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Author: Tim Jennings, M.D.

  • Anger — Righteous Indignation or Selfish Retaliation?

    Anger — Righteous Indignation or Selfish Retaliation?

    Do you ever get angry? Recently, I was reading an article about marriage in which a Christian author was describing various indicators that might point to demonic oppression as a contributing cause to marital problems. One indicator he listed was “inappropriate anger.”

  • Laughter, Health, and God’s Law

    Laughter, Health, and God’s Law

    The Bible says that “a merry heart does good, like medicine” (Proverbs 17:22 NKJV). But does being merry and cheerful actually bring real, measurable health benefits? According to science, the answer is a resounding “yes.” Here are just a few findings

  • The False Allure of Universalism

    The False Allure of Universalism

    Recently, I received an email from a sincere lady who expressed her appreciation for my book The God-Shaped Brain, but was concerned that I have failed to embrace the fullness of God’s love by not promoting Universalism. She cited 1 Corinthians 13:8, that “love never fails,”

  • Exegesis and the Thought Police

    Exegesis and the Thought Police

    Have you ever received a note or email with a comment that went something like this: According to Professor Smarter-than-you of the Biblical Academic Institution, your exegesis on Bible text such and such is incorrect”? 

  • Selfishness and Governance

    Selfishness and Governance

    Selfishness is the root of sin, resulting from believing lies about God and breaking the circle of love and trust. Selfishness is based in fear and brings forth envy and jealousy. Selfishness leads to exploiting others rather than serving others.

  • New Wine in Old Skins

    New Wine in Old Skins

    Recently, I received an email from a friend that had such powerful insight that I asked permission to post it on our website as a guest blog. I hope you find it as impactful as I did. – Dr. J Issues of women’s ordination and compliance committees have some of us thinking that deeper forces…

  • Peace in a Violent World

    Peace in a Violent World

    The Bible tells us that we are living at the end of time and that it is at this time in human history that the evil one would become more ferocious in his attacks upon humanity. But what kind of war does Satan wage?

  • What Is Essential for Salvation?

    What Is Essential for Salvation?

    Have you ever wondered what the essential elements are that make someone a child of God? Is it: Whether they profess Jesus as their Savior? Whether they were baptized in the right way? What day they attend worship services?

  • The Lie That Led To Penal Substitution Theology

    The Lie That Led To Penal Substitution Theology

    God is the Creator who built all reality—space, time, energy, matter, and life. His laws are the laws that reality is constructed to operate upon; the laws of gravity, physics, thermodynamics, health, and the moral laws. These are fixed principles upon which life is constructed to exist.

  • Sabbath — Imposed Rule or Design for Life?

    Sabbath — Imposed Rule or Design for Life?

    I have many friends who were raised Seventh-day Adventist and were taught to observe the Bible Sabbath from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset—the same Sabbath hours the Jewish people observe. But many of them have found the day to be a day of restriction, a day filled with lists of all the things they cannot…

  • Truth — How It Unfolds and Advances

    Truth — How It Unfolds and Advances

    Do you want to be a person of truth, someone who loves the truth, who is able to comprehend the truth and move forward in truth as it is revealed? The Bible tells us that those who are lost are lost because “they refused to love the truth and so be saved” (2 Thessalonians 2:10).

  • Sincerity in Rule Keeping Can Destroy

    Sincerity in Rule Keeping Can Destroy

    In the 1964 epic movie, Zulu, starring Michael Caine, the battle of Rorke’s Drift is depicted. This battle occurred in South Africa in 1879 during the Anglo-Zulu war. The movie depicts the true events of 150 wounded and sick British Soldiers, successfully defending themselves against 4,000 Zulu warriors.