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Medeafhanklikheid: Wat Dit Is – En Hoe Om Dit Te Ontsnap

Medeafhanklikheid: Wat Dit Is – En Hoe Om Dit Te Ontsnap

Ontsluit die geheime om die kettings van mede-afhanklikheid te verbreek met dr. Tim Jennings se insiggewende boek, “Medeafhanklikheid: Wat Dit Is – En Hoe Om Dit Te Ontsnap.” Hierdie omvattende gids delf diep in die ongesonde verhoudingsdinamika waar sterk gevoelens van aantrekkingskrag dikwels met ware liefde verwar word. Dr. Jennings belig die vreesgedrewe motiverings wat hierdie toksiese bande instand hou en bied praktiese oplossings vir die bereiking van ware emosionele vryheid en selfaanvaarding.

Sleutel Konsepte:

  • Begrip van Medeafhanklikheid: Verken die fondasie van medeafhanklike verhoudings, gedryf deur vrese vir verwerping, verlating, ontoereikendheid en meer. Dr. Jennings verduidelik hoe hierdie vrese manifesteer as interne onsekerheid, vrees en selftwyfel, dikwels gepaard met skuldgevoelens en skaamte.
  • Identifisering van Verwronge Selfpersepsie: Leer hoe verbeelde of waargenome gebreke en oordrewe tekortkominge bydra tot ‘n verwronge gevoel van self. Ontdek die skadelike impak van interne selfveroordeling en die desperate optrede wat geneem word om eksterne bekragtiging te soek.
  • Breek Los: Kry insigte in die stappe wat nodig is om medeafhanklikheid te oorkom. Dr. Jennings bied uitvoerbare strategieë om ‘n gesonde, onafhanklike gevoel van eiewaarde te ontwikkel, vry van die behoefte aan eksterne goedkeuring.


  • Deskundige Leiding: Hierdie boek is geskryf deur dr. Tim Jennings, ‘n bekende kenner van emosionele en sielkundige welstand, en kombineer professionele kundigheid met deernisvolle begrip.
  • Praktiese Oplossings: Werklike advies en tegnieke om jou te help om mede-afhanklike patrone te herken en  te verbreek, wat ‘n gesonder en meer vervullende lewe bevorder.
  • Bemagtigende Insigte: Leer om vreesgedrewe verhoudings te omskep in verhoudings wat gebou is op opregte liefde en wedersydse respek.
Hoekom jy hierdie boek nodig het:

As jy al ooit vasgevang gevoel het in ‘n siklus van goedkeuring deur ander om volwaardig mens te voel, is “Medeafhanklikheid: Wat Dit Is – En Hoe Om Dit Te Ontsnap” jou noodsaaklike gids om hierdie vernietigende patrone te verstaan en te oorkom. Dr. Jennings se empatiese benadering en praktiese advies sal jou bemagtig om jou gevoel van self te herwin, gesonder verhoudings te bou en ‘n lewe vry van die skaduwees van medeafhanklikheid te lei.

Neem vandag die eerste stap in die rigting van emosionele vryheid. Aanvaar die reis van selfontdekking en persoonlike groei met dr. Tim Jennings se transformerende boek.

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Testimonial Post Slider

Testimony 10

I personally download and listen to each of Come And Reason Ministries Bible study class lessons and PDF study notes to use when teaching my class. Really appreciate the class especially when Dr. Jennings is teaching. Thank God there are persons like him doing His work and traveling to share His beliefs.

B. L.M., North Plains, OR, USA


Testimony 48

I just want to tell you how blessed I have been reading “The Remedy!” It has become a daily part of my devotional relationship with God. In it I have found a God of love and a God that loves me! The bible has come alive for me! It is the first time that I can say that I have felt hope fill my heart as I have read God’s word. This is good news I can share! Thank you, Dr Jennings! Thank you for your heart for others. I can’t put into words how this has set me free! It has strengthened my trust and love for God.

Jason H.


Testimony 67

I was introduced to Come And Reason by a friend of my mother-in-law, who gave me several CD’s of Dr. Jennings. The clarity of the message and recognition that God’s is a God of love was so clear, advancing beyond Dr. Maxwell’s message. However, grappled with Maxwell saying God used emergency measures for the fallen world. Now after several years of being a regular listener of the Come And Reasoning bible study class and attending Jennings’ meetings in Dallas/Fort Worth, TX, things are becoming clearer for me. Design law versus imposed law has added so much to my personal understanding of theology. This message has really impacted my work in counseling so many people miserable because they are searching for and trusting human governments to create order and peace or believing in a God who says love Me or I will kill you. I am grateful that I have an alternative view to offer my clients that makes sense. I teach a bible study class on a semi-regular basis and I value the materials that Come And Reason so freely offers to aid me in presenting this vital message. Thank you for continuing to provide advancement in our very limited understanding of a Infinite God that is rational and believable.

