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Author: Tim Jennings, M.D.

  • Thanksgiving and Blessings for Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine

    Thanksgiving and Blessings for Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine

    I have been privileged to serve as the inaugural Chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavior Health at Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine (LUCOM). Unfortunately, due to forces beyond the university’s control…

  • Victory Through Intimate Love

    Victory Through Intimate Love

    This is our power, the power of intimate love from and in God, that enables us to break away from the fear and selfishness of this world.

  • Evidence and History or Claims and Wonders

    Evidence and History or Claims and Wonders

    Recently, I observed two events that revealed ungodly forces working to divert minds away from reality and onto either signs and wonders or the authority of office.

  • The Imminent Collapse of the United States

    The Imminent Collapse of the United States

    I have discovered valuable lessons from history about what we are witnessing in the world today and that give additional confirming evidence that staggering events are about to take place.

  • The Big Things and Little Things

    The Big Things and Little Things

    Problems in our relationships—the divisions in churches, communities, and families—often come when we assign big-thing importance to the little-thing beliefs.

  • Treasure in Heaven

    Treasure in Heaven

    Despite the things that this world tries to get our hearts to value as treasure, in moments of quiet reflection, what are the things that you genuinely treasure most?

  • Revealing the Lawless One

    Revealing the Lawless One

    In addition to the imposed-law lie, 2 Thessalonians describes the other ways that the enemy replaces God in our hearts and minds, thereby setting himself up in God’s temple and advancing his lawlessness.

  • Unity Versus Division in the World Today

    Unity Versus Division in the World Today

    How do we avoid satan’s two-step trap meant to divide and prevent selfish and sinful humanity from being united in love and trust to God?

  • Tithing


    Do we have a responsibility to evaluate where we return our tithe, or should we blindly pay it to the organization of our upbringing?

  • Is Sincerity Enough?

    Is Sincerity Enough?

    I have been asked many times if sincerity is enough, whether it really matters what one believes as long as one is sincere in their beliefs.

  • Being a Member of God’s Family on Earth

    Being a Member of God’s Family on Earth

    Do you recognize your royal status? Do you live like a member of the house of God? Do you carry yourself with the dignity, confidence, and grace of one who lives to represent their heavenly Father?

  • The War Between Chaos and Order: Why Our World Is Descending Into Disorder

    The War Between Chaos and Order: Why Our World Is Descending Into Disorder

    Godly principles are under attack by the enemy of God, and society is decaying into chaos—and that decay is predictable, purposeful, and a strategic goal of the enemies of good.