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Imputed Righteousness

Imputed Righteousness

How do I know when I am saved, or How do I know when I am justified? This concern seems to center on the realization that all imperfections have not been overcome and so how can one have security.

The answer offered by the traditional penal model is: “The legal application of Christ’s merits to our accounts in heaven so that when the Father looks at us He sees only the perfection of Christ.” This idea has multiple permutations such as, “I am covered by Christ’s blood, so the Father only sees the perfect sacrifice of His Son and not my sinfulness” or “The robe of Christ’s righteousness covers my sinfulness so when the Father looks at me, He doesn’t see me, He sees Jesus in my place” or “When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we are legally accounted to be righteous, because Christ’s righteousness is applied to our account.”

This type of thinking is promoted as a way for sinners to feel “secure” in their salvation while knowing they are still not “perfected.” A few attendees to class were uncomfortable with the idea of imputed righteousness being related to an actual change of heart of the believer. They wanted, instead, to make such a concept restricted to something called “imparted” righteousness. Here are a few of the statements we read in class which caused discomfort:

Abundant grace has been provided that the believing soul may be kept free from sin; for all heaven, with its limitless resources, has been placed at our command. We are to draw from the well of salvation. . . . In ourselves we are sinners; but in Christ we are righteous. Having made us righteous through the imputed righteousness of Christ, God pronounces us just, and treats us as just. He looks upon us as His dear children. Christ works against the power of sin, and where sin abounded, grace much more abounds. — God’s Amazing Grace, pg. 181.4

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Cor. 3:18). Beholding Christ means studying His life as given in His Word. We are to dig for truth as for hidden treasure. We are to fix our eyes upon Christ. When we take Him as our personal Saviour, this gives us boldness to approach the throne of grace. By beholding we become changed, morally assimilated to the One who is perfect in character. By receiving His imputed righteousness, through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, we become like Him. The image of Christ is cherished, and it captivates the whole being. — God’s Amazing Grace, pg. 96.4

We aim too low. The mark is much higher. Our minds need expansion, that we may comprehend the significance of the provision of God. We are to reflect the highest attributes of the character of God. . . . The law of God is the exalted standard to which we are to attain through the imputed righteousness of Christ.  — Our High Calling, pg. 364.2

He would have us comprehend something of His love in giving His Son to die that He might counteract evil, remove the defiling stains of sin from the workmanship of God, and reinstate the lost, elevating and ennobling the soul to its original purity through Christ’s imputed righteousness.  — That I May Know Him, pg. 206

Now maybe it is just me, but these statements of being “made” righteous, about us “becoming changed” and “assimilated” into Christ’s perfect character, about what we are to “attain” and “elevating and ennobling the soul to its original purity” all “through Christ’s imputed righteousness,” sound to me like something more than a legal pronouncement. It sounds like something actually transpiring within the sinner. It doesn’t sound like some heavenly accounting mechanism or divine declaration. Do you hear it the same way? In fact the Strong’s lexicon gives interpretation and definition to the Greek word translated as imputed righteousness in Romans 4:22-24:

3049 λογίζομαι [logizomai /log·id·zom·ahee/] v. Middle voice from 3056; TDNT 4:284; TDNTA 536; GK 3357; 41 occurrences; AV translates as “think” nine times, “impute” eight times, “reckon” six times, “count” five times, “account” four times, “suppose” twice, “reason” once, “number” once, and translated miscellaneously five times. 1 to reckon, count, compute, calculate, count over. 1a to take into account, to make an account of. 1a1 metaph. to pass to one’s account, to impute. 1a2 a thing is reckoned as or to be something, i.e. as availing for or equivalent to something, as having the like force and weight. 1b to number among, reckon with. 1c to reckon or account. 2 to reckon inward, count up or weigh the reasons, to deliberate. 3 by reckoning up all the reasons, to gather or infer. 3a to consider, take into account, weigh, meditate on. 3b to suppose, deem, judge. 3c to determine, purpose, decide. Additional Information: This word deals with reality. If I “logizomai” or reckon that my bank book has $25 in it, it has $25 in it. Otherwise I am deceiving myself. This word refers to facts not suppositions.