Dr. Roger D, Arlington, TX, USA


Testimony 27

Your teachings about our heavenly Father have changed my life. Thank you sooooooo very very much! I know He’s doing some serious healing in my heart and life and I look forward to each new day to learn something new about Him and to just hear you speak about Him. Thank you, forever.

Nancy S.


Testimony 59

I’m a native Ghanan, but am currently in France for my master’s degree. Prior to this, during my final years at undergraduate studies in Ghana, I was introduced to your ministry and I’ve been immensely blessed by what you share, especially about the Design and Imposed Laws. God richly bless you for that.

One of the first things I did when I arrived in France was to buy all four of your books. They not only helped me, but those I shared them with. I shared the message with an atheist student and I marveled at how God worked mightily in his life. Today this person shares the Love of God with others and debunks theories of who God is not. I want to share what you present in your “Heavenly Sanctuary and Investigative Judgment” pamphlet, because the message brought rest to my soul and I live today as a healthy person.

God bless you so much and your ministry.

Michael A., Ghana


Testimony 61

I grew up in a prominent protestant church and had what I like to call religious anxiety. I’ve always had questions about God and Salvation that no one could seem to answer.  I didn’t know how to find resolution. During 2020, at the height of my anxiety, I fell to my knees and begged God to show me truth and light and to give me the hope that I’ve been longing for. Days later, I stumbled upon your online videos and it was like a veil was lifted and EVERYTHING made sense! For the first time in my almost 39 years of life, my religious/spiritual anxiety has lessened. I feel a sense of freedom and peace I’ve NEVER had before… and it’s all because my view of God has changed. Thank you!

Ashleighn C.


Testimony 4

I’m a youth leader in South Africa. We as a youth group are currently using a lot of the material on the Come and Reason site. Since we’ve started using the material, our youth group has grown.

R. V. N., South Africa


Testimony 56

I cannot thank you enough for opening my understanding to the beautiful truth of God’s Law of Love and how it applies to everything. I have been a Christian for over forty years, but I feel like I am only now seeing with my eyes open. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

Tammy Cinzio, Australia


Testimony 35

I am so pleased with the response your message is receiving at my church from the middle-aged to the young adults. I have given out 100 copies of the first two seminars and there are more request every week. One of my [class members] came to me after viewing the series, grateful and impressed with how easy the message was retained. He had been a Seventh-day Adventist in fear all his life, and felt like the scales were removed from his eyes after viewing the seminars. I am so impressed by the change I see in members who have received this message, we are in one accord. However, I am sadden by the negative response of the older people. I am verbally attacked anytime I talk about imposed laws, but I believe my mission is to enlightened everyone I can. I watch your Bible Study Class on YouTube every Friday night and I feel like I am apart of the class. All of you are in one accord and I am so blessed to have found you. I pray that all of you continue to spread this message and I am committed to doing my part.

Clara S., Westfield, MA, USA


Testimony 31

It was very touching to hear the testimony of your class share how viewing God’s true character has changed their lives. My feelings are the same – there is so much freedom in knowing that God LOVES me – regardless of my… just, REGARDLESS! I’m still blown away by the true gospel, the fact that God is not ready to strike us when we fail. He is not arbitrary. He simply loves us and warns of the natural consequences because He can’t stand to see us suffer. I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS GOD!!!

Ceil V.,  UT, USA


Testimony 53

I was so blessed by a friend who gave me your book, “The God Shaped Brain,” while I was sitting in church asking God to please help me learn more about Him and help me not to be so confused and scared. That was about 2 years ago. Your books have helped me to love God even more. I’m not confused or scared anymore! I have listened to all of your bible study classes and feel like I know the wonderful people that attend every week. Thank you for all that you’re doing in spreading the true message about God and His law of love. God bless you and your whole class.

Elssy P., Modesto, CA, USA


Testimony 28

I have been following your Bible study class for about a year now. I must say I am impressed with how your ministry has grown. I took it upon myself to listen to all your lesson podcasts from the past and they have both enriched me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I have learnt a lot from this class. I have also noticed how the class has grown in spiritual strength. One of the things that benefited me is that now I am not afraid of God. I use to be, but now it has melted away. The second thing is that you helped me to have a real life relationship with God. Now He is my friend that was always there and I love having him with me all the time. Thirdly, because of this class, it inspired me to take over and lead a class. I have called it “Let Us Reason Together,” adapting your inquisitive style and creating a class of free thinkers.

T. Banda, Malawi, Africa


Testimony 1

Thank you! I love listening to the Come And Reason Ministries Bible study classes and am using some of your notes to get the lessons together that I will be teaching. You always have such good quotes and Bible texts and pull things together to make good sense.

T. C., IN, USA


Testimony 19

I truly believe that to know who God really is the first step to understand ourselves in a balanced and kind way, so the healing can take place. Your approach really makes sense – Thank you for your ministry!

A.M., Pittsburg, PA, USA

Testimony 12

I have been really blessed reading your response to the various questions on your site.