Homosexuality: Sin, Disorder, or Something Else?

Homosexuality: Sin, Disorder, or Something Else?

I would like to thank you for helping me understand the character of God better. I want to ask a question regarding homosexuality. I believe it is wrong and an abomination in the eyes of God, but I have been told

that homosexuality is a psychiatric disorder due to some abnormalities in the neurotransmitters. Is this true? Or is a result of a flawed character?

Thanking You, R

The Bible is quite clear that God designed humanity in the Garden of Eden, without sinfulness, or any biological defect with one male and one female forming a unit called “man.”

  • When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God.  He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them “man.” Gen 5:1,2
  • So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Gen 1:27

Some confuse “man” with maleness, but in God’s design it takes both “male” and “female” to make “man” – the image of God.

Satan wants to destroy the image of God in man and will attack humanity in any way he can. Satan attacks God’s character with lies and works to replace love in our hearts with fear and selfishness. But Satan also has attacked all of God’s creation. As the scripture says, all nature groans under the weight of sin (Romans 8:20-22). This means biological defects have entered the world including the human gene pool.

Everything that deviates from God’s original design is a result of sin and in some way misrepresents God. However, not everything that deviates from God’s original design is sin. For instance, God designed Adam and Eve to be “fruitful and multiple.” Today some people are born “sterile” incapable of having children. This is a deviation from God’s design, which has resulted because of sin in the world and fails to represent God as accurately as He designed (as God can create life and such individuals cannot procreate life), yet such a deviation in itself is not sin.

The disciples asked Jesus,

“Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” John 9:2,3.

Today, because of sin damaging God’s creation, there are many individuals born with biological defects not of their choosing. Maybe you heard the worldwide news coverage last year of Caster Semenya. She is the South African athlete that won gold medals in track at the world track competition. But after her win it was discovered she has a disorder known as Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS). What this means is she is genetically XY (male) yet at birth appeared to be a healthy female and was raised as a female her entire life. How did this happen?

Normally, women have two X chromosomes (XX) and men have an X and a Y (XY). During reproduction women can only donate an X chromosome because that is all they have. Men donate either and X or a Y chromosome. If a Y chromosome is donated the embryo will normally develop testes and become a male child. The testes will produce a hormone called antimullerian hormone (AMH), which prevents the vagina and uterus from developing. The testes also produce testosterone which normally causes the labia to become the scrotum and the clitoris to become the penis.

But in order for testosterone to have its effect on these organs and the rest of the body, there must be a receptor that recognizes testosterone and responds to it. This receptor is coded on the X chromosome. The problem with AIS is that the gene that codes for the testosterone receptor is defective so even though there are testes producing the proper hormones there are no receptors to see the testosterone so the XY baby is born a healthy baby “girl.” She is given a female birth certificate and raised her entire life as a female. All governments in the world recognize the right of these women to marry men. Yet because of AMH these women do not have a uterus or full vagina and are sterile. This is clearly a deviation from God’s design that results from sin, yet itself is not sin.

There is another condition called Swyer syndrome. In this syndrome no gonads form at all. Therefore, an XY (male) embryo doesn’t have testes to produce either AMH or testosterone so these babies are born healthy little (XY) baby girls with vaginas, uterus, fallopian tubes but no ovaries. They are genetic males yet are physical females. These individuals are sterile as they have no ovaries or testes, yet because they have a uterus they can become pregnant by implantation of a donated embryo. At least four cases have occurred in which such (XY) women have received donated embryos and become pregnant and given birth to healthy babies. All governments recognize the legal right of such individuals to marry men.

There are numerous biological conditions, such as these, which has altered God’s original design and are a result of sin in the world, but in themselves are not sin. Just like being born blind. These conditions include:

  • 5-alpha reductase deficiency
  •  AIS
  • Aphallia
  • Clitoromegaly
  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  • Gonadal dysgensis
  •  Hypospadias
  • Kallmann syndrome
  • Klinefelter syndrome
  • Micropenis
  • Ovo-testes
  • Progestin induced virilisation
  • Swyer syndrome
  • Turner syndrome
  • Cryptorchidism
  • 17-beta-hydroxysteriod dehydrogenase deficiency
  •  Mosaicism
According to the intersex society of North America 1-2% of live births have some form of sexual ambiguity and 0.1-0.2% of live births have defects severe enough to require medical intervention.
  • The question then is – What determines male and female?
  • Chromosomes?
  • Genitalia?
  • Mental orientation, identity/individuality?
  • Behavior?