It says this righteousness, which is imputed, is a reality. So the question I asked in class was, “Can one have imputed righteousness without a change in the believer?” What do you think? Does God “count” someone righteous without making them righteous?

The Bible metaphor for sin is leprosy – when did the High Priest declare, or account, or reckon someone clean, before or after they were made clean? Christ cleansed the lepers and then told them to go to the priest to be “declared” clean. When was Abraham “accounted” righteous, before or after he trusted God? Is trust in God a change in the heart attitude of the believer toward God? How might this change be related to righteousness?

Those who prefer to see this as a legal process, a process in which Christ’s righteousness covers us, prefer statements like this:

It is the righteousness of Christ that makes the penitent sinner acceptable to God and works his justification. However sinful has been his life, if he believes in Jesus as his personal Saviour, he stands before God in the spotless robes of Christ’s imputed righteousness. — Faith and Works, pg. 106.1

But they fail to allow the same author to define what it means to be clothed in the robe of Christ’s righteousness:

This robe, woven in the loom of heaven, has in it not one thread of human devising. Christ in His humanity wrought out a perfect character, and this character He offers to impart to us. “All our righteousness are as filthy rags.” Isa. 64:6. Everything that we of ourselves can do is defiled by sin. But the Son of God “was manifested to take away our sins; and in Him is no sin.” Sin is defined to be “the transgression of the law.” 1 John 3:5, 4. But Christ was obedient to every requirement of the law. He said of Himself, “I delight to do Thy will, O My God; yea, Thy law is within My heart.” Ps. 40:8. When on earth, He said to His disciples, “I have kept My Father’s commandments.” John 15:10. By His perfect obedience He has made it possible for every human being to obey God’s commandments. When we submit ourselves to Christ, the heart is united with His heart, the will is merged in His will, the mind becomes one with His mind, the thoughts are brought into captivity to Him; we live His life. This is what it means to be clothed with the garment of His righteousness. Then as the Lord looks upon us He sees, not the fig-leaf garment, not the nakedness and deformity of sin, but His own robe of righteousness, which is perfect obedience to the law of Jehovah.  —   Christ’s Object Lessons, pg. 311.4

Why does the Father see Christ when we are covered by His robe of righteousness? Is it because “it is no longer I that live but Christ lives in me?” Is it because we have been changed by the indwelling Spirit to be like Christ in heart?

But this is what frightened a few in class as they examined themselves and realized they are still imperfect. “How can I, a sinner, be right, when I am still imperfect?”  Is not perfection the receiving of a new heart and a right spirit as a free gift achieved by Christ, who delivers it to the believer by the indwelling of the Spirit and not by anything we can do?

Where the confusion comes from is when a person has experienced a new heart, a right spirit, and has been won back to trust in God and has surrendered self fully into Christ’s hands, yet still has old habits, conditioned responses, and reflexive reactions, which are part of the old, selfish way of living. Sometimes people get confused and doubt the blessing of Christ’s righteousness infused into their hearts.

We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn. 12 In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! 13 Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. 14 But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.  Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death… Heb 5:11-6:1

Notice the immature don’t know what righteousness really is, they instead focus on “acts that lead to death.” In other words, the immature are those who focus on behavior, the do’s and don’ts, on misdeeds, and on “breaking the law.” The righteous however have been renewed in heart and realize it is not primarily about behavior, but about the condition of the heart:

“No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. 44 Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. 45 The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. Luke 6:43-45.

