Below is the list of Dr. Jennings’ “25 Cannots.” If you would like to share these as image memes on social media, then you can find them at
- You cannot get love by being unloving.
- You cannot get loyalty by being disloyal.
- You cannot gain self-control by trying to control others.
- You cannot heal if someone else takes the treatment.
- You cannot get trust by being untrustworthy.
- You cannot experience internal peace through external means.
- You cannot develop a healthy mind by clinging to unhealthy thoughts.
- You cannot have healthy relationships with unhealthy people.
- You cannot get stronger from someone else’s work.
- You cannot get friends by being unfriendly.
- You cannot become wise by refusing to think.
- You cannot know the truth by preferring lies.
- You cannot gain mastery by cheating.
- You cannot become competent by organizational certification.
- You cannot become holy by ordination.
- You cannot become sanctified through ritual.
- You cannot become proficient by demanding recognition.
- You cannot overcome without active engagement.
- You cannot retain health while violating the laws of health.
- You cannot experience internal peace by agitating others.
- You cannot become righteous through law-keeping.
- You cannot produce a healthy and vibrant society through law enforcement.
- You cannot have happiness without healthiness.
- You cannot have love without freedom.
- You cannot know God through the experience of others.