How Satan Enslaves People

How Satan Enslaves People

It is with great sadness that I write this blog. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free” (Galatians 5:1 NIV84), yet what I see happening in the world today is the ever-increasing enslavement of people.

And what makes this process of enslavement so diabolical is that, at least in America, the majority of those who are losing their freedoms are choosing it, supporting it, promoting it, and actively seeking to recruit others to be enslaved—all under the delusion that it is for their own good. It sickens me.

Oh, how I long for the kingdom of heaven, in which all people will be genuinely free, for God’s kingdom is the opposite of Satan’s.

Judging Two Kingdoms

In Isaiah chapter 14, the Bible describes Satan’s motives, desires, goals, and how he operates, revealing to us how we can identify satanic principles at work:

You said in your heart, “I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High” (vv. 13, 14 NIV84).

Satan’s motive is self-exaltation; his desire is to rule over others; his goal is domination—to exploit the masses for his benefit.

His method is deception, and the outcome of applying his principles is death:

He [Satan] was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44 NIV84; see also Hebrews 2:14).

This is the exact opposite of Jesus, whose motive is love (John 15:13). His desire is to bless others, and His goal is the unity of friendship (John 15:15; 2 Corinthians 5:17–21). Jesus is the source of truth and life (John 14:6).

The Bible describes Jesus’ motive, desires, and goals:

Christ Jesus … being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross! (Philippians 2:5–8 NIV84).

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13 NIV84).

Jesus uses power to bless and uplift the masses, not dominate and exploit them!

Satan uses deception to break our connection of love and trust with God and incite fear. As soon as Adam and Eve sinned, they ran and hid because they were afraid (Genesis 3:10). Fear is the result of sin; it turns us away from love and trust. But Jesus’ kingdom is the kingdom of truth and love, and “there is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear” (1 John 4:18 NIV84).

Satan wants us to be his slaves, pawns, serfs—mindless drones controlled by him. Jesus wants us to be free—understanding friends with self-governance who live in harmony with Him and His Father (John 15:15; Galatians 5:22).

Satan’s kingdom uses lies, power, force, coercion, and any other method to destroy individuality and take away freedom. God’s kingdom uses truth, love, and freedom to ennoble and develop individuals to gain ever more autonomy and liberty in harmony with the principles of truth and love.

Understanding these differences gives insight into how Satan manipulates people to collude with evil, to use his methods and, thereby, enslave and entrap themselves. When God’s principles are practiced, people are ennobled—they develop ever-greater ability to think, reason, and discern and gain greater virtues of godly character, greater autonomy, greater ability to love, and greater freedom.

When Satan’s methods are in operation, people will eventually lose their ability to be free, independent, autonomous—they become enslaved.

Satan at Work

Satan has multiple methods to achieve his domination and control of others. The most straightforward ways—such as physical enslavement by force, assault, rape, human trafficking, murder, gang violence, rioting, pillaging, stealing, etc.—need not be addressed here, because these are obviously evil and easy for people to identify.

What we will examine is where Satan tricks people into giving up their freedom for some promise of a better life. And despite the results, the objective outcomes that people experience—the loss of autonomy for themselves, their descendants, and communities with the greater dependence upon others, whether moguls, corporations, or governments—these “captured” people keep supporting the processes, methods, individuals, and systems that are enslaving them.

The following are examples of how Satan has tricked people into giving up their freedom. Notice that the process typically involves the offer or promise of improvement (often as a reaction to some alleged threat that incites fear)—a better life, greater success, more power—but the result is enslavement:

