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Author: Tim Jennings, M.D.

  • Fighting the Good Fight

    Fighting the Good Fight

    A beautiful promise is given to all those who fight the good fight—a crown of righteousness bestowed by Jesus Himself! But what does it mean to fight the good fight?

  • How Christians Will Be Tempted to Betray Jesus

    How Christians Will Be Tempted to Betray Jesus

    Loyalty to or betrayal of Jesus is not primarily about doctrine, public attestations, denominational affiliation, or religious observances—it is about the methods we practice in how we live and treat others. Whose character, methods, principles, and law are the basis for our actions and conduct: God’s or Satan’s?

  • Five Requirements for Physical Life: An Object Lesson for Spiritual Life

    Five Requirements for Physical Life: An Object Lesson for Spiritual Life

    There are five requirements for physical life, health, growth, and development, and God uses these five elements to teach us truths about spiritual life and health.

  • Politics and the Gospel

    Politics and the Gospel

    As the political season heats up, should we Christians get involved in politics? Should we write about and speak about issues that are politically divisive? What is the line between politics and the gospel?

  • A Summary List of What We Believe at Come And Reason with Resource Links

    A Summary List of What We Believe at Come And Reason with Resource Links

    It is our responsibility to use God’s methods (the integrative evidence-based approach), to share eternal truths with others, to be lights shining in the darkness, teaching people how reality works, to become thinkers and not mere reflectors of other people’s thoughts.

  • The Old Testament, Modern Teaching, and the Integrative Evidenced-Based Approach

    The Old Testament, Modern Teaching, and the Integrative Evidenced-Based Approach

    It is our responsibility to use God’s methods (the integrative evidence-based approach), to share eternal truths with others, to be lights shining in the darkness, teaching people how reality works, to become thinkers and not mere reflectors of other people’s thoughts.

  • The Con of Consensus Statements

    The Con of Consensus Statements

    Over the past few years, we have been inundated by consensus statements from various medical, scientific, and political agencies. Have you been tempted to accept these pronouncements as reliable statements of fact? Let’s consider what’s really happening.

  • Parents Represent God to Their Children

    Parents Represent God to Their Children

    If you are a parent or grandparent, carefully consider your actions, demeanor, and choices when dealing with your children and grandchildren, for you are standing in the place of God in their young lives.

  • Fire from the Angel of Revelation 14

    Fire from the Angel of Revelation 14

    We must stop interpreting the Bible through the false human imposed-law lens, which makes God out to be the source of inflicted punishment for sin, and return to worshiping Him as our Creator, Savior, and Healer. Only then will we be empowered by the Latter Rain to finish the work God has called us to…

  • Lectio Divina: A Biblical Meditation Practice

    Lectio Divina: A Biblical Meditation Practice

    Lectio Divina (Latin for “divine reading”) is an ancient Christian practice that goes all the way back to Origen of Alexandria in the third century. But, is this practice something we need to advise against or embrace?

  • Reward in Heaven

    Reward in Heaven

    Can you think of any rewards that come from being reborn into the family of God that we experience here and now—rewards that even those who are persecuted experience, like the apostle Paul? 

  • Seeking the Kingdom of God

    Seeking the Kingdom of God

    have you ever considered what the kingdom of God is and how we are to seek it? Does seeking God’s kingdom mean we are to search for the right denomination to join?