What is Christ telling us? Is He telling us that our individual righteousness is about a renewed heart, a right spirit, and being transformed in the inner man? When we have been won to complete trust, like the thief on the cross, so that we surrender self totally into Christ’s hands, is the heart renewed by the Holy Spirit? Would the heart, in this state, no longer be selfish, but self-surrendered and the soul filled with the Holy Spirit who takes all Christ achieved and begins reproducing it in the believer? Is heart renewal, rather than mere behavioral performance, what genuine righteousness is about? Is this the lesson for the mature, the lesson that the children and infants, who focus on “acts,” don’t comprehend?

Why then do some get confused or insecure? Could it be failure to recognize the difference between heart surrender and renewal and the rewiring of the brain? The person who surrenders self in trust, and is therefore now renewed in heart and right again with God (righteous), does not instantly receive new brain wiring. There are still old habit patterns, neural circuits, and conditioned responses, all of which need removing.

Therefore, a righteous man may still make mistakes, as Abraham did after he was recognized as righteous. But here is the critical point: When a righteous man has an old habit, a conditioned response, or a weak moment and deviates behaviorally from God’s law, that righteous man is grieved in his heart, he is disgusted with himself, he is repulsed with his weakness and the remnants of sinfulness still at work in his life and longs to be delivered. He prays as Paul did, “what a wretched man am I. Who will deliver me from this body of death?” (Romans 7:24). This righteous man runs to God humbly seeking grace and deliverance and healing.

The unrighteous man, the man who has not surrendered self to Christ, the man (or woman) who has not been won to trust in God, does not have a renewed heart and when he behaviorally sins, he is not grieved for his sin, is not disgusted with self and instead blames others, makes excuses, avoids repentance, and seeks in multiple ways to justify his behavior.

Those who trust God, as Abraham did, have a renewed heart and are “righteous”, but they haven’t yet had all their conditioned responses, reflexive reactions, and old habit patterns deconstructed and replaced with healthy Christ like ones. So, when they do stumble they hate it and long to be free from such a weak existence. The unrighteous don’t have a new heart. They are not grieved with sin and instead seek to justify their behavior.

Therefore, we have assurance of salvation when we surrender to Christ and experience a new heart and right spirit that longs to live like Christ and is grieved whenever we fall short, pressing forward in grace until the day of complete transformation!

One final caveat, the human species (race) was set right with God (justified) in the person of Jesus Christ. His perfect life and victory destroyed the devil, the devil’s work, death, and all the lies told about God (Heb 2:14, 1John 3:8, 2Tim 1:10, Col 1:18-20), restoring humankind, in His person, back to God’s original design. Thus, “once he was made perfect he became the source of salvation for all who obey him” (Heb 5:8). Therefore, the justification of the human species (homo sapiens), was achieved by Christ and only by Christ. However, individual people are set right when each individual is restored to trust in God through the work of Jesus Christ and in that trust experience the indwelling Spirit who then transfuses Christ into the believer:

The Lord Jesus loves His people, and when they put their trust in Him, depending wholly upon Him, He strengthens them. He will live through them, giving them the inspiration of His sanctifying Spirit, imparting to the soul a vital transfusion of Himself. He acts through their faculties and causes them to choose His will and to act out His character. With the apostle Paul they then may say, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2:20). — That I May Know Him, pg. 78.4

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Testimonial Post Slider

Testimony 47

I can’t even begin to thank you and your ministry enough for introducing me to the Truth about a loving and merciful God! I have my daughter and her in-laws to thank for sharing with me “The God-Shaped Brain” as well as your website. I listen to the Bible study class lessons on my daily walk. May God continue to bless your thirst-quenching ministry!

Liz H., Port Angeles, WA, USA



Testimony 35

I am so pleased with the response your message is receiving at my church from the middle-aged to the young adults. I have given out 100 copies of the first two seminars and there are more request every week. One of my [class members] came to me after viewing the series, grateful and impressed with how easy the message was retained. He had been a Seventh-day Adventist in fear all his life, and felt like the scales were removed from his eyes after viewing the seminars. I am so impressed by the change I see in members who have received this message, we are in one accord. However, I am sadden by the negative response of the older people. I am verbally attacked anytime I talk about imposed laws, but I believe my mission is to enlightened everyone I can. I watch your Bible Study Class on YouTube every Friday night and I feel like I am apart of the class. All of you are in one accord and I am so blessed to have found you. I pray that all of you continue to spread this message and I am committed to doing my part.

