Author: Tim Jennings, M.D.

  • Seven Last Plagues – Why?

    Seven Last Plagues – Why?

    My question is ‘why will God pour out the last seven plaques and how do we answer a person who will use this event to prove God is wrathful’?

  • Is Cancer Your Own Fault?

    Is Cancer Your Own Fault?

    Some friends of ours swear that they heard you say that if you get cancer it is your own fault (It is a sensitive topic because their mom recently passed away from cancer). I do not believe that you would have said that.

  • Fasting: What’s the Point?

    Fasting: What’s the Point?

    Please explain Fasting to me. I have never understood this topic too well. It seems that fasting is a way to make God answer your prayer when He wont answer it otherwise.

  • Interracial Marriages

    Interracial Marriages

    I had the privilege of getting into a relationship with one of my fellow youth members. He is half Indian and I am white. My culture does not permit it in any way, and finds it a disgrace and a sin. I know the Bible states that we should not be in relationships with non-believers,…

  • Our Two Natures: Gaining the Victory!

    Our Two Natures: Gaining the Victory!

    I would like to know from a psychological and also from a Biblical point of view, does a Christian really have two natures? In other words can a converted person have a new born again nature and an old carnal nature at the same time or is a born again person completely free from the…

  • The Healing Substitution Model

    The Healing Substitution Model

    It has become apparent that those who have never participated in the Come and Reason Bible Study (BSC) class have false concepts of what we (and others who value a healing model) teach and believe.

  • How TV and an Angry, Wrathful God Damage Your Brain

    How TV and an Angry, Wrathful God Damage Your Brain

    In order to understand the damaging effects that theatrical TV and wrathful depictions of God have on the brain we must first understand some basic brain circuitry.

  • Righteousness by Faith

    Righteousness by Faith

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  • What the Law Demands

    What the Law Demands

    The Adobe Acrobat PDF documents presented here require Acrobat Reader to view. Get the free plugin at: Adobe Acrobat Reader web browser plugin.  You can SAVE these documents by clicking […]

  • Two Pictures of God

    Two Pictures of God

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  • Christ Our Remedy To Sin

    Christ Our Remedy To Sin

    The Adobe Acrobat PDF documents presented here require Acrobat Reader to view. Get the free plugin at: Adobe Acrobat Reader web browser plugin.  You can SAVE these documents by clicking […]

  • Eternal Fire

    Eternal Fire

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