Metaphors of the Atonement
Recently our local church has been blessed by a series of sermons entitled “Prism: Metaphors of the Atonement.” Four different speakers presented, over a five week period, Adoption, Reconciliation, Ransom, and Romans.
Baptism – Necessary or Not?
Could you please write a blog on the topic of baptism. My understanding is that when you come to know God and trust him completely, there comes a point when you decide to surrender your life to the will of Jesus and follow him 100%.
Confessing Faults and Sins
You presented a really moving and challenging set of seminars at Midport SDA. I had a couple of questions that arose out of your first presentation on Guilt. Unfortunately, we ran out of time and you could not take any more questions. I would really appreciate it if you could respond here.
Guilt – How to Resolve It
After the death of her sister, my colleague was consumed with guilt and remorse at how she treated her sister. She has been unable to forgive herself and is depressed and distraught because she will never be able to appologise to her sister and seek her forgiveness. The remarkable thing is that her sister died ten years ago and my colleague is still struggling with feelings of guilt. How would you suggest she resolve these feelings of guilt?
She Bears and Stones: What Does it Say About God?
What are your views on God sending a she-bear to maul children after they made “fun” of one of God’s prophets for being bald. That has really, really bothered me and seems very harsh
Women Leaders in the Church
I belong to a church in Brisbane Australia and we are currently going through a bit of upheaval over the issue of appointing women in the church as elders
Explaining Christ to Muslims
I live in an Arab country and I’m often asked questions regarding Christ. There are a few things that I am unable to answer. They claim that Christ was only a prophet
The “Infinite Price” Paid – Is it Legal & Is Christ still Omnipresent?
I was told and have been taught since I joined the SDA Church that Jesus gave up his ‘Omniprescense’ for eternity as the cost for my Salvation. I do not and can not find this in the scriptures
Mother’s Stress & Her Child’s Brain
I found much insight in your series Healing The Mind on Forest Lake Church’s website and recently discovered your website. In one of your podcasts there was mention of a connection between stress during pregnancy and a child’s wellbeing.
Earth: The Home of the Righteous
Can you please prove to me where people will live when Jesus comes, will it be here on earth or in heaven? I don’t know if I can “prove” it, but I will walk through the evidence of Scripture as I understand it.
Thankfulness and Your Health
Happy Thanksgiving! Here in the U.S. we celebrate our annual Thanksgiving holiday on the 4th Thursday of November. Thanksgiving is a traditional harvest festival, which has its American roots in Plymouth Massachusetts, when the Pilgrims and local native Indians gave thanks in 1621.
Christmas & The Christian
Since the season is fast approaching I was wondering if you could give some insights on the topic of Christians and Christmas. I have heard arguments on both sides, and both seem convincing. Those who are against it point to the pagan roots of Christmas, and those who are for it point to the benefits of Christmas in reaching souls for Christ. So how does one find balance?
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