Clara S., Westfield, MA, USA


Testimony 2

I continue to enjoy your lessons every week. The more that I research your conclusions, the more I am convinced that the Holy Spirit has lead you to distill out the essence of human redemption. Thank you for your courageous stand for the truth.

S. G., TX, USA


Testimony 28

I have been following your Bible study class for about a year now. I must say I am impressed with how your ministry has grown. I took it upon myself to listen to all your lesson podcasts from the past and they have both enriched me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I have learnt a lot from this class. I have also noticed how the class has grown in spiritual strength. One of the things that benefited me is that now I am not afraid of God. I use to be, but now it has melted away. The second thing is that you helped me to have a real life relationship with God. Now He is my friend that was always there and I love having him with me all the time. Thirdly, because of this class, it inspired me to take over and lead a class. I have called it “Let Us Reason Together,” adapting your inquisitive style and creating a class of free thinkers.

T. Banda, Malawi, Africa


Testimony 25

I just want to say thank you so much for your conversations via YouTube. I regularly tune in to your lectures, “Let’s Talk” sessions, and many others. Through these I’ve found greater depth and meaning to God’s word. Thanks for all that you do and please continue. I’m currently working in the middle of Silicon Valley at Stanford University. I feel like God really has me in the right place right now and I’m sensing that your teachings might be part of it.

B. F., Silicon Valley, CA, USA


Testimony 46

Over the past couple of years God has been expanding my view of Himself and His character. Along my approximately 40-year journey, I have often had questions, but was hesitant to voice these and step outside the traditionally accepted thinking, for fear of admitting that I may in fact be eternally lost. In the recesses of my thinking has been the thought – if one blindly accepts (which is widely regarded as “real faith”) and does not question, is this really ‘truth?’ I often find it challenging to grapple with very theological ‘speak,’ but Dr. Jennings has a real gift of explaining spiritual concepts with clear practical examples. The weekly discussions are growing my Christian experience and slowly changing my view of how to live as a child of God in today’s complex world. Finally the whole Old Testament sanctuary teaching moved in my mind from fantasy to reality!

Beverly S., South Africa


Testimony 18

The Healing the Mind DVD set tarted me on a journey that has changed my relationship with our loving God more significantly than any other study, and brought me to your book and Bible study podcasts, which I now listen to daily, thanks to the availability of archived content on your site and on iTunes.



Testimony 26

Your teachings about our heavenly Father have changed my life. Thank you sooooooo very very much! I know He’s doing some serious healing in my heart and life and I look forward to each new day to learn something new about Him and to just hear you speak about Him. Thank you, forever.

Nancy S.


Testimony 3

My husband is a pastor and I listen to your lesson almost every week. Thank you for helping me in my study life and to help me love the “real” God more.

C. F., NC, USA


Testimony 71

When I was 9 years old, I remember setting at our devotional table with a hunger and thirst for God that wanted more, deeper, BETTER. I can remember literally crying and pounding on the table, “I know these teachers didn’t mean to give us error. They taught what THEY had been TAUGHT, but didn’t ANYBODY READ THE BOOK?!?!?” It mattered to me then. It mattered to me as a teenager. It matters now as I teach bible classes. It didn’t have to be so hard as I watched so many give up and lay God’s great plan and gift of salvation aside as being “impossible.” Then, a friend sent me a link to Come And Reason’s website. I grew excited. YES! FINALLY! Then another friend told me to stay away, saying her son had just broken up with a girl because she was involved with Come And Reason and that “Tim Jennings preaches a false gospel.” But, AFTER many years of developing an authentic and, dare I say FUN relationship with Jesus, through the Holy Spirit I see this message has been around a LONG time, since the apostle Paul, Ellen White, Graham Maxwell, Ray Foucher, and yourself (though I admit, you’ve made me back up, rewind and replay the clips, and get out my well-worn Bible on a few things.) I’m so thankful I have found LIGHT during these DARK days. I am not alone.

