Reply To: why raise wicked after 1000 years

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Valerie Betty

    Good question, and my thoughts go back to the group of people who will say “Lord, didn’t we do such and such in your name?” So while some will already know why they are lost, there will be others who will still have questions.
    Now this is where I use my imagination about the people who already know why they are lost and have no questions: I am a mother, and should I make it to heaven but my child did not, I will have the 1000 years to have all my questions answered. But this mother, with a mother’s heart, still clings to the notion that my child would change his mind and accept eternal life if given one more chance, just one more chance, just one more plea from mother’s lips…So the 1000 years are over and the Holy City descends, and for a time the gates to the Holy City are open. Now is my chance to plead with my lost child, telling him of the glories I’ve experienced during my time in heaven. But, alas, no amount of pleading will do, and then I can know what God already knew, that my lost child will not change. Mercy!
    God is too wise to be mistaken, God is too good to be unkind, when you don’t understand, when you don’t see His Plan, when you can’t trace His hand, trust His heart.