  • In Eden, Satan promised Adam and Eve that they would advance, develop, and improve themselves to become like God if they would only break trust with God and take the fruit. And, of course, they only enslaved themselves and their descendants into fear, selfishness, and sin.
  • Today, we are told that we can have greater freedom without law and law enforcement, that the police are the source of abuse and enslavement, so we ought to defund the police, not hold criminals accountable, do away with bail, and not prosecute crimes. But what takes away freedom is lawlessness, community violence, and lack of order—including when those in law enforcement are the ones breaking the law. All lawlessness takes away freedom; if you live in a community where it is unsafe to walk the streets lest you be attacked, then you have less freedom. If you live in a community where the police are lawbreakers, abusive, and exploitive, then you have less freedom—but the solution is not to do away with law or law enforcement; it is to hold accountable those who break the law and put in office people who have integrity. Thus, policies to defund police are actually designed to take away freedom, and policies that refuse to enforce laws that provide social order also take away freedom.
  • In response to the resulting anarchy and chaos, another lie is told: You can have more freedom if you give the government more powers—the power to restrict liberties, to monitor your private conversations, to spy on people, to limit free speech, to restrict travel, to dictate personal choices of conscience. Such governments (communism, etc.) often do bring a reduction to widespread anarchy, violence, and chaos—but at the expense of individual liberties and freedom. There are only two ways to have a safe and well-ordered society: One is when it is populated by a moral and religious people, those who love God and others and have maturity of character and are Christlike in their dealings with others. These people have internal self-control, and as a result, their communities are well-ordered and safe. The other way is to have externally enforced control, a totalitarian, communist-like government, but such communities have very little freedom. Only the Christlike way brings true freedom. Thus, the promise that you can have more safety, and thus liberty, if you give the government more control tricks people into surrendering liberty for the illusion of safety.
  • Another lie is that you, as a law-abiding citizen, can have more autonomy and freedom and be safer in your community if you are less capable of protecting and defending yourself and family from violent criminals—so we ought to take away your guns because guns, not evil people, are the cause of violence in society. (I am not advocating that people use guns; I’m merely pointing out the false promise that tricks people into taking a course of action that in this world of sin makes them more vulnerable to exploitation by the godless criminals who still possess guns and by abusive, godless governments.)
  • A lie that exploits compassion in people is that you can have greater success and freedom if you are not required to work hard, apply yourself, develop your abilities, and achieve a minimum standard of competency. We are told that we help people when we promote them to the next grade and award them a diploma regardless of whether they possess competency. It is said that to hold people to objective standards of functional ability is discriminatory, restrictive, denies opportunity, and takes away freedom. But it is just the opposite; school systems that fail to provide real education are what take away freedom. Getting passed to the next grade, receiving a diploma, but without actual ability is worthless. Understand reality: If you cannot read, write, or do basic math, then you are less free regardless of what diploma you hold. If you have never been taught to think and discern fact from fiction, weigh evidence, or critically reason through lies to find the truth, but instead have been indoctrinated into a certain philosophy, you are less free. If you must look to others to tell you the answers, you are less free. (This is one of the reasons the Taliban obstructs women from receiving an education.)
  • Another deception is that the government can make better decisions for you and your family than you can and that you can have greater freedom if you give more of your money to the state in the form of higher taxes. But the exact opposite is true; the less money one has, the less freedom they have in our society. So high taxes reduce freedom, as does high inflation, which, by increasing the costs of goods, reduces the buying power of one’s savings and undermines freedom, as does high energy prices, which increase the cost of living and all goods and especially takes capital from the poorest, thus reducing their freedom.
