Author: Tim Jennings, M.D.

  • Modern Science Upends the Scopes Monkey Trial Verdict

    Modern Science Upends the Scopes Monkey Trial Verdict

    For the 100th anniversary of the infamous Scopes Monkey Trial (July 10–21, 1925) in Dayton, TN, USA, I was asked to make comments at a joint meeting of the Southern Psychiatric Association and Tennessee Psychiatric Association about the events as they were depicted in the 1960 film Inherit the Wind.

  • How to Get Good People to Do Evil

    How to Get Good People to Do Evil

    How can the devil trick people who want to do good into choosing to cooperate, participate, and practice evil upon their fellow citizens?

  • ‘One With You’ Poem

    ‘One With You’ Poem

    * A prayerful request for pure hearts, clear minds, diligent hands, righteous feet, truthful mouths, accurate vision, and honest hearing. * A supplication for God’s presence, angelic protection, spiritual transformation, deliverance, righteousness, empowerment, and skill.

  • The Attack on Your Mind by Modern-Day Sorcerers

    The Attack on Your Mind by Modern-Day Sorcerers

    Many have interpreted Revelation’s “sorcery” in 18:23 as referring to modern pharmaceutical companies or modern chemicals in our environment. But is this interpretation correct? Does such a view restrict the full meaning of what Revelation is telling us?

  • Discerning Truth—Seeing Through the Lies

    Discerning Truth—Seeing Through the Lies

    For those who want to practice discernment skills, watch how God allows current events to unfold, and see results of the actions, practices, methods, and choices of people and recognize that claiming something to be contrary to reality does not make it so.

  • How Bible History Is Perverted by Human Theology and Philosophy

    How Bible History Is Perverted by Human Theology and Philosophy

    Theology is interpretation of events. Satan’s primary method of twisting evidence is by getting people to make an assumption that is false, then read the record of history through the lie they believe is true.

  • The Strangeness of God

    The Strangeness of God

    Do you recognize the strangeness that sin, with its fear and survival drives, has brought upon the world? Or do you think it is God’s ways of truth, love, and freedom that are strange?

  • How to Protect Yourself from Being Deceived

    How to Protect Yourself from Being Deceived

    Right now, today, we are seeing the events prophesied in Scripture that are to precede the second coming of Christ. How do you protect yourself from all kinds of data, information, opinions, perspectives, and scientific studies designed to intimidate, confuse, and incite fear?

  • If You Were a Faithful Jew 2,000 Years Ago

    If You Were a Faithful Jew 2,000 Years Ago

    If you were a faithful Jew in AD 27, what would you have believed? Who would you have trusted? Where would you have placed your loyalty?

  • Authority and Satan’s End-Time Deception

    Authority and Satan’s End-Time Deception

    Did Jesus teach with the support and endorsement of the organized religious system and leadership? Then how could His teachings be with authority if the authorized church did not recognize, endorse, and support Him?

  • How Satan Uses Faith to Deceive

    How Satan Uses Faith to Deceive

    When you hear the word faith, what do you understand it to mean? The argument that faith is belief without thinking, without understanding, without evidence, really bothers me.

  • The Plagues of Egypt and the Seven Last Plagues: They Are NOT the Same

    The Plagues of Egypt and the Seven Last Plagues: They Are NOT the Same

    Just as the ancient Israelites experienced the ten plagues, we in the last days will be faced with enemies intending to frighten us. Find out what God told the Israelites back then and how it applies to us even more today.