What does this mean?

  • All of these defects are a result of sin damaging this creation – but that does not mean they are active sin.
  • Man looks on the outward appearance God looks on the heart (1Sam 16:7)
  • It is not our place to judge others. We don’t know their circumstances. (Matt 7:1,2)

Our responsibility as representatives of the gospel of Jesus Christ is to promote the truth about God’s character of love in word and deed. If we meet a homosexual we should treat them like Christ treated the prostitute – with love, kindness, patience and grace. It is not our responsibility to convict another person of sin, that is the job of the Holy Spirit. Our job is to reveal Christ so clearly and fully that people are drawn to Him and He will change their hearts. And when the heart changes then any inappropriate behavior will change as well.

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Testimonial Post Slider

Testimony 70

I have been watching you for many years and have learned to love God with all my heart. I was raised by a loving Christian mother that had been lied to about who God really was, so our religious upbringing was hell fire and damnation. As soon as I was old enough and moved out, I not only left the church, I ran as fast as I could to get away from it. Sad to say, it wasn’t until the past couple of years that I learned and understand who my Father really is and how much He loves me. I understand God’s Design Laws (which make sense) and when I’m teaching my church Bible study class, I’m able to really put to use the things I’ve been learning and Holy Spirit is leading. Thank you for introducing me to my Father of true, pure love. Everyday with Him is new and exciting. One thing that breaks my heart is that I didn’t know Him sooner. God Bless you and your ministry!

Judy Phelps, Reno, NV, USA

Testimony 53

I was so blessed by a friend who gave me your book, “The God Shaped Brain,” while I was sitting in church asking God to please help me learn more about Him and help me not to be so confused and scared. That was about 2 years ago. Your books have helped me to love God even more. I’m not confused or scared anymore! I have listened to all of your bible study classes and feel like I know the wonderful people that attend every week. Thank you for all that you’re doing in spreading the true message about God and His law of love. God bless you and your whole class.

Elssy P., Modesto, CA, USA


Testimony 56

I cannot thank you enough for opening my understanding to the beautiful truth of God’s Law of Love and how it applies to everything. I have been a Christian for over forty years, but I feel like I am only now seeing with my eyes open. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

Tammy Cinzio, Australia


Testimony 43

Two years ago I stumbled upon your book, “Could It Be This Simple,” and then found “The God-Shaped Brain” videos on YouTube, your bible study class, and the ‘Come And Reason’ mobile app. I shared your book with a friend and after nine months of showing love, patience, and kindness this person has been changed by the love of God, too. The same love that healed me, I now express to other women in tangible ways, such as to a Baptist woman with high anxiety and childhood trauma. She was extremely happy and relieved when I shared about the so-called “judgment of God” and burning in hell. She had no desire to serve a God that was so harsh. I have repeated the phrase dozens of times to her. “What we believe has power over us, but we have power over what we believe…”

This message that you are sharing has changed my life. I will continue to serve other women and bring this message of God’s healing love to their lives by sharing your books, YouTube videos, and The Remedy Bible app. Keep up the good work. Don’t be discouraged. God is doing a mighty work in and through this ministry!

Jill L., Midwest, USA


Testimony 9

I really enjoy with you the view of a gracious God. Thank you for sharing the work you are allowing the Lord to do in you.

L., Queensland, Australia


Testimony 20

I just wanted to personally thank you for your teachings and insight into scripture. I came across your website via my cousin who suggested I look into “Healing the Mind” information. My youngest daughter has been struggling over the last couple of years and it all came to a head this spring. When I started listening to the “Healing the Mind” lectures my own life began to be transformed. I began sharing with all my daughters the concepts you laid out so clearly. I ordered your book and soaked it up. I just want to say “Thank You!” My walk with the Lord has been refreshed and renewed. Your obedience to the Lord is a blessing to so many.

