Dr. Jennings’ 25 Cannots
Here is the list of Dr. Jennings’ “25 Cannots” social media memes you can copy and download to share on your feed walls.
Designed 4 More: 2025
Welcome to our 2025 podcast presented by Come And Reason Ministries and Honey Lake Clinic—featuring Timothy R. Jennings, M.D. Join us every Tuesday for a new episode that explores God’s design protocols for life and learn how to experience mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational thriving!
The Purpose of Confessing Our Sins to Others
The Bible advises us to confess our sins to one another—but why? What does this mean? Is this talking about making one’s personal sins public? Is it talking about ritual confession with a church-authorized priest in a confessional booth?
Knowing Jesus and His Word
Is there a difference between knowing Jesus and His Word and knowing the Bible or the theology/doctrines of your church?
Understanding Ellen G. White’s Quote About the Righteousness of Christ and the Sinner’s Account
When I read passages like, “The law demands righteousness, and this the sinner owes to the law; but he is incapable of rendering it.” (R&H, Nov 4, 1890), I find it helpful to ask, “When Adam sinned, did God get changed or did God’s law get changed?” So let’s look at this through Design Law.
“25 Cannots” by Tim Jennings
Here are high-resolution images for sharing on your social media accounts of 25 “Cannot” memes. Just click on a desired image to download the full-sized image. New memes will be posted every few days until all 25 are available.
How Jesus Treated the Samaritans and Lessons for Today
Most Jewish religious leaders through history, including in Christ’s day, believed that the Samaritan religion was a false one, a counterfeit of what God gave through Moses and His prophets. While I agree with this conclusion, the question I want to ask today is: How did Jesus treat the Samaritans?
Trust The Science – Navigating Conflicting Messages
On February 1, 2025, Tim Jennings, MD, participated in a recorded “zoom call” along with Dr. Marco Masa, Dr. Keith Colburn, Dr. Tim Perenich, Dr. Wes Youngberg, Ricky Kearns, and Dr. Joyce Choe. This call was organized by Dr. Margaret Song and hosted by Scott Ritesma of Belt of Truth Ministries.
The Conversion and Salvation of Peter
Despite Peter’s belief, what he knew to be true, and his choice to follow Jesus, he was still not fully converted. Have you considered why Peter needed the experience of Christ admonishing him to “feed My sheep”?
Who Are the Remnant of God?
The word translated as “remnant” in Scripture refers to those who remain, the last portion of a group. But who are these end-time remnant?
Pastors Faithful to Jesus Think for Themselves
Pastors fall into two general camps: those faithful to Jesus and those faithful to something else. I am focusing on them in this blog because they are in a place of spiritual leadership, where their influence cascades down.
The First Death: A Manifestation of God’s Grace
The imposed-law view understands death as being inflicted by God as punishment for sin. Those who want to present God in the best possible light rightly reject the idea that God is the source of death or would act in a manner as His enemy. The problem is a misunderstanding of imposed law, design law, and differentiate between first death and second death.
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