Author: Tim Jennings, M.D.

  • The Conversion and Salvation of Peter

    The Conversion and Salvation of Peter

    Despite Peter’s belief, what he knew to be true, and his choice to follow Jesus, he was still not fully converted. Have you considered why Peter needed the experience of Christ admonishing him to “feed My sheep”?

  • Who Are the Remnant of God?

    Who Are the Remnant of God?

    Pastors fall into two general camps: those faithful to Jesus and those faithful to something else. I am focusing on them in this blog because they are in a place of spiritual leadership, where their influence cascades down.

  • Pastors Faithful to Jesus Think for Themselves

    Pastors Faithful to Jesus Think for Themselves

    Pastors fall into two general camps: those faithful to Jesus and those faithful to something else. I am focusing on them in this blog because they are in a place of spiritual leadership, where their influence cascades down.

  • The First Death: A Manifestation of God’s Grace

    The First Death: A Manifestation of God’s Grace

    The imposed-law view understands death as being inflicted by God as punishment for sin. Those who want to present God in the best possible light rightly reject the idea that God is the source of death or would act in a manner as His enemy. The problem is a misunderstanding of imposed law, design law,…

  • What Makes the Sabbath Holy?

    What Makes the Sabbath Holy?

    Are all of God’s laws, including the fourth commandment, truly design laws, protocols built into reality, or are some of His laws arbitrary, simply made-up rules imposed by God by His declaring it to be so?

  • God With Us—Forever!

    God With Us—Forever!

    The experiences of Saul of Tarsus (up through the events on the Damascus Road) are quite instructive to us when considering how God works through events and circumstances to present opportunities for people to experience His healing and how He works to win us to salvation.

  • The Psychodynamics of Saul Becoming Paul

    The Psychodynamics of Saul Becoming Paul

    The experiences of Saul of Tarsus (up through the events on the Damascus Road) are quite instructive to us when considering how God works through events and circumstances to present opportunities for people to experience His healing and how He works to win us to salvation.

  • Storms and Other Disasters: Are They From God?

    Storms and Other Disasters: Are They From God?

    In the aftermath of 2024’s hurricane Helene and other extreme events, multiple people have asked me whether these storms are from God, the devil, or just the natural processes of nature. Let’s find out.

  • Dr. Jennings Answers a Concern About Materials and Comments Being Racist

    Dr. Jennings Answers a Concern About Materials and Comments Being Racist

    I thought it might be helpful to post my response to a passionate, but mature and reasonable, email I received in response to my Critical Race Theory magazine.

  • Drinking the Living Water

    Drinking the Living Water

    Let’s examine some of the Bible’s object lessons about water that can teach us about the living water Jesus offers us.

  • Who Was Ellen G. White?

    Who Was Ellen G. White?

    Regardless of whether she had a special gift of prophecy or whether she was merely a committed Christian sharing wisdom, we should be determining for ourselves whether or not what she wrote is true—that is the only relevant question. If what she wrote is true, then we are blessed by following the truth. If it…

  • Love Compels to Discipline, but Law Compels to Punish

    Love Compels to Discipline, but Law Compels to Punish

    What do you think about not only God’s nature being love, but also God’s law being love? Does love function by force, coercion, threat, and inflicted punishments? Can you generate love in people by making up rules for them and then threatening to punish them if they disobey your rules?