Author: Tim Jennings, M.D.

Author: Tim Jennings, M.D.

Imputed Righteousness
March 5, 2010 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

How do I know when I am saved, or How do I know when I am justified? This concern seems to center on the realization that all imperfections have not been overcome and so how can one have security.

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Church Attendance & Conspiracies
February 26, 2010 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

Could explain the pros and cons of church attendance? Are there times when it is not healthy to attend and what attitude should we bring when we do attend.

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Christ: Our Remedy to Sin!
February 19, 2010 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

I have often heard it said that Christ brought the cure for sin, but no one has ever answered these questions satisfactorily for me. Can you spell out in details for me exactly what the cure for sin is

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Are Sins Passed Down to Our Children?
February 12, 2010 Bible Answers That Make Sense, Blogs, Family and Relationship Health Tim Jennings, M.D.

I have always believed that hereditary tendencies are what I received from my parents, whereas cultivated tendencies are what I learned as a child and as an adult. If so, then do tendencies (right or wrong) to sin pass down?

Meaning are the sins my parents did passed down as hereditary tendencies to me?

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Is There Absolute Truth?
February 5, 2010 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

We were recently engaged in a intense discussion about “TRUTH” is there such a thing as “ABSOLUTE TRUTH” and if there is where is it found?

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Recent Attacks
January 29, 2010 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

As of this writing, our class has been “reviled†over the last several weeks by some who have taken it upon themselves to misrepresent what we teach. This week I came across the following passage and it reminded me why we should not be discouraged,

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What Does the Law Demand?
January 22, 2010 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

I was introduced to the “Healing Model†view of the Atonement and surrounding ideas some time last year and have been prayerfully and thoughtfully considering these ideas and beliefs that it is a better understanding. However, I don’t believe Ellen White also held these views based on some statements that I have come across in

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Homosexuality: Sin, Disorder, or Something Else?
January 15, 2010 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

I would like to thank you for helping me understand the character of God better. I want to ask a question regarding homosexuality. I believe it is wrong and an abomination in the eyes of God, but I have been told

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Victorious Living – Now or Then?
January 8, 2010 Blogs, Character Development, Mental Health and Healing Tim Jennings, M.D.

I am in tune with the trust and healing model of atonement and posted this on-line:

“Those who believe on Christ and obey His commandments are not under bondage to God’s law; for to those who believe and obey, His law is not a law of bondage, but of liberty.

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Jesus: Angry Executioner or Baby of Bethlehem?
December 25, 2009 Bible Answers That Make Sense, Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

Last weekend our class started the lesson guide for the new year, The Fruit of the Spirit. I was so shocked by one paragraph, from Thursday, December 31, that I had to blog about it. Here is the paragraph:

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What Do “Blood of Jesus” and “Hand of God” Mean?
December 18, 2009 Bible Answers That Make Sense, Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

I heard one of your podcasts where you where talking about the true meaning of the phrase “Blood of Jesus.” Could you elaborate on that and this one: “Hand of God”?

We can also find the imagery in certain stories like when God made his goodness pass before Moses and covered him with His “hand”. What is Gods hand really? Is it His providence? The Holy Spirit?

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Living Stones in God’s Temple
December 11, 2009 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

In one of your bible study classes, you talked about the saints being living stones in the kingdom of God. It was by far the most beautiful I’ve ever heard.

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