2024 Q4 Questions & Answers Index

Q4 Q&A #1

T = 00:05 Do you think God would frown on me making a weekly list and refer to the list, rather than saying each individual request?
T = 06:00 Are familiar with the use of SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) in the treatment of brain issues?
T = 07:30 What are your thoughts on Conrad Vine’s sermon at the Maine campmeeting calling the GC leadership to accountability over their signing of the reaffirmation statement regarding the upholding of vaccine mandates?
T = 19:20 What is the meaning of intersessory prayer?
T = 24:50 Do you have teachings about the letter to the 7 churches in Revelation? How do you see the tribulation?
T = 27:20 Explain why it is not contrary to 1 John 1 : 9 – 10 for God to unconditionally pardon a sinner as you indicate he does in your blog, “The strangeness of God.”
T = 30:45 What are your thoughts regarding anorexia?
T = 32:50 Why did God say, “Jacob I loved, Esau I hated?