Knowing God’s Will for Your Life
Have you ever struggled to know what God would have you do in a given situation? Have you ever been in a circumstance in which there was no absolute right or wrong and you needed to make a decision, but you weren’t sure what to do? You wanted to honor God, but the situation wasn’t one that God’s Word gives any specific wisdom about.
My Sin Is Not as Bad as Your Sin
Sadly, the world today is focusing on someone else’s sin, someone else’s sickness or symptoms, as a means to ignore their own…
The Green Delusion
As a Christian, what do you believe the future holds for planet Earth? Do you take a biblical worldview?
Living in the Land of Liars: Part 2
In part two of two, we will examine other common lies being told today and the impact upon our minds if we accept them.
Living in the Land of Liars: Part 1
We live in an era when reality is being denied, when people no longer want to believe evidence and facts. Instead, people believe what makes them feel good, regardless of truth.
The Six Powers of Satan and How to Overcome Them: Part 6
In our sixth and final blog of this series, we explore Satan’s sixth power, the power of death. Even though the Scripture plainly attributes the power of death to the devil (Hebrews 2:14), his use of the power of lies has been so successful that most of the world, including the Christian world, falsely believes that God is the inflictor of death as the punishment for sin;
The Six Powers of Satan and How to Overcome Them: Part 5
In part five, we will examine Satan’s fifth power and how we can be overcomers with Christ.
Meditation Guide
Does meditation matter in your experience and understanding God? Yes it does! In this in-depth guide you will gain knowledge to discern the differences between biblical and Eastern meditation, the divergent meditation methods, and their impact upon brain function and character outcome.
The Six Powers of Satan and How to Overcome Them: Part 4
Accusations are used to intimidate; to silence; to confuse; to incite guilt, shame, fear, and insecurity; to discourage; to defeat; to create hopelessness; to misrepresent; to deceive and mislead; and to manipulate.
The Six Powers of Satan and How to Overcome Them: Part 3
In Part 3 of our 6-part series, we will examine Satan’s power of mammon—that is, money. However, it is not merely currency that is Satan’s power, but the system of human economics that operates upon the principles of Satan’s kingdom.
The Six Powers of Satan and How to Overcome Them: Part 2
In part two of this six-part series, we examine Satan’s second power, which is the power of imposed law and coercive enforcement—the power of worldly government. This is why Satan is known as the prince of this world.
The Six Powers of Satan and How to Overcome Them: Part 1
Have you ever considered the various powers that Satan wields to advance his kingdom on Earth? These are the weapons he uses to incite fear of God and others in our hearts and minds—and then he tempts us to practice these very same powers against others in our struggle to alleviate those fears, to make ourselves feel safe, to provide for and to protect ourselves at the expense of others.
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