies Inciting Fear and Dividing Society
Timothy R. Jennings, M.D., narrates this PowerPoint video, exploring and exposing 12 lies about the COVID crisis through Bible principles.
Faith to Triumph Over Every Fear
Are you struggling with fear—fear of disease, of losing a loved one, of rejection, of financial ruin, of persecution, of losing your job, of loneliness, of letting God down, of climate change, of war, of economic collapse?
Joseph and Social Injustice: Lessons for Society Today
Perhaps no story contrasts more effectively the differences between the methods of God and the methods of this sinful world than the story of Joseph.
God’s Promises for the End-Times
One of the challenges that we, the people of God, face is keeping our minds focused upon God. We are to discern the lies and errors of God’s enemy, but not allow the lies to become our focus.
COVID and the Genocide Playbook: Ten Steps to Get Good People to Harm Others
What would it take to get you to hurt another person? To purposely inflict pain on another, to take away freedom from someone, to compel another person to violate their conscience, to take someone’s property—and feel justified in doing it?
Sanctification by Faith
In this blog, we’ll take the next step in the Christian journey: sanctification. What does it mean practically and spiritually when we view the world through God’s design-law lens?
Tract #10: Loneliness – It’s Cause and Cure
Have you ever struggled with deep feelings of loneliness? Such emotion can be so intense, so uncomfortable, that it becomes intolerable, spurring people to take all kinds of actions to make the feelings go away.
Tract #9: Knowing God’s Will
Many of the decisions we make day to day have no specific direction from God’s Word. It seems like the choice is left to us, yet we don’t want to squander God’s blessings; we don’t want to dishonor Him; we want to be good stewards because we love Him.
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