Month: January 2023

Month: January 2023

God’s Promises and Climate Change Lies – Part 1
January 26, 2023 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

God’s promise is that our climate and seasons will continue stably until the second coming of Christ, but the lie of Satan, the false narrative of this corrupt world, is that of “climate change,” climate disaster, the ending of human life through the destruction of the climate.

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Satan’s Primary End-Time Deception
January 19, 2023 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

What is the focus or purpose of Satan’s end-time deceptions? And is there any particular truth that these end-time deceptions are intended to prevent people from embracing?

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Lazarus and the Rich Man
January 12, 2023 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

Near the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry, He told a story that for many has been difficult to understand.

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Peace and Victory When Evil Abounds
January 5, 2023 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

How can we retain our peace, our confidence, our joy when it appears that evil is winning and the righteous are suffering?

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