Author: Tim Jennings, M.D.
Elisha and the Shunammite’s Son—An Object Lesson About Christ
While I believe the account in 2 King 4 about Elisha and the Shunammite woman and her son actually took place, I also believe these events were recorded in Scripture to teach us larger truths.
God Sacrificed Jesus So That We Can Live Victoriously
God did not make the infinite sacrifice of sending Jesus to suffer the most grotesque treatment and disgraceful death in order to secure for us the privilege of breaking His law in this life and the future eternal life.
Psychosis, Schizophrenia, or Autoimmune Brain Inflammation—New Hope for Some
It has been long understood that psychotic problems are a result of something going wrong with normal brain function. However, recently discovered autoimmune inflammation of the brain also causes symptoms of psychosis.
The Renewed Mind and the Will of God
What does it mean to have a renewed mind? The apostle Paul said that when our minds are renewed, we “will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.”
Retaining or Surrendering Our Rights—What Would Jesus Do?
If we are to live like Jesus in this world of sin, do we live by retaining our rights or by surrendering them?
The Sweetness of Trusting in Jesus
I have discovered that in every struggle of life, it is truly sweet to trust in Jesus.
Three Rejections of God by Ancient Israel: An Object Lesson for Us
There are many lessons we can learn from the biblical account of ancient Israel, this blog explains three rejections of God made by ancient Israel that reveal important lessons to help us avoid similar mistakes as we prepare to enter the heavenly Promised Land.
The Timing of God in Sending His Son
What made it the right time for Jesus’ incarnation? Why do you think God wait thousands of years to fulfill His promise to send our Savior?
Job: A Cosmic Overview—and Seven Truths to Prepare for Christ’s Return
In this blog are seven essential truths demonstrated in the book of Job that are foundational to understanding reality in God’s universe, rightly discerning Scripture, and properly comprehending events.
Identity and the Worship of Self
Do we surrender ourselves in mind, body, and spirit to Him and trust Him with our life, future, and wellbeing? Or do we reject divine truth and reality and substitute it with our feelings, selfish desires, and eventually self-worship?
Dying to Live—Lesson from the Seed
What are the lessons of the kernel falling to the ground and dying? Is dying to live confusing? Does it seem contradictory to say that in order to live, we must die?
Last Generation Theology
According to Last Generation Theology proponents, the last generation must be perfect, because any sin committed after Jesus leaves His mediatorial role, the sinner must be held legally accountable.