Treasure in Heaven
March 23, 2023 Blogs by: Tim Jennings, M.D.

When you think of treasure, what comes to mind? Do you think of a cache of riches like the ones you see in movies, such as Treasure Island, National Treasure, or King Solomon’s Mine? Do you envision gold, jewels, and money?

But when we think about treasure in heaven, a world in which gold is used as pavement, jewels are used as foundation blocks, and pearls are used as gates, would such material things be considered treasure? If not, what would be?

Despite the things that this world tries to get our hearts to value as treasure, in moments of quiet reflection, what are the things that you genuinely treasure most?

  • The love of your spouse?
  • Your five-year-old, with grass stains on their knees and dirt on their face, bringing you dandelions and saying, with a big smile, “Mommy, I love you?”
  • Seeing your child give their heart to Jesus?
  • Being reborn and experiencing peace with God and freedom from guilt and shame?
  • Choosing to serve God and knowing that you are useful to Him and have a higher purpose than simply accumulating earthly wealth?
  • Being part of a movement that advances the kingdom of God and seeing other people freed from the mental and emotional chains of sin and false religion?

When life seems tough, when facing financial hardship or health problems, do you remember the treasure you have in Jesus? One of our online listeners recently sent us the following email, which epitomizes what heaven treasures:

Hello Dr Jennings,

A week ago, my healthy, asymptomatic husband collapsed. After a round of testing it was determined that he had Malignant Melanoma that has spread to almost every organ including the brain.

Here’s the thing, we are praising God! Why? Because the God we serve is a God of love, truth, and freedom. Ivan and I have spent the last several years devouring your books and never missing a Sabbath School. I keep a daily journal and there is an entry that I would like to send. It explains how God has used your ministry to prepare our hearts for this moment in time. Ivan had a few questions he always wanted to ask you, but alas we will never make it to Tennessee. Our little rural Alaska town has limits.

God bless you in your ministry,

Kimberly Gillen


The Party is in Room 566

Journal Entry by Kimberly Gillen — January 18, 2023

At the end of the large Oncology ward you will find Room 566. A corner room tucked quietly away. If you were to knock on the door you would be greeted with a cheerful, “Come in”!

Staff come into this room just to hang out. Baffled by the cheerfulness in the room. At awe by the courage shown from their patient after being told it was terminal cancer. There is a presence there that they can’t explain.

Inside the room, medical equipment line the walls, bouquets of flowers adorn the window sill and a hospital bed sits in the center. But what you really notice is the man laying in the bed. IV ports hanging from each arm, whiskers turning into a beard and the biggest smile to light the dreariest day. I’m proud to call that man my husband!

Can you see what God and the heavenly beings treasure—the love, joy, hope, and faithfulness of these dear saints? Oh how God must be smiling as these people, through such earthly difficulties, by keeping Jesus central in their hearts, are able to be lights of heavenly love and truth to those around them!

What do God and the heavenly beings treasure?

They treasure you and me. They treasure people being delivered from fear, selfishness, guilt, shame, and eternal death. They treasure truth, love, and liberty. They treasure when people surrender their hearts to Jesus and are transformed by the renewing of their minds, not only leaving the darkness, error, corruption, and destructive ways of this world behind, but also developing characters like Jesus’. They love it when we become lights of God’s kingdom, living out His methods, practicing His principles, and treating others as God has treated us.

So keep your eyes on Jesus, don’t let this world distract you, and seek every day to live in harmony with God’s design, methods, and plan for your life, and you will grow in what heaven treasures.



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Tim Jennings, M.D. Timothy R. Jennings, M.D., is a board-certified psychiatrist, master psychopharmacologist, Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, Fellow of the Southern Psychiatric Association, and an international speaker. He served as president of the Southern and Tennessee Psychiatric Associations and is president and founder of Come and Reason Ministries. Dr. Jennings has authored many books, including The God-Shaped Brain, The God-Shaped Heart, and The Aging Brain.