Q2 Q&A #1
T = 00:10 What kind of death did Christ die?
T = 02:40 Were Noah’s sons unrighteousness?
T = 03:40 Is the concept of ying-yang a way to escape inner or imposed guilt or obligation?
T = 05:50 What are the counter arguments to the docturine of the two-fold nature of man (Body + Spirit = Soul) and in favor of a three-fold construct (Body + Soul + Spirit = Person)?
T = 08:45 Do Dan 7 & Rev 4-5 describe the same investigative judgement throne room scene in most holy place?
T = 09:55 Why have Bible translators translated ‘Theion’ as burning sulphur?
T = 11:30 Does Jn 14 : 2 talk about Jesus going to the cross or heaven, or both?
T = 12:50 How can God require us to love our enemy, but then destroys Satan (the arch enemy) in the end?