Author: Tim Jennings, M.D.

  • Fixing Our Eyes Upon Jesus

    Fixing Our Eyes Upon Jesus

    When we find ourselves struggling with the storms of life, as long as we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, we can walk over the waves. But as soon as we think we can handle it on our own, as soon as we look to our fellows and say, “Hey, check me out, I am…

  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation—A Drug-Free Treatment for Depression

    Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation—A Drug-Free Treatment for Depression

    Major depression is a debilitating brain-body illness that impairs function and is one of the highest causes of disability worldwide. Fortunately, there is an alternative, drug-free treatment for depression today called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS).

  • Turning Evil into Good

    Turning Evil into Good

    The record of human history is clear: God brings good out of evil when we trust Him and apply His methods and principles to our lives.

  • Red Heifer Ceremony

    Red Heifer Ceremony

    A listener asked me about the red heifer sacrifice—what is its significance? We find the instructions for this ceremony in Numbers chapter 19…

  • Repairers of the Breach

    Repairers of the Breach

    Isaiah 58 says we “shall build the old waste places… raise up the foundations… and… be called the Repairer of Broken walls (NIV).” What is the wall that has been breached? And what is the breach that we are to repair?

  • Codependency: What It Is—And How to Break Free

    Codependency: What It Is—And How to Break Free

    There is healing for people who struggle with dependency relationships, but the first steps are realizing that one is struggling with dependency and differentiating those emotions from healthy love.

  • Friends With Jesus

    Friends With Jesus

    Bookmark with original poem, “Friends With Jesus,” by Tim Jennings, MD.

  • Imputed and Imparted Righteousness—Design versus Imposed Law

    Imputed and Imparted Righteousness—Design versus Imposed Law

    The way we understand the Bible and its themes, such as imputed and imparted righteousness, is determined by the law lens through which we view them. What is the reality?

  • Salvation and the Cleansing of Our Spirit—Part 2

    Salvation and the Cleansing of Our Spirit—Part 2

    Let’s examine how Jesus’ vicarious, self-sacrificial, substitutionary death provides for our salvation, for our redemption, rebirth, and cleansing from sin.

  • Salvation and the Cleansing of Our Spirit—Part 1

    Salvation and the Cleansing of Our Spirit—Part 1

    In order to intelligently cooperate most effectively with God for the cleansing of our spirits, we must understand what our spirit is.

  • Urim and Thummim: Judgment and the Sanctuary

    Urim and Thummim: Judgment and the Sanctuary

    “The sanctuary was designated as the place of divine judgment as indicated by the judgment of Urim (Num. 27:21) and by the breastplate of judgment of the high priest…” When you read descriptions like this, what comes to mind? Something legal?

  • Happiness from Killing Babies? A Closer Look at Psalm 137

    Happiness from Killing Babies? A Closer Look at Psalm 137

    Psalms 137 is the culmination of a short psalm that laments Israel’s captivity in Babylon and concludes with what appears to be a very human, worldly response to injustice—retaliation against the enemy. But is this what the Holy Spirit actually inspired the psalmist to write, or did something get confused in the translation?