

Penal Substitution versus Design Law – What’s the Difference?
July 18, 2018 Bible Answers That Make Sense, Blogs, Design Law Tim Jennings, M.D.

An online listener wrote:

What is the difference between penal substitution and design law? How do we explain the difference and reason with someone who believes in penal substitution?

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Anointing with Oil: Real Medicine or Superstitious Ceremony?
July 6, 2018 Bible Answers That Make Sense, Blogs, Integrating Bible, Science, and Life Experiences Tim Jennings, M.D.

I received this question from an online listener:

I’m wondering if you could address the biblical teaching of anointing the sick referred to in the book of James from the design-law perspective? I just don’t understand this teaching having heard of many anointing services and seeing very few people healed. What’s the point? There must be more to it than just “blind faith.”

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Did God Create Adam and Eve with a Defective Void?
June 28, 2018 Bible Answers That Make Sense, Blogs, Family and Relationship Health Tim Jennings, M.D.

I received the following question from an online listener:

Was mankind created (before the fall) with a void inside? Is that how Satan appealed to Adam and Eve, as far as the temptation in the Garden of Eden? Did Satan appeal to that hole or void inside mankind?

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7 Steps to Keep Your Brain Healthy and Mind Sharp
June 13, 2018 Blogs, Brain and Body Health, Mental Health and Healing Tim Jennings, M.D.

Keep your brain healthy and your mind sharp! Americans are living longer than ever before, but with longer life comes concerns about maintaining vitality, and retaining one’s mental fitness. The good news is that we can make choices to slow the decline in vitality and keep our brains healthy and minds sharp.

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Being a Priest of God
May 25, 2018 Bible Answers That Make Sense, Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

“You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 2:5 NIV84)

Do you know the difference between a priest of God and a pastor, minister or clergy?

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The Sanctuary and Feast Days 1: The OT Sanctuary — Decoding the Secret Meaning
May 18, 2018 The Sanctuary and Feast Days Seminar Tim Jennings, M.D.

Have you ever studied the Old Testament sanctuary only to find yourself confused? Have you struggled to understand the meaning of all the various symbols and rituals? The Old Testament sanctuary was a play, an acted-out theatrical production directed by God for the purpose of revealing His plan to save humanity from sin. In this presentation, Dr. Tim Jennings decodes the many symbols of the sanctuary to uncover the ultimate reality of God’s amazing plan.

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The Sanctuary and Feast Days 2: The Day of Atonement and the Feast Days — God’s Hidden Plan for Human History
May 18, 2018 The Sanctuary and Feast Days Seminar Tim Jennings, M.D.

Ancient Israel was instructed by God to celebrate certain annual feasts and festivals (holy days) in which all the people were to participate. These “holidays” were to occur in a specific order and were repeated every year to instill them into their hearts for a special reason. In addition to being a real, historical people who did real things, God’s people were to reveal to the world His kingdom, His methods, and His plan for saving humanity from sin. In this presentation, Dr. Tim Jennings uncovers God’s plan for humanity’s history, hidden in the symbols of the ancient feasts.

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