Q1 Q&A #10
T = 00:20 Daniel 12 : 11-12 mentions 1290 days and 1335 days. I can’t find any information that explains these numbers. Do you know anything or did Ellen White ever write anything about them?
T = 02:20 Is it correct to say that God the Father forsook Jesus so that He could die, since Christ Himself is the life giver and has life in Himself?
T = 05:10 Is it in the great final struggle that we are actually given the new heart and right spirit? For example, didn’t Jacob have trust issues with God, but he grew from knowledge of God to complete unwavering trust?
T = 09:35 How does dissociation happen in the brain? Are some people more prone to this? How does the brain come out of this state and what are ways to recover from being in dissociation?
T = 13:55 On a Designed 4 More episode the chaplian said that Isaac was fearful of God because Abraham was going to sacrifice him. What do you think ?
Q1 Q&A #9
T = 00:10 Why did the terminal sin condition (carnal nature) need to be passed on?
T = 04:05 Do you think Scarlet would be a good name for my daughter, even though it references bad things in the Bible?
T = 05:30 Why does God allow testing in our lives? What purpose does it serve?
T = 10:05 In Revelation 20 : 9, what is the fire that comes down from Heaven, actual fire or Gods glory? What is the Lake of Fire, Gods glory or actual fire?
T = 12:45 Is Isaiah mostly duel prophecies (our past or yet future)? How do we know the difference?
T = 14:00 Does God have a sense of humor?
T = 14:10 How did Jesus bear our sins, since they are not physically transferred?
T = 16:45 Do angels have a different set of natural design laws than humans? Eg, are they subject to the law of gravity?
Q1 Q&A #8
T = 03:40 It seems that the moral influence theory is correct, but doesn’t give a complete picture of the gospel, just a partial picture, right?
T = 05:40 How do we establish a set of beliefs and handle false teachers in the church, accordings to Rom 16 : 17?
T = 11:55 What are the Nephilims (Genesis 6 : 4)?
T = 12:20 Is there more than one group of 144,000?
T = 12:50 Why does Lev 27 teach men have different shekel values vs women and different values for different age groups?
T = 15:10 Are we seeing the fulfillment of the king of the north going out like a flood against the king of the south now?
T = 20:50 What is the difference between knowing evil experiencially vs. just knowing about it?
T = 22:40 Does God approve of killing another in self-defense?
T = 25:30 Are the AI large language models intended to make humans into robots eventually?
Q1 Q&A #7
T = 00:10 Could the “animated state of 1st death” be the same state that Adam was in before God breathed life into his form?
T = 02:40 Will the 7th day sabbath be a huge factor in the end times?
T = 03:20 What are the unintended consequences of saying why God sent the flood was so that the people would have one more chance for repentance?
T = 06:40 Why do you think Jesus used the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, knowing the confusion it would cause re. state of the dead doctrine?
T = 09:55 Is it possible that the way Jesus’ work in the most holy place is taught, that those who believe in the 1844 message are still, symbolically, in the 1st (holy place) compartment, not moved on to the most holy?
T = 11:00 Should we read the books that were left out of the bible, like Enoch, etc?
T = 12:50 Is Narcissistic behavior a form of demonic behavior?
T = 14:15 In what ways is Jesus our intercessor, since we know it’s not to shield us from God?
Q1 Q&A #6
T = 00:10 Does the location of the high priest indicate location of Jesus in the true heavenly sanctuary, his ministry position, or both?
T = 02:30 Who was telling the truth in the story of Ziba and Mephibosheth as found in 2 Samuel 16 : 1-4 and 19 : 25-30? Did King David make the right judgment in this situation?
T = 04:10 How does design law impact the way we discipline children when they misbehave? Is the use of pain or use of force to correct, ligitimate?
T = 05:55 Does “divine anger giving license to human vengeance” mean a person can’t take steps to defend themselves or their families, ei. carrying firearms?
T = 08:20 Does James 5 : 16 mean we should discuss our sins with each other?
T = 11:20 If God has to destroy the earth in His second coming, why did He use the rainbow to promise us not to cause another worldwide flood to destroy humanity again?
T = 12:25 Do you have a blog or other source that I can study to assist me in understanding how to move away from “The moral influence theory?”
T = 13:15 Where do I find the words in scripture to explain the second death?
T = 14:00 When the Israelites were in the desert, why did God say to execute people for gathering sticks on Sabbath?
T = 16:50 Are there more details regarding the recent actions/rise of the king of the north?
T = 19:15 Since Jesus is no longer omnipresent yet is one with the Father, would He not at least have awareness of everything going on everywhere?
Q1 Q&A #5
T = 00:15 Were the characters of Elijah and Enoch totally cleansed from every single defect while they were on earth vs the rest of us that get fixed while we sleep the first death?