  • One of the biggest lies designed to take away freedom from the masses is that our carbon dioxide emissions are destroying the planet and that we can have a better world with more freedom if we stop using fossil fuels. But the truth is the exact opposite; the use of fossil fuels returns carbon and water to the atmosphere, which increases plant life and growth, thus making the earth greener and reducing uninhabitable deserts, causing the planet to become more human-friendly. (For more on this, see our blogs God’s Promises and the Climate Change Lies Part 1 and Part 2.)
    • Further, fossil fuels provide cheap energy, giving people greater freedom and autonomy. Fossil fuels in automobiles and motorcycles allow people to move quickly and freely over vast distances. One can hop in their car and drive across the country, as gas stations are available everywhere, whereas electric vehicles limit movement to a few hundred miles before the charge runs out and one must pause for long periods to recharge. Additionally, building electric vehicles requires the use of trace metals that are limited on planet Earth. This means that it is literally impossible to replace all the gas-burning vehicles with electric ones, as there are not enough of these metals to produce the number of vehicles needed. Thus, to move in the false “green” direction, focusing upon reducing carbon dioxide emissions, will take vehicles away from the vast majority of people, limiting their ability to travel and move freely, making them rely on government transport—again reducing freedom.
    • The climate change lies also cause people to support so-called environmentally friendly changes in all kinds of industries and products, such as light bulbs, straws, manufacturing, and appliances—which force people to buy more expensive products that have no proven benefit to the environment but which enrich the corporations that produce those new products at the expense of the masses, who are further impoverished by the requirements to buy these products. All of this takes freedom away from people, but the masses support it because they believe the lie that they are making the world and their own lives better. (Don’t confuse climate change lies with our responsibility to be good stewards and not pollute and destroy the planet. Yes, we are to avoid pollution, but carbon dioxide is not pollution; it is the natural byproduct of all living animals and is a life-giving gas to all the plants on Earth. We are to be good stewards and advance God’s instruction to have dominion over the planet, to develop it in ways that are not destructive. But the carbon emissions narrative is a lie designed to exploit the masses and enrich and empower the few.)
  • Another lie is that you can have better health by doing whatever you want and taking medications to treat your illnesses. But the opposite is true; sickness, disease, and other health problems take away freedom. The more illness one has, the less freedom, so policies that make junk food cheap and healthy food expensive work to make the poor less healthy and, therefore, less free. Also, policies that lead people to make choices that cause them to become life-long dependents on the pharmaceutical and healthcare systems take away freedom—things like the so-called “gender-affirming care.” Think about the loss of freedom a person experiences once they go through that “treatment” and are required to take various hormones and other treatments for the rest of their lives.
  • Another lie is that the way to love people is by giving them handouts rather than a hand up. Any practice that removes the real-life requirements for personal development enfeebles, infantilizes, creates dependency, and reduces freedom. Real love for others always seeks to help them develop themselves to the maximum of their abilities, and no person can advance and develop without applying themselves to achieve. Programs and policies that claim to care about the welfare of people but which cause loss of ability, which enfeeble, are another trap of this world that tricks people into making themselves dependents.
  • Another false promise that tricks people into giving up freedom is that we will have a better and safer society if we have information monitors to protect us from dangerous ideas and “misinformation.” But all restrictions on free expression eventually will be used to restrict the truth, and it is the truth that sets people free (John 8:32). If people are not given information about various options, risks, and alternatives, if they are told only one avenue is open to them, then their freedom is restricted. All forms of censoring, media manipulation, so-called “truth-monitors,” and any form of deplatforming, denial of the flow of information, including academic censors that refuse to publish scientific and academic papers that support creation science, the obstruction of the evidence-based papers that questioned the COVID narrative and policies, the refusal to publish articles that exposes the climate change lies—all restrict liberty. By not allowing open, honest, and free debate, discussion, and publication of all sides of the issues, by only promoting one narrative, freedom of choice is restricted.

