Babylon, the Mother of Harlots: Time To Come Out!
In the Bible, Babylon is not only an historical empire ruled by Nebuchadnezzar, but it is also a symbolic representative of Satan’s kingdom – the mother of prostitutes: MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (Revelation 17:5 NIV84).
Qualities of a Good Leader – Determining Who to Follow
When I served in the military, strong leadership was emphasized. A good commander does certain things, such as: Never ask his soldiers to do what he would be unwilling to do if in their same position
Listener Concerned Dr. Jennings Is Being Foolish
Over the past six months, I have received periodic emails like the one below expressing disappointment with me or taking offense over something I have written or taught. I hope my discussion below will be healing and helpful to those that have been disappointed or hurt.
How to Disagree and Remain Friends
The three supreme principles of God’s kingdom are truth, love, and freedom. Let’s examine how to apply these principles in our relationships to maintain friendships even when we disagree.
The Injustice of Human Justice
Four years ago, many people in America (and some around the world) experienced a crisis when President Trump was elected. Currently, there are many on the other side of the political spectrum experiencing a crisis as Biden and the Democrats have been declared winners of the most recent elections.
The World’s Wisdom Is Foolishness
“Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?” (1 Corinthians 1:20 NIV84). What is the basis of all wisdom? God and the knowledge of God, which means His character, His design laws, His methods, purposes, protocols – how reality works and why.
Podcast: Come And Reason with Tim Jennings, MD 2021
This is a weekly, 15-minute talk-show in which Dr. Jennings answers questions on topics regarding mental health and interpersonal relationships.
Isaiah One: A Message for the Church Today
Isaiah is called the gospel prophet, the prophet who brings the good news. It’s in the book of Isaiah that we find the beautiful description of the coming Messiah, who becomes a real human: For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end (9:6, 7 NIV84).
Eight Signs of Jesus’ Soon Return
It is Christmas, the time we celebrate Jesus first advent. Yet, while we give thanks for Jesus birth and victory as our Savior 2,000 years ago, our ultimate longing is in His second advent – and the Bible is filled with promises that Jesus is coming again. So, let’s this holiday not only celebrate the birth of our Savior, but look with longing expectation at the signs of His soon return.
The Christian and Culture: Is All Culture Equally Healthy?
It is the Christmas season, and as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, God’s only Son, sent to save the world from sin, consider what that means. It means that Jesus came to win our hearts and minds back to trust, so that we will leave behind everything of this world that is out of harmony with heaven and trust Him and follow Him into a kingdom of love, truth, and eternal freedom.
Understanding Bible Commentaries Through Design Law
Over the years, I have received repeated requests to help people understand, through a design-law lens, quotations from various Bible commentators that can easily sound penal-legal. Below is an example of one such quotation from a founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, followed by my comments explaining how her concept are best understood through a design-law perspective.
The Damaging Effects of Social Isolation During COVID-19
Now that the election is over, I hope we can have reasonable and rational discussions about the various governmental responses to COVID-19 and their impact on society. From the beginning of this pandemic, I have been critical of the way various government officials have responded and dealt with this problem.
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