Vicki DiNitto

Testimony 40

I was brought up in a different faith and have been petrified my whole life of God. I believed that I would burn in hell for eternity. When I was 12 I started pursuing the things of this world, but for the next 45 years the Spirit was always calling me, as I knew there was a God through nature. I could see the vast sea of stars in the universe and knew there was something bigger out there. Five years ago, through a Revelation seminar, I was blessed to learn about God’s character and government.

Then I found Come and Reason Ministries and have come under some extreme pressure when I speak about the ministry. One time a member sent me an internet article titled “Whats wrong with Tim Jennings?” I asked her what she thought of it and she said “I don’t know, I didn’t read it.”

I have always wanted to find out for myself the truth about God, so I stayed with the Design Law construct and have been liberated to understand the big picture. Once we consider Design Law, all other Bible stories and prophecies seem to fit perfectly. It is truly beautiful to see people grasping how God operates this Universe of Love and the liberation it has provided in their lives. It blows my mind to see how consistent Design law is with what our founders believed. I hear statements like “This makes so much sense.”

Tom W., Mt. Pleasant, MI, USA


Testimony 12

I have been really blessed reading your response to the various questions on your site.



Testimony 32

The message [of Come And Reason Ministries is] for all Christians (and those who may become Christians) and not just Adventists or any other group. It is difficult to imagine why any [anyone] with intellectual and spiritual honesty could find fault with the way you explained the healing substitution concepts and the truth about God’s character, though I know some will reject and criticize. On behalf of those in our group near Tacoma, WA, thank you and your staff for all of the hard work and for sharing the Gospel in this manner. God’s message of healing love will be carried to the whole world and then Jesus will come – He promised it.

Terry U., Tacoma, WA, USA


Testimony 62

I would like to express my thanks to the C&R team for creating a platform from which people can learn to trust in God and grow. My life is a witness to the effectiveness of this ministry. Without believing the truth about God as you have shown, I don’t know what my life would be like. I had given up on God helping me with certain sins – it was all useless. Given that the scripture is clear and God is so good, how could I have betrayed him so many times? I was a yo-yo christian; spinning up and down. My faith and enthusiasm was driven by discoveries/threats that prophecy is about to be fulfilled. But when I watched your “Healing the Mind” seminar, it was like a light finally went on. I could see God had no plan to hurt me, the danger came from sin, and that He is working to protect me and strengthen me. Thank you for allowing God to use you. The message God gave C&R saved my life!

Antony N. – Hobart, Australia


Testimony 66

I am incredibly grateful for the transformative impact you’ve had on my life, and words cannot fully express my appreciation. Over the years, I have been an avid listener and follower of C&R and extend my heartfelt thanks for creating the C&R mobile app. It has allowed me to immerse myself in your lessons repeatedly, enabling me to grasp the profound significance about the Character of God, Design Law, the protocols for life, the reasons behind the current chaos, and Christ’s mission to restore everything. They have deeply touched me. Having studied with various churches, I came away with the perception that God is no different from the deities of ancient Greek or Roman mythology—demanding sacrifices and taking pleasure in bloodshed. Thanks to your transformative teachings, I have experienced a profound awakening to the true nature of God and the immense power of His love. It is truly a remarkable and liberating sensation to finally grasp the truth and embrace the empowering nature of God’s laws. My self-perception has become brighter and more infused with love. My journey of growth continues on a daily basis.

Chris P., Lake Mary, FL, USA