Satan’s kingdom is the kingdom of lies, of fear, of selfishness, of a few ruling elites rising up to dominate, exploit, and manipulate the masses for their own benefit. In the world today, this is often done by duping the masses into supporting the very policies and people who are enslaving them.

But God’s kingdom is just the opposite; it is the kingdom in which the King gives of Himself to uplift the masses; it is the kingdom of truth, love, and freedom. We cannot find this kingdom in the nations of this world, for all the nations of this world operate on the power-over-others method.

The United States tried to establish a government that limited the corrupting influence of power, that limited the ruling class from exploiting the masses. But those protections are slowly being taken away, and they are being taken away through policies designed to enslave people through poor education and godlessness, which leads to greater fear, anarchy (purposeful and willful refusal to enforce laws), purposeful inflation, intentional increase in energy costs, the continued climate change lies, and unhealthy lifestyle practices. The elites in power make most of these problems—either in fact (poor education/inflation/high energy costs) or in fiction (climate change/law enforcement causes less freedom) and then the creators of these problems promise that if you put them in power, they will deliver you from these problems, and thus you will have a better life with more freedom.

But it is all a lie. Look at the outcomes of various governments and policies and judge for yourself.

Don’t collude with evil; don’t choose to enslave yourself by surrendering your thinking to others or by supporting policies that take away our freedom. In the end, the beast of Revelation will arise claiming to do justice, to make the world better, but it will exploit and abuse the masses. Then, the whole world will realize that their only freedom was ever and always in Jesus Christ and in practicing the principles and methods of God, which are truth, love, and freedom.

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Testimonial Post Slider

Testimony 62

I would like to express my thanks to the C&R team for creating a platform from which people can learn to trust in God and grow. My life is a witness to the effectiveness of this ministry. Without believing the truth about God as you have shown, I don’t know what my life would be like. I had given up on God helping me with certain sins – it was all useless. Given that the scripture is clear and God is so good, how could I have betrayed him so many times? I was a yo-yo christian; spinning up and down. My faith and enthusiasm was driven by discoveries/threats that prophecy is about to be fulfilled. But when I watched your “Healing the Mind” seminar, it was like a light finally went on. I could see God had no plan to hurt me, the danger came from sin, and that He is working to protect me and strengthen me. Thank you for allowing God to use you. The message God gave C&R saved my life!

Antony N. – Hobart, Australia


Testimony 25

I just want to say thank you so much for your conversations via YouTube. I regularly tune in to your lectures, “Let’s Talk” sessions, and many others. Through these I’ve found greater depth and meaning to God’s word. Thanks for all that you do and please continue. I’m currently working in the middle of Silicon Valley at Stanford University. I feel like God really has me in the right place right now and I’m sensing that your teachings might be part of it.

B. F., Silicon Valley, CA, USA


Testimony 31

It was very touching to hear the testimony of your class share how viewing God’s true character has changed their lives. My feelings are the same – there is so much freedom in knowing that God LOVES me – regardless of my… just, REGARDLESS! I’m still blown away by the true gospel, the fact that God is not ready to strike us when we fail. He is not arbitrary. He simply loves us and warns of the natural consequences because He can’t stand to see us suffer. I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS GOD!!!

Ceil V.,  UT, USA


Testimony 18

The Healing the Mind DVD set tarted me on a journey that has changed my relationship with our loving God more significantly than any other study, and brought me to your book and Bible study podcasts, which I now listen to daily, thanks to the availability of archived content on your site and on iTunes.



Testimony 68

Your message of design law vs imperial law is so uplifting and makes so much sense- it is a game changer for me. The fact that Jesus’s death is not a big payment by an angry God is , quite frankly, a relief.

Laura G., London, Ontario, Canada


Testimony 37

Hearing Dr. Jennings’ presentations in person came at a pivotal moment in my spiritual journey that began about nine months ago, when the fault lines inherent in my belief system began to crack under questions that most reasonable people end up asking about God and His nature. These were questions I couldn’t find answers to, and they shook my faith. I was unable let it go any longer and be satisfied. My Christian experience became distant. I was afraid; the fear in me rose like thorns, pushing me away from Jesus. And then someone heard my questions and introduced me to this ministry, and my life has totally changed.

I can tell you that this new, “present truth” message is far grander and life-changing than when I shifted from being an agnostic and then a nominal Christian. It has radically altered my worldview, because it reveals a God that makes sense. It is a revolution. I believe that Dr. Jennings’ message is the final message that must go to the world. If any message could be called “righteousness by faith,” as abused as that term is by the right and the left, this is that message, because Jennings’ biblical message identifies a God who is different, whose character isn’t an impossible contradiction.

I walk this path now without fear. I see people differently, and the Holy Spirit burns in my heart. Many call Dr. Jennings’ message false and compromising, but it isn’t false, because I’ve seen the fruits within my mind and body. It is not compromising, because in this message is the only road to holiness that makes any sense. No longer do I behold a pagan god who is always angry and suspicious. Instead, I behold a God who is freeing and loving, always working for our good, and giving me every reason to love my enemy even to my own death, just as Jesus pleads with us. God is good.