T = 04:15 When Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son, should have said, “No God, because this is not the God i know you to be?”
T = 05:45 Is it correct to say in prayer, “Thank you Lord for loving us, even if we don’t deserve it?”
T = 07:05 Does the human sanctuary, where God wants to live, have similar “furniture” as those symbolically depicted in Exodus, etc.?
T = 11:10 A messianic Jewish lady in my bible study says that the Jews are still Gods chosen and special people and always will be. Are there any bible texts that support or dispute this?
T = 12:50 Is it true that the Jewish, descendants of Issac, are “cousins” to the Arabs, descenants of Ishmael?
T = 14:55 How could satan temp Jesus on earth when He said God can be tempted and also say he was tempted in all ways the same as us?
T = 15:55 I get confused when reading Isaiah knowing if it pertains to today or past or both? How to tell difference?
T = 17:15 Is man inherently evil or basically good?
T = 18:35 Isn’t there a need for Law, since God created the world with design laws?
T = 19:35 Can we say Adam didn’t think for himself by trusting Eve and breaking love with God?
Q1 Q&A #4
T = 00:15 If we don’t fully understand why we are keeping the ‘rules’ would it be good for us to do them until we understand why?
T = 01:40 What is your understanding of the “daily” in Daniel 8:12?
T = 03:20 Did God predetermine that 3,000 rebellious people, who were killed in the golden calf incident (exodus 32), would never repent?
T = 04:25 What differentiates a Messianic Jew from other Christians?
T = 05:55 Will the outpouring of the Holy Spirit just before Christ returns be an event like the tongues of fire and winds at Pentecost?
T = 07:20 How should I respond to those that say God can do anything, even force someone to love him?
T = 09:45 What is the difference between attachment and bonding? Is it possible to remove or stop unhealthy attachment while preserving healthy bonding?
T = 17:40 Does God forgive someone if they are 99% unrepentant?
T = 19:40 In John 14:2,3 what is the place Jesus is preparing?
T = 20:35 Should we practice love with detachment? Did Jesus love with detachment?
T = 21:10 When reading 2 Thessalonians 1: 5-10, even through a design law lens, is God the active agent in the destruction of the unrepentant?
T = 23:15 My 4 year old granddaughter seems to have emotional disregulation (ear piercing crys whenever she is socially hurt). Will she grow out of it?
Q1 Q&A #3
T = 00:15 Is it OK to drink wine, because no where in the Bible does it say not to, only not to get drunk?
T = 03:30 How do I reconcile God causing the death of 3,000 people for making and worshiping the golden calf?
T = 06:45 What is the sleep referred to in the parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25 : 5)?
T = 08:30 When Satan visibly impersonates Jesus here on earth, is it OK to say he is trying to deceive me in to believing I’m lost if I’m not one of those rising up to meet this imposter in the air?
Q1 Q&A #2
T = 00:20 Does Design Law ‘jurisdiction’ trump all other ‘jurisdictional’ domains?
T = 02:00 How do the unrepentant sinners perish before they attack the city
T = 03:15 Is it true that Rev 12 : 17 is the Adventist proof that they can call EGW writings’ the spirit of prophecy?
T = 09:00 Does God cause people to bless or show favor to other people?
T = 11:40 What is salvation?
Q1 Q&A #1
T = 00:30 Would Jesus have made the same concessions to save the 3rd of the angels that left heaven, who were also deceived by Lucifer?
T = 01:30 Please comment on this claim: The challenge to Yeshuah was absolute; the duel took place in all three jurisdictions of law: the Sanhedrin, Rome, and Jerusalem. He paid the price. He won. We all belong to him, not Satan.
T = 02:30 Is the shaking the lost leaving the bureaucratic church, the saved leaving the bureaucratic church, or the lost leaving the priesthood of believers?
T = 05:35 Why did Judas use a kiss to identify Jesus to betray him? – surely everyone knew what he looked like.
T = 07:00 Will the saved be 100% “settled into the truth” before the 1000 years, or after, when the unsaved are marching on the city and the gates are closed?
T = 11:35 Do you think Christianity does a good job of teaching us how diabolical satan actually is, that most people have an accurate understanding of the devil’s character?
T = 13:00 What is your opinion on cryptocurrency re. if it could lead to more control if everyone were forced into that sort of monetary system?
T = 15:00 Is fear from Satan? Or will we have “fear” of breaking a leg if we slip and fall off the wall of New Jerusalem in heaven?
T = 16:30 Will those who love the Lord with all their hearts, but are still deceived by the imposed law lie, be saved and learn of design law in eternity?
T = 18:20 When it says, “Every knee shall bow”, are the wicket bowing and why if they hate and despise Jesus?
T = 21:20 Why are the most important OT prophets always a minority compared to the rest of the people?