Q1 Q&A #1
T = 00:30 Would Jesus have made the same concessions to save the 3rd of the angels that left heaven, who were also deceived by Lucifer?
T = 01:30 Please comment on this claim: The challenge to Yeshuah was absolute; the duel took place in all three jurisdictions of law: the Sanhedrin, Rome, and Jerusalem. He paid the price. He won. We all belong to him, not Satan.
T = 02:30 Is the shaking the lost leaving the bureaucratic church, the saved leaving the bureaucratic church, or the lost leaving the priesthood of believers?
T = 05:35 Why did Judas use a kiss to identify Jesus to betray him? – surely everyone knew what he looked like.
T = 07:00 Will the saved be 100% “settled into the truth” before the 1000 years, or after, when the unsaved are marching on the city and the gates are closed?
T = 11:35 Do you think Christianity does a good job of teaching us how diabolical satan actually is, that most people have an accurate understanding of the devil’s character?
T = 13:00 What is your opinion on cryptocurrency re. if it could lead to more control if everyone were forced into that sort of monetary system?
T = 15:00 Is fear from Satan? Or will we have “fear” of breaking a leg if we slip and fall off the wall of New Jerusalem in heaven?
T = 16:30 Will those who love the Lord with all their hearts, but are still deceived by the imposed law lie, be saved and learn of design law in eternity?
T = 18:20 When it says, “Every knee shall bow”, are the wicket bowing and why if they hate and despise Jesus?
T = 21:20 Why are the most important OT prophets always a minority compared to the rest of the people?