Anthony L., CA, USA


Testimony 20

I just wanted to personally thank you for your teachings and insight into scripture. I came across your website via my cousin who suggested I look into “Healing the Mind” information. My youngest daughter has been struggling over the last couple of years and it all came to a head this spring. When I started listening to the “Healing the Mind” lectures my own life began to be transformed. I began sharing with all my daughters the concepts you laid out so clearly. I ordered your book and soaked it up. I just want to say “Thank You!” My walk with the Lord has been refreshed and renewed. Your obedience to the Lord is a blessing to so many.

R. K., Anderson, SC, USA


Testimony 64

I’ve been reading the bible and walking with Jesus since I was around 16. I’m 42 now. I’ve mostly been alone in my walk although I went to several churches in different denominations. For the past 3 years God has been showing me His character of agape. It’s been a blessing and changed how I view God and my walk with Jesus. About a year ago I came across the power of love and the principles of design law. These teachings changed how I read scripture and have been such a beautiful blessing. I’m very excited and grateful for these truths. We share these truths of agape, design law and the reality of the principles of the two trees in the garden of Eden with people on Facebook and YouTube. People all over are learning to trust God and His agape design law which makes life possible. Thank you for everything you shared with me. May God continue to bless your ministry and lives.

Bradley M., Hinsdale, NY, USA


Testimony 21

I am absolutly on fire with the message at Come and Reason! I can’t get enough! I’ve read your book, blog, and articles. I’ve listened to your Bible study podcasts, your radio show, and your series – all excellent! It wasn’t until the past couple of years that I have I like I’m becoming “healthy,” with more to share with others than just beasts and commandments! I used to be a Bible worker and preached when the pastors were gone until I had had enough. I didnt realize at the time what the problem was, but i know now… the message wasn’t properly focused. Now my flame is rekindled. All of your little examples are so perfect in explaining something “complicated” and making it easily understood! Now I’m trying to shape it into a life changing evangelistic series! Thank you!



Testimony 51

I Love This Ministry!!!!!!! I see first hand how this message is desperately needed, how erroneous beliefs about God and His Character negatively affect humanity at every level. I thank God for your ministry, as I was searching on my own and was discovering some of your same beliefs and was blown away when I found your ministry. I know you hear it all the time, but it is truly life changing. May God continue to reveal His Will to you and Bless you!

Eric S., Sanford, FL, USA


Testimony 12

I have been really blessed reading your response to the various questions on your site.



Testimony 9

I really enjoy with you the view of a gracious God. Thank you for sharing the work you are allowing the Lord to do in you.

L., Queensland, Australia


Testimony 23

I would just like to add my voice to the many people who, I believe, must have contacted you to express their appreciation for the “Healing the Mind” DVDs. I’ve been listening to your Bible study class discussions for many years and I’ve been personally blessed by your research and teaching about the character of God.

L. G., Oakland, MI, USA


Testimony 32

The message [of Come And Reason Ministries is] for all Christians (and those who may become Christians) and not just Adventists or any other group. It is difficult to imagine why any [anyone] with intellectual and spiritual honesty could find fault with the way you explained the healing substitution concepts and the truth about God’s character, though I know some will reject and criticize. On behalf of those in our group near Tacoma, WA, thank you and your staff for all of the hard work and for sharing the Gospel in this manner. God’s message of healing love will be carried to the whole world and then Jesus will come – He promised it.

Terry U., Tacoma, WA, USA


Testimony 57

You have helped make sense of thirty two years of confusion. The material you freely provide reorganized so much of my life into such a beautiful pattern that has always been hinted at from within, but misguided with my training and what I was experiencing externally. My filipno parents, who were converted from Catholicism to SDA, were sincere and did their best to raise me the right way and I have deep respect for them. However, being immigrants and not understanding the language made for a difficult transition as I was growing up, which also applied to my spiritual growth as I learned the patterns of religion. I have been listening to as many bible study classes and reading blog posts as my time in a work truck will allow, searching for the practical applications of where spirituality and reality meet, and I thank you for helping me find that. You have helped me reach a point in which I can truly say that I love God, that I believe He loves me, and, like David, I delight in His law. God bless.

Emmanuel V., Calgary, AB Canada