R. K., Anderson, SC, USA


Testimony 12

I have been really blessed reading your response to the various questions on your site.



Testimony 62

I would like to express my thanks to the C&R team for creating a platform from which people can learn to trust in God and grow. My life is a witness to the effectiveness of this ministry. Without believing the truth about God as you have shown, I don’t know what my life would be like. I had given up on God helping me with certain sins – it was all useless. Given that the scripture is clear and God is so good, how could I have betrayed him so many times? I was a yo-yo christian; spinning up and down. My faith and enthusiasm was driven by discoveries/threats that prophecy is about to be fulfilled. But when I watched your “Healing the Mind” seminar, it was like a light finally went on. I could see God had no plan to hurt me, the danger came from sin, and that He is working to protect me and strengthen me. Thank you for allowing God to use you. The message God gave C&R saved my life!

Antony N. – Hobart, Australia


Testimony 38

Since November 2015, when I started studying Gods word from this God Is Love point of view, my life has been transformed. My troubled marriage of 15 years has been healed and my husband and I are truly happy for the first time in 15 years. Now When I read the word of God I understand it so much better and I can’t help but see Gods love radiating through the pages to humanity. Gods word is living and active and I am blessed beyond measure to be having this amazing experience. God has given me a beautiful understanding of Jn 3:16 that amazes me more and more each day. Thank you again for your ministry.

Helen D., London, England


Testimony 46

Over the past couple of years God has been expanding my view of Himself and His character. Along my approximately 40-year journey, I have often had questions, but was hesitant to voice these and step outside the traditionally accepted thinking, for fear of admitting that I may in fact be eternally lost. In the recesses of my thinking has been the thought – if one blindly accepts (which is widely regarded as “real faith”) and does not question, is this really ‘truth?’ I often find it challenging to grapple with very theological ‘speak,’ but Dr. Jennings has a real gift of explaining spiritual concepts with clear practical examples. The weekly discussions are growing my Christian experience and slowly changing my view of how to live as a child of God in today’s complex world. Finally the whole Old Testament sanctuary teaching moved in my mind from fantasy to reality!

Beverly S., South Africa


Testimony 6

I got the book “Could It Be This Simple?” a few months ago and the reading was wonderful and I was fascinated. I lent the book to a friend at work. She is having a difficult time and the book is helping her to find Jesus and I found this very exciting. She has asked me questions and I can see her life changing.

H. S., Australia


Testimony 22

I have found your Bible study class lectures to be very inspiring and useful as I prepare to teach class every other week. I subscribe to the podcast and download your notes on the weeks I teach. The audio and notes are such a great help in preparing. My own understanding of God’s character has grown as I teach the class. Commendations on the thought-provoking and well-prepared material Come and Reason provides. Personally, I get excited by the tie you make between the spiritual and mental/physical domains.

A.A. Corrales, NM, USA


Testimony 69

After reading your book, ‘Could It Be This Simple,’ someone was explaining Christianity in a way that made sense to me for the first time in my life. One morning, I simply prayed “I’m sorry and I love you.” As soon as I silently said that, I could literally feel God’s presence and light flood down on me from above and fill me up with love and joy. I sat there crying my eyes out, because I was so overpowered with this feeling of love and joy. It was just so incredible. I hope that more people can read this book and get a blessing from it. It’s really amazing.

Rachael H.

Testimony 47

I can’t even begin to thank you and your ministry enough for introducing me to the Truth about a loving and merciful God! I have my daughter and her in-laws to thank for sharing with me “The God-Shaped Brain” as well as your website. I listen to the Bible study class lessons on my daily walk. May God continue to bless your thirst-quenching ministry!

Liz H., Port Angeles, WA, USA



Testimony 23

I would just like to add my voice to the many people who, I believe, must have contacted you to express their appreciation for the “Healing the Mind” DVDs. I’ve been listening to your Bible study class discussions for many years and I’ve been personally blessed by your research and teaching about the character of God.

L. G., Oakland, MI, USA