Month: March 2010

Month: March 2010

Why Resurrect the Wicked?
March 25, 2010 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

At the 2nd. coming of Jesus the unrepentant die. After the 1,000 years have ended the Lord returns to this earth, at which time the unrepentant are resurrected for awhile and join in Satan’s last battle against God. Then they die the 2nd. death? The question is, they were already dead, why doesn’t God just

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Christianity versus Other Religions
March 18, 2010 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

It’s occurred to me that all religions have at least one thing in common — they all offer that one’s life will continue on after they physically die;

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Imputed Righteousness
March 5, 2010 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

How do I know when I am saved, or How do I know when I am justified? This concern seems to center on the realization that all imperfections have not been overcome and so how can one have security.

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